英语:Unit 7 《Revision One》课件(1)(北京课改版八年级上)

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《英语:Unit 7 《Revision One》课件(1)(北京课改版八年级上)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语:Unit 7 《Revision One》课件(1)(北京课改版八年级上)(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Well review some expressions about how to ask for advice and to give advice,If you see someone is unhappy or tired , how do you ask,Whats the matter with you ? Whats the problem do you have? Whats your problem? What are you worried about ,How do you give the advice,1.Youd better -. 2. You should -.

2、3. I think you should -. 4. I advise you to,A: What are you worried about , Liu Feng? B:I am worried about my English. My English is poor. Do you have any advice for me? A: I think you should read more English books,Dialogue A,A: Whats your problem , Li Lei? B: I think Im fat . What should I do ? A:

3、 Youd better do some exercises every day,Dialogue B,1.What will Yang Lin do next week ? 2. Why is he so sad ? 3. Will the girl lend her walkman to him,He will have an English exam,Because his walkman is broken,Yes, she will,1.Did Linda go to the movies last night? 2. What did she do last night ,No,

4、she didnt,She watched TV at home,Make a dialogue A woman is going to Guangzhou next week. She cant decide how to go there. A man gives her a piece of advice and tells her the reason,Woman : Im going to Guangzhou next week. How should I go there, by bus , by train or by plane? Man: I think youd bette

5、r take the train . Its faster than the bus and safer than the plane,There are five people in the dialogue. They are Father, Mother, Lily, Sam. Bill. They are making their New Year resolutions,What are their New Year resolutions,Father : I will stop smoking and drinking , and I will not eat my words

6、again,break ones promise,keep ones word,Sam: I will not fight with Bill next year. Ill be a good boy. Ill help Mom clean the house every Sunday,Im going to help the old at the old peoples home . I wont cry often in the new year,Lily,Bill I wont go out to play every night. I wont watch too many carto

7、ons. Ill read more books,I will not go shopping often . I will not waste money on dresses. I will go to gyms three times a week and try to lose 10 pounds. I wont stay at home and be a housewife. Im going to find a job,Mother,Why dont the children like Mothers idea of going to work,Does Father support Mothers plan to get a job



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