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1、Unit 3Travel journal.单词拼写1Show me your_( 进度表), please.2She may forgethe is not very_(可靠的) 3Well go on a_(旅行)to Beijing next month.4Whos going to_(组织)the party this year?5The dolphins disappeared_(在下面)the waves.6The judge said that in his v_the trial should never have taken place.7I usually c_home af

2、ter work.8The seeds of such a plant are t_by the wind.9They will g_from college next year.10He d_to go to school at once.答案:1.schedule2.reliable3.journey4.organize5beneath6.view7.cycle8.transported9.graduate10determined/decided.完成句子1我宁愿一个人溜达着回家也不愿意乘公交车。I_ _ _walk home alone_ _take a bus.2经过长达两个小时的谈话

3、之后,我让他相信了我的诚实。After as long as two hours talking, I managed to_ him_my honesty.3汤姆从来没有想到几年以后能有机会去国外。Tom never_ _ _ _a chance for him to go abroad several years later.4他正照顾着年迈的父母。He is_ _his elderly parents.5他两周以前离开家,到现在一直没有他的音信。He left home two weeks ago and we havent heard from him_ _.答案:1.would pr

4、efer to; rather than2.persuade; of3dreamed of there being4.caring for5.ever since.单项填空1My parents_me to go to the theatre with my friends. But I didnt go.Asuggested BpersuadedCadvised Dexpected答案:C考查动词辨析。句意:我父母劝我和朋友一块儿去看戏,但是我没有去。advise sb. to do sth. 表示“劝说某人做某事” ,不一定成功;persuade sb. to do sth. 表示“ 说服

5、某人做某事” ,劝说成功了。suggest“建议 ”,后面不能跟不定式作宾补; expect“期待,预料” ,不符合语境。2Talking about the future, I prefer_a businessman _be an official.Abeing; to Bto be; toCto be; rather than Dbeing; more than答案:C考查 prefer 的用法。prefer to do.rather than do.表示“宁愿做也不愿做” 。如:I prefer to stay here on my own rather than go there.

6、我宁愿自己呆在这里,也不去那里。3Thats a lovely dress. You look good in it.Really? Thank you. My aunt gave it to me for my birthday, but I dont_the color.Ago in for Bcare forCcare about Dconcern about答案:B考查短语辨析。go in for“从事,爱好(表示长期的爱好)” ; care for“喜欢,介意” ;care about“关心,惦念” ;concern多为及物动词,在 be concerned 后才跟介词 about,

7、 for, with 等。从语境看,只有 B 项合适。4After she found she had lost the necklace, she and her husband_to find it.Amade up their minds Bmade their mindChad made up ther mind Dhad made minds答案:A考查 make up ones mind 的用法。句意:当她发现她丢失了项链后,她和她丈夫下决心找到它。当主语是复数时,mind 后要加s,即 make up ones minds。5He was watching her doing i

8、t with a_look on his face, as if to say that he would not change his mind.Adetermining BdeterminedCsceptical Dsecure答案:Bdetermined 意为“果断的,坚毅的” 。句意:他看着她的举动,脸上一幅果断的表情,好像说他不会改变主意。sceptical“怀疑的” ;secure“安心的,有把握的 ”。6Please ask the lawyer what his_would be to take the case to court.Afare BchargeCfee Dexpe

9、nse答案:C考查名词辨析。fare 指车船费;charge 指应付的费用或索取的代价;expense 指消费,支出;fee 指付给律师、医生、私人教师或其他脑力劳动者的报酬,以及缴纳给公共团体、学校、图书馆、俱乐部的费用等。从句中的 lawyer 以及将要出庭等来看,用 fee 合适。7It is always I who_first when a quarrel between my wife and me breaks out.Agive away Bgive outCgive up Dgive in答案:D本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我和妻子发生争吵时,总是我首先让步。give in

10、“屈服,让步 ”;give away“泄露,放弃” ;give up“放弃;停止” ;give out“散发,分发” 。从语境看,应该选 give in。8You have been reading to me_James went out.Aever than Bever sinceCso far as Dthe moment答案:B考查连词用法。句意:自从詹姆斯出去后你就一直在给我朗读。ever since 为连词,主句要用完成时,从句用一般过去时;其中 ever 是个强化词,放在 since 前表强调。9He tried his best to solve the problem, _d

11、ifficult it was.Ahowever Bno matterCwhatever Dalthough答案:A考查连词辨析。howeveradj./ad v.no matter howadj./ adv. 引导让步状语从句。句意:不论多么难,他都尽全力解决这个问题。10The old man insisted that I_his wallet and that I_to the police station with him.Ahad taken; go Btake; should goCwould take; had gone Dshould take; go答案:A考查 insis

12、t 接从句的用法。insist 作“坚持,主张”讲时,从句用虚拟语气,即“(should)do sth.”;作“坚持认为” ,即坚持事实时,为陈述语气,应根据实际情况选用合适的时态。11Our teacher insisted that the key words worth paying attention_before class.Abe underlined Bbeing underlinedCto be underlined Dto being underlined答案:C考查句子的理解和 insist 的用法。句意:我们老师坚持要求把值得注意的关键词语在课前划出来。句中 worth

13、paying attention to 是形容词短语作后置定语;insist 在此意思是“坚持,坚持认为” ,所以所接 that 从句中应该用“should动词原形”的虚拟语气,此处 should 被省略,所以用 be underlined。12Goodbye! Im going back to my hometown this afternoon._AHave a nice trip. BCongratulations!CTake your time. DI couldnt agree more.答案:A考查交际用语。句意:“再见!今天下午我要回家乡看看。 ”“旅途愉快。 ”have a n

14、ice trip“旅途愉快” 。congratulations“恭喜” ;take your time“不着急,慢慢来” ;I couldnt agree more“我非常同意” 。13Despite such a big difference in _ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.Apoint BideaCattitude Dsight答案:Cpoint“点,意义 ”;idea“主意,念头” ;attitude“态度,看法” ;sight“视力” 。句意:尽管对一个人的饮食的态度有着很大的不同,但是毫无疑问西方人把中国的饮食看做是某种特殊的东西。14Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _.Atakes off Bis taking offChas taken off Dtook off答案:B动词的现在进行时态可以表示将要发生的动作。句意:女士们,先生们,请系好安全带。飞机即将起飞。15After the earthquake, the injure


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