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1、跨文化能力系列课程包括:Cross Cultural Skills Series courses include: 跨文化协同对话能力 Synergy Conversation 跨文化商务演示能力 Business Presentation 跨文化礼仪交往能力 Business Etiquette 跨文化团队管理能力 Team Management这套课程所着眼的文化,不是指某个国度或国度里的人,东方和西方也不是靠经线和纬线来划分的;文化被放在四大维度中分析。本课程提供的文化性格测评工具,将帮助您认识到自己和团队分别处在每个文化维度轴中的哪个具体位置,当与轴上其他位置的团队和个体进行交往时,该

2、采取何种策略。The concept of “culture” that we will discuss in this course is not necessarily related to your passport. We will analyze “culture” in four dimensions. The assessment tool will help identify cultural personalities in each dimension for you and your team. We will also compare some countries po

3、sitions in the four cultural dimensional scales. Then we will develop strategies for working with people within each of the scales. 课程可以根据企业的具体情况制定相应的“双边文化”(如中美、中英、中法、中德、中日、中韩、中俄等)和“多元文化”的培训方案。It can be customized to a two-country (Sino-American, Sino-German, Sino-British, Sino-French, Sino-Japanese

4、, etc.) or multi-country cultural course, based on the needs of your company.跨文化能力系列1-协同对话能力Cross Cultural Skill Series 1-Synergy Conversation 在跨文化协同合作时,能否成功应对协同对话的关键时刻,决定了是否会有一次出色的跨文化合作。这种协同对话之所以关键,原因有三个:1. 双方差异大他们文化背景不同,导致价值观、行事方法、沟通习惯都不同;2. 高风险失败的谈话不仅完成不了合作,而且会让跨国团队出现裂缝,且裂缝迅速扩大,很难修补;3.双方有情绪对话中的跨文

5、化误解,很容易引起激烈情绪。所以,跨文化协同对话这种高度个人化的技能,决定了企业是否有高生产率,这个结论听上去有些令人差异,因为,静态的流程和制度解决不了每天每时每刻需要面对面的跨文化协同对话挑战。When you are participating in cross cultural cooperation, are you able to handle the vital moment of synergy conversation? If you are, then there will be outstanding cross cultural teamwork. The synerg

6、y conversation is vital for three reasons: First, the two parties are unique - different cultural backgrounds lead to different values, working patterns, and communication habits. Second, the conversation is a high stakes activity - if it goes well, the synergy effort will be successful; if not, you

7、 will see a chasm in the multicultural team that could expand beyond repair. Third, the two parties are both emotional - cross cultural conflicts lead to heightened emotions. Therefore, this highly individual ability of synergy conversation promises increased effectiveness for a company beyond the m

8、ore traditionally static procedures and systems. 参加对象Targeted participants期望提高“一对一”跨文化沟通技能的国际职场人士Working professionals expecting to improve “one-on-one” cross cultural communication skills课时Duration2天2 days课程收益l 了解文化的四个维度差异l 熟知不同国家在维度轴上的位置l 描绘自己的文化罗盘l 为跨文化协同对话造“舒适云”的六步骤After this course you willl Un

9、derstand the unique qualities of the four cultural dimensionsl Identify different countries positions in the four dimensional scalesl Draw your own cultural compassl Create a “comfort cloud” for cross cultural synergy conversation in six steps课程纲要l 认识文化冲突根源l 分析泛指沟通和特指沟通的差异l 掌握为协同对话造“舒适云”技巧l 掌握暂停紧张对话

10、的方法l 掌握让对方在异文化中获得安全感的方法Agenda Topicsl Discover the root of cultural clashesl Analyze the difference between diffused and specific communicationl Develop skills to make a “comfort cloud” for synergy conversationl Develop methods to stop high tension cross cultural confrontationl Develop methods to ma

11、ke the other party feel secure in a different culture跨文化能力系列2-商务演示能力Cross Cultural Skill Series 2-Business Presentation在不同文化里,推销观点、说服他人的技巧有很大不同。一场在中国文化环境下极具说服力的商务演示,在其他文化环境里可能让人觉得莫名其妙,不知所云。是先说理论,还是先说应用?是先解释为什么,还是先解释怎样做?此外,演讲者的肢体语言、演讲者邀请听众发言的技巧、演讲时间的把控,现场演讲者和听众的空间距离,以及开玩笑的尺度,不同文化也有巨大差异。The persuasive

12、 skills of selling ideas and influencing others vary among different cultures. A strong business presentation in China might become ridiculous and confusing in other cultures. Do you start the presentation with principles, or examples? Do you first explain “why” or “how”? Also, a speakers body langu

13、age, the skills of inviting the audience to speak, time management of the presentation, the distance between speaker and audience, and the limitations for jokes all vary in different cultures.参加对象Targeted participants期望提高“一对多”跨文化商务演示技能的国际职场人士Working professionals expecting to improve “one-on-many” c

14、ross cultural presentation skills课时Duration2 天2 days课程收益l 根据听众不同的文化性格,建立和执行不同的商务演示方案l 激发多元文化背景的听众获得参与感l 提升语言感染力,切换自己文化性格,与听众融合l 调整演示内容的先后顺序,用最契合的逻辑说服听众After this course you willl Compose and exercise different business presentation proposalsl Involve the audience from multiple cultural backgrounds i

15、nto the presentationl Make your language influential; switch your style and integrate with the audiencel Adjust the order of the presentation content with the most appropriate logic课程纲要l 了解你的目标观众的文化性格l 了解在不同文化环境下,演讲者的角色和职责l 理论 Vs.应用 为什么Vs.怎么样 (商务演示的说服步骤)l 整体Vs.局部 (商务演示的框架结构)l 多向时间Vs.单向时间(商务演示的时间把控)Agenda Topicsl Understand your audiences cultural personalityl Understand the speakers role and duty in different culturesl Principle Vs. Application an



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