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1、威海市2016年初中学业考试英语试题题型分析,威海市教育教学研究中心20150925,卷面总分,英语试卷总分:100分分两次考试: 听说考试(机考):20分 (15-20分钟) 考试日期:6月14日?(待定) 卷面笔试:80分(90分钟),听说试卷(共20分),考试形式: 人机对话,机器评分。 每小时三场,每三场换一套试卷。 题型: 1 对话/短文朗读。共1小题,计6分 2 情景问答。共4小题,计8分 3 概要复述。共1小题,计6分,笔试试卷 (80分),一、选择填空(共10小题, 计10分)(编号1-10)二、阅读理解(共20小题,计30分)(编号11-30)三、单词拼写(共6小题,计6分)

2、(编号31-36)四、动词填空(共6小题,计6分)(编号37-42)五、完成句子(共5小题,计10分)(编号43-47)六、短文填空(共8小题, 计8分)(编号48-55)七、书面表达(共1小题,计10分)(编号56),新题型解析 对话/短文朗读,对话/短文朗读。共1小题,计6分题目说明:你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟内朗读对话一遍,注意语音、语调正确,停顿合理,语速适中。内容说明:朗读内容为课本Section A、B听力材料,课本Section A的2d,初三、初四的3a、初一初二的Section B 2b阅读材料原文或以上内容的

3、改写或缩写,长度保持在120词以内。,例1 对话朗读, Annie, Im a little nervous. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.That doesnt sound too bad.But Im a very slow reader.Just read quickly to get the main ideas at first. Dont read word by word. Read word groups.But I dont understand many of the words

4、. I have to use a dictionary.Try to guess a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think.That sounds difficult! Well, be patient. It takes time. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the faster yo

5、ull be.,例2 短文朗读,Joe Brown wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but this job is sometimes difficult. Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. Also, they dont always remember well. “The criminal is of medium build and young. He has lon

6、g straight black hair and big eyes,” says one woman. Another woman says, “He is tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair. Hes about thirty years old.” A man says, “He is of medium height. He has a long nose and small eyes. He wears a brown jacket.” In the end, the real criminal is a short and heav

7、y old man, and he has short black hair!,语音项目表,语音项目表,朗读题的考查项目和目的,考查朗读的完整性、准确性、流畅度、自然度、节奏感等。 引导学生学习课本文本本身,重视语言的整体输入,避免孤立记忆单词、短语,过分切割语言、破坏语言的完整性,忽略语流语感形成的过程,而行成错误的语言学习过程,影响语言学习效果。,朗读题的考查标准,6分: 能完整、流畅地朗读内容,语音正确,语调自然,有节奏感。5分:基本能够完整、流畅地朗读内容,语音、语调存在少量错误,节奏基本准确。4分:能正确读出约60%的内容以上,语音语调基本正确,朗读比较自然流利。3分:能够正确朗读出

8、约40%的内容,但不够流畅,存在明显的不当停顿、回读现象和语音语调错误。2分: 只能正确读出约20%的内容,语音语调大部分不正确,存在大量朗读不连贯现象。1分:仅读出若干单词或个别句子。0分:无法识别所说的内容。,新题型解析 情景问答,情景问答。共4小题,计8分 题目说明:你将有5秒钟的时间观看屏幕上的图片,随后会听一段对话和问题的录音,录音播放两遍。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为10秒钟。 结构说明:对话话题范围在课标规定范围内,每个对话1-3个轮次不等。,例1,M: Do you like pandas, Lucy?W: Yes.Pandas are my

9、favorite animals. They are very cute. Q: What animal does Lucy like best? 答案:Pandas./The Panda. A panda.She/Lucy likes pandas.,例2,M: You dont look well. Whats the matter with you, Jane?W: I have had a toothache from last night. M: Why dont you go to a dentist then? W: Ill to go to see a dentist in a

10、 minute. Q: Whats wrong with Jane?答案:Jane/She has a toothache./ Her tooth aches. She has something wrong with her teeth。Something is wrong with her teeth.,情景问答题考查项目与评分标准,考查听对话获取信息以及交流信息的能力。2分 答案正确(与标准答案完全一致或其他正确答案),语音基本准确,少量语法错误,但不影响理解。1分 答案部分正确,但语音基本准确。分 没有回答,或答非所问。,新题型解析 概要复述,概要复述。共1小题,计6分题目说明:你将有

11、60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示。随后会听到一段英语短文录音,录音播放两遍,每播放一遍后有30秒钟准备的时间。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,用完整的、连贯的句子,简要复述所听到的内容。要求至少包括提示要点内容。 作答时间120秒钟。 答题说明:听一篇短文。考生根据屏幕上的 4-6个问题提示,用完整的、连贯的句子简述所听到内容。鼓励适当使用连词等,让复述内容衔接自然。,例1屏显内容,How many daughters do Mr and Mrs Smith have at first? Is Mrs Smith expecting a new baby?What does the doctor

12、 say to them?Do they expect a boy?Do they have a boy at last?How many children do they have at last?,录音:,Mr and Mrs Smith have two daughters. They love their daughters very much. But they want a son, too. Mrs Smith is expecting a baby. “Maybe its a boy,” Mr and Mrs Smith think. Mrs Smith goes to the

13、 doctor. The doctor says, “There are four babies!” “Four babies!” Mrs Smith says, “Maybe one baby is a boy.”Mrs Smith goes to the hospital. The first baby is born. “Its a girl!” the doctor says. The second baby is born. “Its a girl!” the doctor says. The third baby is born. “Its a girl!” the doctor

14、says. The fourth baby is born. “Another girl!” the doctor says. All four babies are girls. Now Mr and Mrs Smith have six daughters. Do they want more babies- maybe a son? “No,” Mr and Mrs Smith say. “Were happy with six daughters.”,例2 屏显内容,Who did George go to play tennis with one day?What did Georg

15、e go into after playing? Did the young man and the dog go into the same car?What about the dog?Can George turn the key?Who was wrong?,录音:,The Wrong CarOne day, George went to play tennis with his dog at his club. After playing, he ran out and jumped into a car. His dog came after him, but it did not

16、 jump into the same car; it jumped into the next one.Come here, silly dog! George shouted at it but the dog refused to leave the other car. George put his key into the lock of the car, but the key did not turn. Then he looked at the car again. It was not his! He was in the wrong car! And the dog was in the right one! Then George smiled and got into his car with the dog.,


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