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1、一、 用 be 动词的适当形式填空1. What _ you doing here?2. Jimmy _ absent from school last Monday.3. There _ a lot of people here yesterday.4. The students must _ in the library. 5. We _ going to give her the key tomorrow.6. He _ bed the whole day yesterday.7. Smith and I _ at the barbers last night.8. There _ a

2、tree, a tiver, and many flowers on the picture.二、 用动词的适当形式填空1. I _(be) busy last night. I _(do) my homework and some housework.2. She often _(go) shopping on Monday. But she _(stay) at home last Monday.3. Listen, someone _(konck) at the door.4. It _(rain) heavily last night.5. He _(get) up very late

3、 this morning.6. Robert _(telephone) you three times this morning.7. _(not drive) so fast. Look, the policeman _(wave) to you.8. I _(write) three letters this morning.9. I _(see) the film last week.10. He _(have) his dinner an hour ago.11. We _(have) a very pleasant holiday last summer.12. The man _

4、(repair 修理) my bicycle yesterday.13. She _(sleep) for eight hours last night.14. It _(take) me nearly two hours to get there this morning.15. I _(meet) your friend Peter yesterday afternoon.16. I _(go) to see Mr. Smith yesterday evening, but he _(not be) at home.17. Last Sunday we _(visit) some old

5、friend in town.18. The Second World War _(start) in 1939 and _(end) in 1945.三、 用形容词物主代词填空1. The little boy is crying because he has lost _ money.2. She is two years older then _ brother.3. Were going to visit _ grandfather on Sunday.4. The two children are waiting for _ father.5. Mr. Smith often tak

6、es _ wife to the seaside.6. I often write to _ parents.7. Mary and _ two brothers went to visit _ aunt.8. He is very pround of _ daughter.9. The cat drank _ milk.10. Tell me _ name, please.四、 用合适的词填空1. _ (他的) brother is a pilot, _(我的 ) is a teacher and _(她的) is an engineer.2. These shoes are not _(我

7、的). _(他们) are _(你的).3. _(我) did my homework. Did _(你) do _(你的)?4. These keys are not _(我们的). _(它们) are _(他们的).5. _(她的) sister is a good friend of _(我的).6. _(他们) often help _(我们) in _( 我们的) work.7. _(她) didnt buy _(她的) text-bbok. Will _(你) lend _(她) _(你的)?8. A: Is this _(你们的) classroom?B: No, its _(他

8、们的). _( 我们的) is on the third floor.五、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Have you _ (get) the videos?2. Youve got _(lot) of books here.3. She _(have) got a bike.4. We _(have not) got any CDs.5. You can _(use) the computers.6. Did you read _(they)?7. Did you get _(it)?8. Ive got some books. I read _(it) last week.9. We _(eat) chocolate yesterday.10. Please _(come) to America.六、按要求改写句子1. I ate the American chocolates. ( 变为一般疑问句 )_2. I got the Maths game. ( 变为否定句 )_3. Can I borrow the books in a library. ( 肯定回答和否定回答 )_4. Did you read them? ( 肯定回答 )_5. I love winter. ( 变否定句 )_


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