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1、圣诞节初中英语作文范文 圣诞节就要来了?到处都披上了节日的盛装,圣诞老人穿着红色的衣服,戴着红色的帽子。今天就给大家 _一些英语应用写作,有需要的要学习一下哦 传说耶稣诞生的晚上,在旷野看守羊群的牧羊人,突然听见天上传来了声音,告诉他们耶稣降生的消息。根据圣经记载,耶稣来到人间,是要作人世间的王,因此天使便透过这些牧羊人把消息传给更多的人。 后来,人们就仿效天使,在平安夜的晚上,到处传讲耶稣降生的消息。直至今日,就演变成报佳音这个活动。虽然平安夜是外 _节日,但在这天我们也和兴奋。 平安夜这天,每家按传统都要摆放一棵圣诞树。当晚,全家人团聚在客厅中,围在圣诞树旁唱圣诞歌曲,互相交换礼物,彼此

2、_生活中的喜怒哀乐,表达内心的祝福和爱,并祈求来年的幸福。可是我们是住校生,没法回家。 我们回到宿舍,拿出苹果,没有的就和别人换一个。我们宿舍互相祝福,有的还给我们分零食,我们在睡觉之前,把洗了的袜子放在床头,早上起来发现袜子里面有了礼物,我知道是谁放的,是我的对头,我也给他放上了礼物,我们宿舍互相交换礼物,我们都是趁他们睡着时放的 我们互相的到的礼物我们都和爱护。 On the night of the birth of Jesus, the shepherds who were guarding the sheep in the desert suddenly heard a voi _

3、from heaven _ing them the news of the birth of Jesus. Aording to the bible, Jesus came into the world to be the king of the world, so that the angel passed on the message to more people. Later, people imitated angels, and on the night of Christ _s Eve, they preached about the birth of Jesus. To this

4、 day, it has evolved into a newspaper. Although Christ _s Eve is a holiday for foreigners, we are also excited about this day. On Christ _s Eve, every family traditionally puts a Christ _s tree in pla _. That night, the whole family reunion in the sitting room, around the tree to sing Christ _s song

5、s, exchange gifts to each other, each other to share the joys and sorrows of life, expressing their blessings and love, and pray for happiness in the ing year. But we are students, we cant go home. We went back to the dorm, took out the apples, and had no one else. Our dormitory bless each other, so

6、me snacks back to us, before we sleep, wash the socks in the bed, morning found stockings with presents, I know who is right, is my butt, I also give him put on the gift, our dormitory exchange gifts with each other, we are put before they fell asleep. We love each others gifts. 圣诞节就要来了?到处都披上了节日的盛装,

7、圣诞老人穿着红色的衣服,戴着红色的帽子,圣诞树上挂着五彩缤纷的花朵和五颜六色的彩灯,准备了几宿的小朋友们把自己做的南瓜灯、苹果灯放在窗台上,就等着圣诞老人送给自己思念已久的礼物: 有的说我想要一个最漂亮的书包,有的说我想要很多很多的巧克力,也有的想要最先进的遥控小汽车我想要的礼物是?我想啊想,书包我的还是好好的,巧克力就不用提了,一吃我就会咳嗽,玩具呢?现在我都是二年级的学生了,不能再要玩具了。我急了,急的我站起来转圈圈,我想到了! 虽然每天爸爸都在陪着我读书,写字,写 _,可是每天他都用冷冰冰的态度,我希望爸爸陪着我学习时,把自己一点热情拿出来,在我做错题的时候能耐心的 _我,不再吼着教育我

8、做题不细心,应该这样做,应该那样做,在我完成作业时,更希望得到爸爸的表扬,不再用他低沉的声音告诉我:把书包收拾一下睡觉吧。 Christ _s is ing? Everywhere on the festive costumes, Santa Claus was dressed in red, wearing a red hat, Christ _s tree hung with colorful flowers and colorful lights, and for several nights of the children do their pumpkin lamp, apple la

9、mp on the windowsill, is missing for a long time, waiting for Santa Claus give yourself the gift: Some say I want to have the most beautiful schoolbag, some say I want a lot of chocolate, also some want the most advan _d remote control car. What kind of gift do I want? I think, think, schoolbag my s

10、till good, chocolate does not need to mention, on _ eat I can cough, toy? Now Im a sophomore and I cant have any more toys. I was in a hurry, I stood up and turned around, I thought of it! While dad every day with my reading, writing, blogging, but every day he use cold attitude, I hope with my dad,

11、 take out a little warm oneself, when I do wrong topic counselling I can patien _, not yelling at education I dont care to solve the problem, should do, should do that, when I finish my homework, more hope to get fathers praise, no longer with his deep voi _ told me: the bag tidy up sleep. 以前,我不知道有个

12、圣诞节。 现在,我知道圣诞节,就是圣诞老人会给小朋友派发礼物的节日。 因为太多功课要考试,因为有太多作业要做,等我想起今年的圣诞节时,已经是12月25日的晚上了。我嘟着嘴对妈妈说:“妈妈,我还没过圣诞节呢!”妈妈说:“圣诞节是外国的节日,相当于我们的春节。我们不过外 _节日,我们过我们的春节!”我还是嘟着嘴说:“可是我太想过圣诞节了! _圣诞老人就不能给我派发礼物啊?”妈妈眼珠子一转,躬着腰,笑眯眯地对着我说:“圣诞老人也会给你派发礼物的!”我眼前一亮,瞪大眼睛,急切地问:“真的啊?在哪?在哪?”妈妈又笑眯眯地说:“只要你积极向投稿,用不了几天,圣诞老人就会给你寄来礼物喽!”我一听,立马一蹦一

13、跳地跑进书房,一边跑一边说:“那我现在立即动笔写!”妈妈又乐呵呵起来,我也开心地笑了。 我希望用手中的笔,写出精彩的文字,投向快乐,换取圣诞老人派出的新年礼物!耶! I didnt know there was a Christ _s before. Now, I know that Christ _s is the time for Santa to give gifts to children. Because there is so much homework to do, because there is so much homework to do, it is the night

14、of De _mber 25th when I think of this years Christ _s. I puked and said to my mother, mom, I havent had Christ _s yet! Mother said, Christ _s is a foreign festival, the equivalent of our Spring Festival. We are foreigners festival, we _lebrate our Spring Festival! But I thought about Christ _s too m

15、uch, I said. Why cant Santa give me gifts? Mothers eye bead, bow waist, _iling fa _ to me to say: Santa will also give you a gift! I saw a bright, wide-eyed, eagerly asked: really? Where is it? Where is it? My mother _iled and said, as long as you actively contribute to the _nuscript, Santa will send you a gift in a few days! As soon as I heard it, I hopped into my study and said, Ill write it now! My mother was happy again, and I _iled happily. I hope to use the pen of my hand, write wonderful words, turn to happiness, in exchange for



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