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1、一年级起点英语第八册 一年级起点英语第八册第一模块知识点一年级起点英语第八册第一模块知识点 一、熟记并背诵单词:1. machine 2. sir 3. potato 4. glasses 5. anything 6. wait 7. silence 8. duck 9. grass 10. factory 11. crisp 12. touch 13. dangerous 14. wear 15. feed 二、重点短语: 1. these machines 这些机器 2. make crisps 制造薯片 3. wash the potatoes 清洗土豆 4. cut the potat

2、oes 切土豆 5. touch the machines 触摸机器 6. wear these glasses 戴上眼镜 7. dont touch 严禁触摸 8. put in 把放进 9. a very good class 优秀的班集体 10. wash your hands 洗手 11. a bag of 一袋 12. feed the ducks 喂鸭子 13. walk on the grass 踩踏草坪 14. play ball games 从事球类运动 15. write in the books 在书上涂写 16. at the factory 在工厂 17. no ma

3、tter 无论 三、重点语法: 祈使句:用来表示请求、命令、邀请、劝告、建议等的句子。祈使 句一般用降调。 特点:(最常见的一种祈使句)没有形式上的主语,实际主语为 you. 没有时态和语态的变化。 两种句式:1. 肯定句:Wear your glasses. 2. 否定句:直接在句子前面加 Dont. Dont touch anything. 小学四年级下学期 Module 1 测试题 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 一、根据句意和首字母,完成单词。 1. Dont t _ in the library. 2. Dont p _ here. The boy is sleeping. 3. Pleas

4、e w _the words on your exercise book. 4. The light is green. Lets g _. 5. Dont e _ in class. 二、英汉互译 1. 戴上你的帽子_ 2. 摸机器_ 3. 在草地上_ 4. 洗手_ 5. feed the pandas_ 6. at the factory_ 7. cut the potatoes_ 8. make crisps_ 三、从下列单词中找出一个不同类的选项。 ( ) 1. A. wait B. duck C. wash D. put ( ) 2. A. apple B. potato C. to

5、mato D. onion ( ) 3. A. washes B. cuts C. puts D. touch ( ) 4. A. glass B. feed C. play D. walk ( ) 5. A. he B. she C. your D. you ( ) 6. A. is B. dont C. are D. does ( ) 7. A. apple B. banana C. book ( ) 8. A. glasses B. classes C. grass ( ) 9. A. lunch B. hamburger C. noodles ( ) 10. A. duck B. po

6、tato C. chick 四、选择 ( ) 1. _! The teacher is coming. A. silence B. dont C. Silence D. Please ( ) 2. _ walk in the water. A. Dont B. dont C. do not D. Not ( ) 3. Please _ your coat. Its very cold outside. A. wears B. wear C. puts D. put ( ) 4. _! The light is red. A. Go B. Please C. Dont D. Stop ( ) 5

7、. Dont walk _ the grass. A. on B. to C. under D. for 五、选择 1. _(Feed / Dont feed) the dog. Its hungry. 2. Its cold outside. _(Wear / Dont wear) your hat. 3. Its time to have lunch. _(Wash / Dont wash) your hands. 4. _(Play / Dont play) football in the street. 5. _(Clean / Dont clean) the classroom af

8、ter school. 6. _(Sing / Dont sing) now! Silence, please. 7. _(Draw / Dont draw) on the wall. 六、连词成句 1. touch dont please machines the , ! _ 2. the puts this machine in bags crisps their . _ 3.anything dont touch !_ 4. in write dont books the !_ 七、阅读 My English teacher I go to a primary school. I am

9、in Class 4. My teachers name is Miss Black. There are forty children in my class. I sit at the back with my friend, Ann. We talk a lot. My friend is very clever. She gets good marks. I am copying from her work. Miss Black is shouting at me. “Dont copy Anns work!” she is saying. “Stay in after school

10、.” I dont like her. New words: 生词 primary 初级的 mark 分 copy 抄写 shout 大喊、大吵 选择一个正确的单词,把下面的句子补充完整: copying clever lot back stay 1. Ann is _ . 2. I am _ Anns work. 3. Ann and I sit at the _ of the class. 4. Do Ann and I talk a _. 5. _ in after school. Fox and Grapes A fox is hungry. He sees some black gr

11、apes. The grapes are high from the ground. He wants to eat them very much. He jumps and jumps, but he still cant reach the grapes. They are too high for him. In the end, the fox gives up. “I dont want to eat the grapes. They are not good to eat at all.” he says to himself. New words: 生词 grape 葡萄 gro

12、und 地面 reach 达到 end 最后 give up 放弃 himself 他自己 选择一个正确的单词,把下面的句子补充完整: reach gives up good high grapes 1. A hungry fox sees some black _. 2. The grapes are _ for the fox. 3. The fox cant _ the grapes. 4. The fox _in the end. 5. The fox says to himself the grapes are not _. 一年级起点英语第八册第二模块知识点一年级起点英语第八册第二

13、模块知识点 一、 熟记并背诵单词:difficult choose expensive perfect cheap cost thousand powerful screen 反义词:big - small expensive - cheap difficult-easy beautiful - ugly 缩写:its got = it has got Ive got = I have got 二、 重点短语: 1. look at 看 2. difficult to choose 难以选择 3. good for 对有益 有好处 4. computer game 电脑游戏 5. a big

14、screen 大屏幕 6. very expensive 很贵 7. small and powerful 小而功能强大 8. take it to school 带到学校 9. on my bike 在自行车上 10. one thousand eight hundred 1800 11. which one 哪一个 12. big ones 那些大的 三、重点语法: 数字的读法:百位与几十几之间加 and 四年级下学期英语第二模块单元达标测试题 班级:- 姓名:- 学号:- 一、据汉语意思写出下列单词: 1困难的- 2.完美的- 3.千 - 4.价值为 - - 5. small 反义词- 6. easy 反义词- 7. expensive 反义词- 8. this 对应词- 二、英汉互译完成下列短语: 1. a small screen - 2.have got - 3. buy books- 4. 完 美的- 5. 电脑游戏- 6. 一台昂贵的电脑- 7. 小而功能强大- 8. 对有益 三、词语搭配: 1. ( ) beautiful a. camera 2. ( ) tall b. dress


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