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1、Unit 1 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section B 3a-4 selfcheck学习内容: Section B 3a-4 selfcheck 课型:读写课学习目标: 1. 能读懂谈论某人过去的情况的文章。2. 能写出自己及他人生活的变化的文章。学习重、难点: 掌握本课出现的词汇及短语,写作中过去时与现在时的运用。一、自主学习: 阅读3a翻译下列短语。 1. 这么多的时间 2. 笔直回家 3. 和聊天 4. 我的日常生活5. 如今,现在 6. 过去的日子7. 在过去几年里 8. 花时间/钱做某事9. 几乎从不 10. 呆在学校 11. 不再 12.

2、把带到某个地方 二、合作探究A听读 Listentothetapeandanswerthetwoquestions.Thenchecktogether. 1.What is Rose Tangs biggest problem ? 2.Did she miss the old days ?B. 速读 Pleasereadthearticlequickly,andchooseT(fortrue),F(forfalse). 1.Rose Tang had so much time in the past. 2.She spends a lot of time f playing games and

3、 concert now . 3.She dindt use to watch TV or chat with her grandmother. 4. She gets up early and stay in school all day these days .C精读 Readthearticlecarefullyandcompletethechart.(P14 3a)【知识精讲】1. in the last few years=in the past few years,表示“在过去几年里”,与现在完成时态连用 My life _(change) a lot in the last fe

4、w years.但是词组in the past表示“过去”,与一般过去时态连用 I didnt like tests in the past , but now I dont worry about tests.2. 辨析:pay; take; cost ; spend: (1)spend 动词,表示“某人花费金钱、时间”,句型: sb spendon sth. 某人在某事上花费(金钱、时间) sb spend (in)doing sth. 某人花费(金钱、时间)去做某事(2) pay for 某人花费金钱,句型:sb pay +钱+for sth sb pay for sth支付的费用(3)

5、 take “花费”时间句型:It take sb. 时间/钱 to do sth.(4) cost 什么东西花费某人多少钱,句型sth cost sb +钱如:He _ too much time on clothes. 他花费太多的时间在衣着I used to _ a lot of time _ _with my friends.过去我常花费很多时间跟朋友们玩游戏。He 3 months building the bridge.他花费了三个月去建这座桥。I 10 yuan for the book. 我花了10元买这本书。It me a day to read the book. .看那本

6、书花了我一天。It me 20 yuan to buy this book. 买这本书花了我20元。It me ten yuan .它花了我十元。3. hardly ever 几乎从不 hardly“几乎不”,表示否定含义,类似的词有:never,few,little,nothing,nobody等。 I am so tired that I can hardly do anything.我太累了几乎什么事情也干不了了。There is hardly any food left for me ,isn there ?几乎没有给我剩什么吃的东西,是吗? . hardly ever 很少 助动词/

7、情态动词hardlyhardly + 实义动词如:I understand them. 我几乎不能够明白他们。Itime to do it. 我几乎没有时间去做了。4. mind v. 介意 ,当心, 留心 (1) mind 后跟名词、代词或动名词I wont the weather here.我不介意这儿的天气。Would you mind my smoking here ? 我在这儿吸烟你介意吗?Would you mind not smoking here ? 请你别吸烟好吗 ?(2). 回答带有mind 的问句时,要注意yes或no都是针对mind 来选的。要是介意就用yes, 意思是

8、不让对方做某事;不介意就用no, 意思是允许对方做某事。A: Would you mind my opening the window ?B: . Its hot in the room.A.Yes I do. B. Yes , please C. No , I do . D. Of course.三、当堂检测:(1). How _ did you pay _ the dictionary?A. many, withB. many, toC. much, toD. much, for(2). I used to spend time _ in the river. A. swim B. Swa

9、m C. swimming D. to swim(3). He _ lots of cities in the last few years. A. visited B. visits C. has visited D. is visiting(4). She hardly ever goes to school late, she ? A. do B. isnt C. does D. doesnt (5). I _half an hour finishing my homework. A. paid B. spent C. cost D. took(6). -Would you mind u

10、sing your dictionary? -_. A. Yes, of course not. B. No, certainly not C. Yes, please use it.(7) . Raining all day makes everybody _. A. happily B. unhappily C. unhappy D. happy(8). My parents made me _English three hours every day. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads导学过程:Step1. 检查预习Step2. 导入Step3. 教师指导学生进行阅读训练,自主合作相结合。Step4. 在自学的基础上,合作交流解决疑难,老师从旁进行辅导知识点Step5. 根据3a填写3bStep6. 当堂检测,核对答案。Homework:1. Do self check 1.2 2. 背诵本课时短语及课文。教学反思:(学后疑点)



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