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1、第八讲读后续写1选词规范、贴切所谓规范,指的是所选词合乎习惯、符合通用原则。如:我们每天很早起床。We rise early every day.rise虽有“起床”的含义,但很正式,生活中不常用,不如改为get up更为通俗易懂。请用合适的词完成下列句子。1Lets _ the movies.我们去看电影吧。2_ the blackboard,please.请看黑板。3Dont _ in the sun.不要在阳光下看书。4How many children like _ TV?有多少孩子喜欢看电视?5One student performs the experiment while his

2、 partner _. 一个学生做实验,同伴观察。答案:1.go to2.Look at3.read4.watching5.observes所谓贴切,是指词义所表示的内容能准确表达思想,这就要求写作者透彻地掌握每个词语的确切含义。如:We study Chinese, English and other lessons at school.(我们在校学习汉语、英语以及其他科目。)由于对lesson的含义理解不确切,所以用错,其实表示“科目”的英语为subject。请用合适的词完成下列句子。6I _ my keys in the car. 我把钥匙忘车里了。7Its going to rain.

3、_ a raincoat with you.天要下雨了,把雨衣带上吧。8Jack _ me in the contest.杰克在比赛中战胜了我。9He _ the door open and rushed out.他拉开门冲了出去。10That man _ an old lady of a handbag.那个人抢了老太太的手提包。 答案:6.left7.Take8.beat9.pulled10.robbed2用词简洁、不累赘对于写作中一些常用词汇要学会比较、归纳、总结,不能啰唆,更不能画蛇添足。如:The man hurried to run into the post office.那个人

4、匆匆忙忙地跑进了邮局。hurry一词本身就指行为匆忙,后面的run就多余了。此句应改为“The man hurried into the post office.”。请用合适的表达方式改写句子。11After the end of the war, she became a teacher._, she became a teacher.12As soon as the manager returns, I will let you know at once.As soon as the manager returns,_13When he came out, the thief had al

5、ready escaped away.When he came out,_答案:11.After the war12.I will let you know13.the thief had already escaped1中英两种语句结构不同,易形成的错误统一性、连贯性、强调性和多样性是写好一个英语句子的四个基本原则。学生在进行英语写作时,由于受汉语的影响,加之对英语句子结构的不太了解,在书面表达中句型结构方面的错误比比皆是。(1)缺少谓语。【例1】他在家。不能说:He at home! 而说:He is at home.(2)忽视主语的转换。汉语中的主语不一定是英文中的主语。【例2】昨晚学校

6、着火了。不能说:The school broke out a fire last night.而说:A fire broke out at school last night.【例3】昨天下大雨了。不能说:Yesterday fell heavy rain.而说:It rained heavily yesterday.(3)逗号粘连与连排句。在英语写作中如果像汉语那样出现仅用逗号把两个独立分句连接起来的现象,那么写作者就犯了逗号粘连错误;如果把两个独立分句混合在一起而没有适当关联词或者适当的标点,那么写作者就犯了连排句错误。【例4】这工作很困难,他仍及时完成。逗号粘连:The work was

7、 difficult,he finished it in time.连排句:The work was difficult he finished it in time.修改:1The work was difficult;however,he finished it in time.2The work was difficult, but he finished it in time.2中英两种语句用法习惯不同,易形成的错误英语中的习惯用法就是英语语言中的特殊用法,它是经过许多代人使用而形成的固定词组或定型语句。由于文化背景及思维方式的不同,英、汉两种语言在表达上存在很大的差异。如汉语中的“健

8、壮如牛”,英语却是as strong as a horse。【例5】当今,许多富人挥金如土。错误表达:Nowadays a lot of rich men spend money as earth.修改:Nowadays a lot of rich men spend money as water.【例6】所有的同学在我没有起床以前已开始读英语了。错误表达:All the classmates had started reading English before I did not get up.修改:All the classmates had started reading English

9、 before I got up.3造句典型错误分析(1)句子结构不完整。不完整的句子指以大写字母开头,以句号、问号或感叹号结束但缺主语或谓语的独立结构。它呈现为以下两种情形:从句式:句子只是某个从句,而从句只是句子的一个成分状语、定语、主语、宾语、表语、同位语。【例7】First,we would have more roads built.Because with the increase of the cars.Our roads now become more and more crowded.First, we would have more roads built because

10、with the increase of the cars, our roads now become more and more crowded.First,we would have more roads built.With the increase of the cars, our roads now become more and more crowded.词组式:即把词组当作一个句子用,但由于词组经常没有谓语,所以不能独立成句。【例8】There are three people in my family. My father, my mother and I.There are

11、three people in my family:my father, my mother and I.【例9】To save money.He had instant noodles every day.To save money, he had instant noodles every day.(2)谓语动词与非谓语不分。【例10】I know that there are many students still live in poverty,and they want to go to school very much.I know that there are many stud

12、ents still living/who still live in poverty,and they want to go to school very much.I know that many students still live in poverty,and want to go to school very much.【例11】I was still thinking if let him know it.I was still thinking if I should let him know it.(3)词的用法与所属句型不匹配。【例12】Because in our cit

13、y there are a lot of factories and many cars,so the atmosphere is very dirty.Because there are a lot of factories and cars in our city,the atmosphere is very dirty.There are a lot of factories and cars in our city,so the atmosphere is very dirty.(4)词形错误,如名词单复数、词形等的错误。【例13】There are high building,exp

14、ressway and so on.There are high buildings,expressways and so on.【例14】When I stay with my parents,Ill feel safely and happily.When I stay with my parents,Ill feel safe and happy.(5)省略不当。【例15】My brother is 12 years old and studying in a local school.My brother is 12 years old and (he) is now studying

15、 in a local school.(6)结构错误。【例16】Some people in order to get money,they sold their souls.In order to get money,some people sold their souls.【例17】She is always warning me,telling me dont do this,dont do that.She is always warning me, telling me not to do this or that.(7)逻辑错误。非谓语动词的逻辑主语错误。【例18】Living in the city,transportation is more convenient.In the city,tra



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