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1、致 谢非常感谢我的大学给予我深造的平台,非常感谢教导我的每位老师,非常感谢我的同班同学,感谢你们让我在四年中发生质的改变:专业知识得到拓展和扩充;人际关系得到扩大和巩固;学习方法和研究方法得到更新和完善;生活的智慧得到补充和增长。非常感谢你们给予我难忘的美丽时光。论文的研究过程和撰写工作已经基本完成,本文在指导老师的认真指导下顺利完成,论文的结构设计、章节编排及反复修改工作都蕴涵了指导老师的心血,我的老师拥有渊博的知识、创新的意识,学术态度严谨且阅历十分丰富,不但丰富了我的专业知识,而且还丰富了我的为人处事能力,在此衷心感谢我的指导老师。同时,我非常感激我的父母和亲人们,让我在大学这个平台可以

2、自由的成长,给予我足够的空间、信任和疼爱,并给予我物质支持,非常感谢亲人们的精神扶持和物质支持,今生今世无力回报,但我不会让你们失望,唯有感恩,记念你们给我的爱。马上出校门进入工作,从此让我从此成为你们的依靠。另外,非常感谢陪伴我、共同成长的同窗好友们,感谢你们给我的生活增添色彩和靓丽,感谢你们给予我的学习以无限的帮助,感谢你们让我在四年中建立深厚的友谊,感谢你们给予我非一般的爱,让我在温暖、被关心、被照顾的氛围中快乐成长。最后,谢谢所有给予我帮助的人,谢谢我的大学、学院及老师!摘 要摘 要电子元器件在电子信息产业中占据了很重要的地位,也是重要的组成部分,跟随着电子信息产业和电子整机产品的发展



5、ctAbstractElectronic components is an important part of the electronic information industry, with the development of electronic information industry and electronic products development, two parts have an integral relationship, interdependence, mutual development, mutual promotion and condition each

6、other. Electronic components manufacturing technology level and produce capacity and RD capacity will directly influence on the whole development of the electronic components industry, electronic components can be seen everywhere, daily consumer electronic products and industrial electronic devices

7、are composed of electronic components, electronic components is between the machine and raw materials, the development of the electronic components Industry will directly affect the development of the whole electronic information industry. Meanwhile, electronic information industry is to occupy a ve

8、ry important position in the economic development. Therefore, the electronic components marketing or distributing in the whole industry chain has also become a necessary part, and also that is an important part of the global economy.The choice of distribution channels is an important part of marketi

9、ng strategy, selection and management of the distribution channels is an important thing that is winner on the marketing for the A enterprise. At present, the distributors is an important part that distributes the products of A enterprise, distributors of electronic components sales business account

10、ed for a large proportion of A enterprise, and the sales business proportion is growing.In this paper, it is to describe status quo and to analyze the problems of the A enterprise electronic components distributor selection and management, at the same time, it is to analyze marketing environment of

11、the A enterprise distributors of electronic components, finally I will propose some suggestions for A enterprise how to optimizes selection distributors of electronic components and how to innovative management distributors of electronic components. I hope to that through this research summary to ex

12、plore the impact factors on the selection and management of distributors of electronic components. Also I will propose some improvement measures for the selection and management of distributors of electronic components, which can be helpful for A enterprise development of electronic components, and

13、can be helpful other manufacturer of electronic components in the same area.Keywords: Electronic Component; Distribution Channel; Selection of Distributor; Management of Distributor目 录目 录摘 要IAbstractII1 绪论11.1 研究背景及意义11.1.1 研究背景11.1.2 研究意义21.2 文献综述21.2.1 电子元器件分销商的相关研究21.2.2 电子元器件分销商选择与管理的相关研究71.3 研究

14、内容和方法101.3.1 研究内容101.3.2 研究方法102 A企业电子元器件分销商选择与管理现状112.1 A企业简介112.1.1 科技业界的领导地位112.1.2 产品发展的应用趋势112.1.3 优越质量与广泛产品应用范围112.1.4 整合性的世界供货平台122.2 A企业电子元器件分销商选择现状122.3 A企业电子元器件分销商的管理现状132.3.1 定期拜访132.3.2 投诉处理132.3.3 档案管理142.3.4 信用管理142.3.5 账款管理142.3.6 价格管理142.3.7 提供培训142.3.8 激励机制142.4 A企业电子元器件分销商选择与管理问题分析

15、152.4.1 缺乏对分销商进行渠道评估152.4.2 分销商的实力差异较大152.4.3 缺乏分销商选择策略152.4.4 分销商的管理体系不完善152.4.5 监管不到位152.4.6 激励机制不到位152.4.7 返利政策不到位152.4.8 培训频率偏少163 A企业电子元器件分销所面临的营销环境分析173.1 宏观环境分析173.1.1 经济环境173.1.2 技术环境173.1.3 政法环境183.1.4 社会文化环境183.2 微观环境分析183.2.1 客户分析183.2.2 分销商分析193.2.3 竞争者分析203.3 营销环境对A企业电子元器件分销商选择与管理的影响214 A企业电子元器件分销商选择的优化224.1 电子元器件分销渠道评估224.1.1 海外分销渠道评估224.1.2 本上分销渠道评估234.2 A企业分销商选择的标准234.2.1 企业的规模244.2.2 企业的观念244.2.3 企业的管理244.3 A企业分销商选择策略254.3.1 分销渠道评估策略254.3.2 选择本土大型分销商策略264.3.3 分销商数量策略264.3.4 选择具


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