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1、计算机英语的常用句子 今天就跟大家 _一下关于计算机的英语吧,这些都是关于计算机的英语句子哦,大家快点记忆一下吧。 1.Those parts of MS-DOS that re _in on disk until needed are known as external _nds; those parts that reside in memory are internal _nds. MS-DOS中被调用前保存在磁盘中的部分被称为外部命令,驻留在内存的中的部分被称为内部命令。 2.Although some are external and others are internal, all

2、 MS-DOS _nds are used the same way. 虽然MS-DOS命令有些是外部的,有些是内部的,但它们的使用方式相同。 3.If MS-DOS is on your hard disk, youll noti _ the external _nds mostly because the light on your hard disk es on when MS-DOS goes to the disk to find them. 如果MS-DOS装在硬盘上,运行外部命令时,你可能会注意到,当MS-DOS去磁盘中寻找相应文件时会使硬盘灯亮。 4.An MS-DOS fil

3、ename can be _de up of two parts separated by a period(.), the first part the filename proper, and the second part the extension. 一个MS-DOS文件名可由用句点(.)分开的两部分组成,第一部分文件名本身,第二部分叫做扩展名。 5.The filename proper can have up to eight characters and the extension is optional and can ave up to three characters. 文

4、件名本身最多可包括8个字符,扩展名是可有可无的,最多3个字符。 6.The filename and extension cannot include _rtain keyboard characters, such *,?./ and :. in addition, remember not to use spa _s. 文件名和扩展名中不能使用某几个键盘字符,如*,?./ 和:。另外记住不要使用空格。 7.If MS-DOS cannot aept a character in a _nd including a filename, you might see Invalid filena

5、me or file not found. File not found, Invalid switch, or Parameter for _t not correct. 如果MS-DOS 不能接受命令(包括文件名中的字符),你就可能看到非法文件名或文件未找到,文件未找到,非法开关或参数格式错。 8.One wildcard, the question _rk(?), can stand for any single character in filename, an extension, or both. 一个通配符是问号(?),它能代表文件名、扩展名,或两者中的任意单个字符。 9.You

6、 can use the second wildcard, the asterisk (*), as part of a filename, an extension, or both, alone or in bination with other characters. 你可用第二个通配符星号(*)作为文件名、扩展名或两者的一个部分,单独用或与其他字符连用均可。 10.A plete file specification might include only a pathname, only a filename, or a bination of pathname and filenam

7、e, perhaps with wildcards in the filename. 一个完整的文件标识名可以只包括一个路径名、一个文件名或路径名和文件名的组合,文件名中可以有统配符。 11.The Directory _nd (shortened Dir)is one of the most frequently used of all MS-DOS _nds. Directory 命令(简作Dir)是所有MS-DOS命令中最常用的命令之一。 12.To display a directory listing for drive C, the current drive, type C:di

8、r 列出当前驱动器C的文件目录,敲入:C:dir 13.To call for a wide listing of files for the current drive, type C:dir/w 以宽行方式显示当前目录表,敲入C:dir/w 14.To call for a wide listing of all files with the DOC extension on the disk in drive A , you would type C:dir a: * .doc/w 将A驱动器中扩展名为DOC的所有文件以宽行列表,要敲入C:dir a: * .doc/w 15.To display a long directory listing, such as that for your MS-DOS directory, one screenful at a time, you would type the following: C:dir C: dos |more 显示一个长目录清单,如MS-DOS目录,一次显示一屏,敲入:C:dir C: dos |more 计算机英语的常用句子相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 模板,内容仅供参考



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