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1、河北软件职业技术学院_英语_课程教案授课题目Unit 3 travel 教具准备幻灯片授课日期2007 年 10月 22 日 第 周课时安排Listening: one period教学目的与要求Recognize the strong forms of words:Be able to listen and understand short conversations;Be able to listen and understand short passages;Be able to talk about familiar topics in English教学重点难点The ability

2、 to listen and understand correctly English passages.The ability to use English freely and correctly in daily life.作业与预习布置Preview text a课后小结掌握怎么样问询时间教学设计及时间安排方法及手段一、【复习提问】 what are the main points we have learnt last class? Lets review it together.二、【导入】 This class we begin to learn a new unit. We s

3、tart with listening activity.三、【新课内容及实践】Part 1: Activities 1, listen to the tape, and underline the strong forms in the sentences you hear.Part 2: Activities 2, listen to five conversations, and fill the blanks in the text.Part 3: activity 3, listen to the passage and answer the questions.四、【课内小结】1一

4、般句子中重读的部分是主语,谓语和宾语。2在听很长的句子时, 要先理解大意然后填写答案。Review the sentence pattern first, and listen carefully河北软件职业技术学院_英语_课程教案授课题目Unit 3 travel text a 教具准备幻灯片授课日期2007 年 10 月31日 第 8 周课时安排2 periods 教学目的与要求1.了解纽约的一些基本情况,看懂旅游的日程安排表2掌握一些常用的词,短语和句型的用法,如:unique, nature, flavor, admit, however, feel like, make the be

5、st of, a bit, get around, take a ride 等。3掌握名词所有格的使用方法。教学重点难点1 能够理解全篇2 掌握课文中的语言点3对纽约有大概的了解作业与预习布置Exercises after text a and further development 课后小结回顾本课所提到的语言点,加深印象教学设计及时间安排方法及手段一、【复习提问】 What do you know about New York? 二、【导入】 Give some pictures about New York, such as Broadway, statue of liberty; te

6、ll the students why New York called big apple.三、【新课内容及实践】1Feel like 感觉是,似乎,想要Feel like +从句 I felt like Id really achieved something.Feel like sth. 想要某物 I feel like a cup of coffee.Feel like doing sth. I feel like reading some books2Forget 忘记Forget to do sth.忘记做某事 I forgot to lock the door.Forget doi

7、ng sth.忘记做过某事 I forgot sending you the message.Forget oneself 忘乎所以,忘我无私I am afraid I forgot myself and sang at the top of my voice.3Make the best of 充分利用时间,机会等同于make full use of Youd better make the best of your college life.4Fear n.vt. 害怕Fear to do sth. She fears to speak in public.Fear for sb./sth

8、.为某人或某物担心I fear for her safety in this weather.在这种天气里我很担心她的安全。In fear 处于害怕之中For fear of sth/of doing sth. 或 for fear that 以防,以免发生危险We spoke in whispers for fear of waking the baby.5A bit 少许Not a bit 一点也不,not a little 非常Are you tired after such a long journey?No, not a bit.6不定式引导目的状语To get around, us

9、e the subway, buses or taxis.To 引导一个表示目的和意图的短语,可以出现在句子中间,也可以出现在句首To enhance your ability, you should do more exercises.Jane got up early to catch up the bus.四、【课内小结】本节课我们学习了一些关于纽约的知识,同学们应该有一些大概的了解。对于本课所学的语言点同学们课下一定要好好掌握。First ,have a discussion about money New York ; later, learn the new words; last

10、, translate the text and give some explain about language points; 河北软件职业技术学院_英语 _课程教案授课题目Exercises an further development; agreement 教具准备ppt授课日期2007年 10 月 日 第 周课时安排2 periods教学目的与要求1. 进一步巩固本单元所讲的语言点;2培养学生的做题能力;3讲解主谓一致部分的语法,使学生掌握这部分的内容;教学重点难点1主谓一致部分的语法;2习题部分的翻译练习及完型填空练习;作业与预习布置预习第四单元的text a 课文课后小结对学生的

11、语言点的掌握情况做大概的总结教学设计及时间安排方法及手段一、【复习提问】 What we have learnt in this unit? The main points are phrases such as fall in love with, feel like, on the move二、【导入】 Today we will study another language pointagreement. First, we will finish the exercises after text a and further development.三、【新课内容及实践】 Part 1.

12、 exercises and further development; Part 2. agreement: 1.三个原则语法一致:形式上的一致The child is playing outside.意念一致:即意义上的一致The family were watching TV last night.(强调家庭成员)邻近原则:即指谓语动词的形式与邻近的名词一致2.在倒装句中,动词的数应和它后面的主语的数一致。如以here, there开头,be动词与后面第一个名词一致Onthewallweretwofamouspaintings.HereisMr.Brownandhischildren.3.

13、 and连接两个或两个以上的并列主语时,谓语动词用复数。如果主语后跟with,togetherwith,except,but,perhaps,like,including,aswellas,nolessthan,morethan, ratherthan等引起的短语,谓语动词仍与短语前的主语的形式保持一致。Hissister,nolessthanyou,iswrong.Thefather,ratherthanthebrothers,isresponsiblefortheaccident.Everypictureexceptthesetwohasbeensold.Aliceaswellasherf

14、riendswasinvitedtotheconcert.NobodybutMaryandIwasintheclassroomatthattime.4.并列主语如果指的是同一个人、同一事物或同一概念时,谓语动词用单数,and后面的名词没有冠词 Breadandbutteristheirdailyfood. Thewriterandtheworkerarecomingtoourschooltomorrow.5. and连接的并列单数名词前如有each,every,no,manya修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式Everyboyandgirlhasbeeninvitedtotheparty. Noteacherandnostudentisabsenttoday. Manyastudentisbusywiththeirlessons.6. each,either,one,another,theother,neither作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式 Eitheriscorrect. Neitherofthemlikesthispicture.7.由every,some,an



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