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1、七年级英语下册期中复习(Unit14)Unit 11. With 介词,此外意为“具有;带有”。另外还有“用;与一道”等含义。Eg:(1)Id like Chinese tea with nothing in it. (2)Next time, sing with me.2. Take care of = look after照料,照看。Eg:My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home. = My grandparents live with us and take care of Rose at home.3. Famil

2、y意为“家;家庭”,若强调一个整体,谓语动词用单数;若强调家庭中的每一个成员,则谓语动词用复数形式。Eg:We have a happy family.我们有一个幸福的家庭。Their family is a big one.他们的家是一个大家庭。4. Be full of = be filled with 充满Eg:Soon the house was filled with people = Soon the house was full of people.5. Be strict about = be strict in 对(某事)严格;be strict with 对(某人)严格。E

3、g:They are very strict with their children.Encourage为及物动词,一般不直接接不定式作宾语,常用于encourage sb. to do sth.的句型中。The teacher encourages me to have a try.6.Give up 放弃,不要做(某事);give in (to sb.)让步,妥协,投降。Eg:My father has decided to give up smoking.爸爸决定戒烟。7. Successful形容词,成功的。延伸词汇有:succeed动词;success名词。Industry is t

4、he parent of success.勤奋是成功之母。Unit 21. Such as 意为“例如,比如”,主要用于列举同一类人或事物中的几个例子,后面跟所列举的名词、代词或动名词。Eg: Some animals, such as cows and pandas, eat plants.【拓展】for example意为“例如”,一般只用于以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。Eg:Most of the boys in our class like ball games. For example, Li Bing likes football.2

5、. Be famous for 意为“以而闻名”,famous的比较级为more famous,最高级为most famous,近义词为well-known,但well-known的比较级为better-known,最高级为best-known。【拓展】be famous as意为“作为而闻名”eg:She is famous as a singer.3. Want 及物动词,意为“想要”,它的主要用法有:(1) want sth.想要某物 Eg:I want an apple.(2) want to do sth. 想要做某事 Eg:He wants to have a good rest.

6、(3) want sb. To do sth. 想要某人做某事 Eg:My parents want me to be a scientist. 4. Lie 意为“位于;坐落在”,它还可以表示“躺;撒谎”Eg:The village lies in the east of Beijing.这个村子位于北京东部。Dont lie in bed all morning.不要整个早上都躺在床上。I think youre lying.我认为你在撒谎。注意:lie的现在分词是lying。lie的过去式有两种情况:lielied(撒谎);lielay(躺;位于)5. Why not do sth.?这

7、一句型主要用来提建议,等于“Why dont you do sth?”也可以用“How/What about doing sth?”来替换。Eg: Why not cross the street later?为什么不等一会儿穿过街呢?=Why dont you cross the street later? =How/What about crossing the street later?Unit 31. keep pets/animals养宠物2. allow sth.表示“允许”,常用句型:allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事3. What do/does.mean?

8、= What do you mean by.? 是什么意思?Eg:What does newspaper mean?=What do you mean by newspaper?“newspaper”是什么意思?4. By oneself 以为“独自地”,常用于句尾,强调没有别人帮助、陪伴。Eg:Dont leave me at home by myself, Dad.【拓展】常用的由反身代词构成的短语:Talk to oneself 自言自语Enjoy oneself 过得快活Help oneself to 随便吃(用)Teach oneself 自学Dress oneself自己穿衣服5.

9、 apologize to sb=say sorry to sb表示“向道歉”而apologize for sth./doing sth.表“为(做)某事道歉”,“因而道歉”。6. lead:(过去式led) lead sb to引领某人去某处7. Fall asleep 入睡,睡着区别:go to bed 上床睡觉,强调睡觉这个事情,不一定睡着了; Fall asleep 强调睡着了。8. start to do sth.=begin to do sth. =start doing sth.Eg:It started raining/to rain.9. Without 介词,意为“无,没有

10、”。Without是with的反义词,其后跟名词、代词或动名词。Eg:Fish cant live without water.10. both 两者都。反义词:neither Eg:We are both students.all 两者以上都。反义词:none Eg: The students are all listening.用法:放在be后,实义动词前11. finally:终于,最终(用于经过一段长时间、特别是经过困难或耽搁之后的事),其同意词有:at last, at length,eventually,in the end等. 最后 (用于举例,引出所提事情、观点的最后一项、一点

11、),同意的:in conclusion ,lastly, all in all等。 彻底地,近义:completely,fully,totally等。 Unit 41. if 引导条件状语从句时,意为“如果”。主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。Eg: We will go out if it is fine tomorrow. You must see a doctor if you are ill.2. Look around环顾四周与look相关的短语:look for寻找;look over仔细检查,翻阅;look after照顾;look up抬头看3. (be) made

12、 of(看得出原材料)=(be) made from(看不出原材料)意为“由.制成”。如:The chair is made of wood. 这把椅子是由木头制成的。Paper is usually made from wood. 纸通常由木头制成。4. millions of意为“数以百万计;大量的”。如:Millions of people around the world learn English.全世界无数人在学习英语。【拓展】:hundreds of 数以百计的,成千上万的;thousands of数以千记的,成千上万的;tens of thousands of 数以万计的;hu

13、ndreds of thousands of数以十万记的注意:hundred,thousand,million,billion等前面有具体的数词时,其后不加-s,也不带介词of。Eg: two hundred 200 5. Practise sth./doing sth.意为“训练,练习”。Eg: You must practise speaking English every day.6. The number of意为“的数量”。Eg:The number of the students in our class is 50.【拓展】The number of的数量后接复数名词,但谓语动词

14、要用单数形式常跟large,small等词作表语The number of the students in our school is 2000.A number of大量;许多,相当于many接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式Number前可加small,large,huge等表示程度A number of students are playing football.7. not. until.意为“直到才”。主句的动词一般是非延续性动词,它所表示的动作直到until所表示的时间才发生。Eg:You cannot leave until your work is finished.8.s

15、top to do sth.停下来去做(另一件事);stop doing sth.停下(正在做的事)作文范文:范文一:根据以下提示,以“My Lifestyle”为题描述一下你的生活方式,不少于60词。提示:(1)Some of your lifestyle. (2) What do you think of your lifestyle? (3) How should you improve your lifestyle?My LifestyleLet me tell you something about my lifestyle. I often eat some eggs and vegetables. Fruit and fish are my favourite. I love fried food, too. I sleep less than seven hours a day, so I feel sleepy sometimes. I run in the morning and play football after school. In my spare time, I enjoy l


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