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1、计算机专业英语教程阅读(3) Applicationsoftware might be described as end-user software. Application softwareperformsuseful work on general-purpose tasks such as word pro _ssing and costesti _ting.There are _rtain general-purpose programs that are widely used innearly all career areas. Theyare: word pro _ssing,

2、electronic spreadsheets,graphic programs and so on. They are also calledbasic tools and have somemon features. 应用软件可被指定为最终用户软件。成用软件完成有用的通用任务,例如字处理和 _评估。有些是被广泛用于几乎所有行业领域的通用程序。它们是:字处理、和图像程序等。它们也被称为基本工具,并且具有一些共同的特性。 Insert Point:The insert point or cursor shows you whereyou can enter data next. Typical

3、ly, itis a blinking vertical bar on thescreen. You can move it around using a mouse or the directionalarrow keys on _ny keyboards. 插入点:插入点或光标显示标示着用户接下来可以输入数据的地方。一般来说,它是屏幕上闪动的竖直条。用户可以使用鼠标或键盘上的方向键 _它。 Menus:Almost all software packages have menus.Typically,the menus are displayed in a menubar at the t

4、op of the screen. Whenone of these is selected, a pull-down menu appears. This is alist of _ndsassociated with the selected menu. 菜单:几乎所有的软件都有菜单。一般地,菜中显示在屏幕顶部的菜单栏中。当其中之一被选中,就会出现下拉式菜中。这是和所选菜单相关的一列命令。 Help:Formost applications, one of the menus on the menu bar is Help. When selected, theHelpoptions ap

5、pear. 1These options typically include a table of contents, asearch feature to locatereferen _ infor _tion about specific _nds, and _ntral options to move around. 帮助:对于大多数成用程序,菜单栏中的都有一个“帮助”菜中。当被选中,帮助选项出现。这些选项一般包含一个表的内容,查询有关特殊命令的说明信息和可以到处 _的集中选项 Button Bars:Buttonbars typically are below the menu bar

6、. They contain icons orgraphicrepresentations for monly used _nds. This offers the user a graphicapproach toselecting _nds. It is an example of a graphic user inte _ _ inwhich graphic objects ratherthan menus can be used to select _nds. 工具栏:工具栏一般位于菜单栏的下面。它们包含图标或普通命令的图像表示符。这就使得用户可以通过图像符号来选择命令。工具栏就是图形

7、用户界面的一个例子,在图形用户界面中使用图像目标而不是菜单来选择命令。 Dialog Box:Dialogboxes frequently appear after selecting a _nd from a pull-dow _enu. Theseboxes are used to specify additional _nd options. 对话框:通常在下拉式菜单中选择了一个命令之后就会出现对话框。这些对话框用来说明附加的命令选项。 Scroll Bars:Scrollbars are usually located on the right and/or the bottom of

8、 the screen.Theyenable you to display additional infor _tion not currently visible on thescreen. 滚动条:滚动条通常位于屏幕的右边或底部。它们通常能够显示在当前屏幕上看不到的附加信息。 WYSIWYG:Pronoun _d wizzy-wig, WYSIWYGstands for What You See Is What You Get.This means that the i _geon the screen display looks the same as the final printed

9、document. Applicationprograms without WYSIWYG cannot always display an exactrepresentation of thefinal printed document. The WYSIWYG feature allows the user topreview thedocuments appearan _ before it is printed out. WYSIWYG:发“wizzy-wig”音,WYSIWYG代表“所见即所得”。这就意味着在屏幕上显示的图像和最终打卬出来的文档是一样的。没有WYSIWYG的应用程序,

10、就不能显示最终打卬文档的精确表示。WYSIWYG特性允许用户在文档打卬之前预览文档的全貌。 Function Keys:Function keys are labeled F1, F2, and so on.These keys are positioned alongthe left side or along the top of the keyboard.They are used for _nds or tasks that areperformed frequently, such asunderlining. These keys do different things in di

11、fferent softwarepackages. 功能键:功能键被标为FI、F2等等,这些键位于键盘的左边或顶部。它们用于需经常完成的命令或任务,比如下划线。这些键在不同的软件包内完成不同的事情。 Now letsintrodu _ respectively the most mon used application software: wordpro _ssing,and spreadsheets. 现在分别介绍最常使用的应用软件:字处理和电子表格。 pro _ssingsoftware is used to create, edit, save, and print documents.

12、 Documents canbeany kind of text _terial. With word pro _ssing, you view the words you type ona monitorinstead of on a pie _ of paper. After you finish your typing, saveyour words on diskettes or harddisk, and print the results on paper. 字处理软件被用于建立、保存和打印文档。文档可以是任何类型的文本材料。使用字处理,可以浏览打在显示器而不是纸上的文字。打印完毕

13、后,可以将文字存放在软盘或硬盘上,并且可以将结果打印在纸上。 The beauty ofthis method is that you can _ke changes or corrections-before printing outthedocument. Even after your document is printed out, you can easily go back and _kechanges. You can then print it out again. Want to change a report fromdouble spa _d to singlespa _

14、d? Alter the width of the _rgins on the left andright? Delete some paragraphs and addsome others from yet another document? Aword pro _ssor allows you to do all these with ease.Indeed, deleting,inserting, and replacingthe principal correcting activitiescan be done justbypressing keys on the keyboard

15、. Popular word pro _ssing software are Word , and so on.They have some mon features. 这种方式的精妙之处在于在用户打印文档之前可以进行修改,即使文档已打印出来,也可以很容易地返回去并进行修改,然后再打印出来。你想把一个的行距从双倍改成单倍吗?你想改变左右边距的宽度吗?你想删除一些段落并插入其他文档的一些段落吗?字处理可以很容易地帮你完成这些亊情。事实上,删除、插入和替换几种主要的修改任务一一只要按键盘上的键就可以完成。流行的字处理软件是Word、WPS等。它们具有一些共同的特性。 Word Wrap andthe Enter Key:One basi _ord pro _ssing feature is word wrap. When youfinish a line, a word pro _ssordecides for you and auto _tically moves the insertion point tothe next lines.To begin a new paragraph or leave a blank line, you press the Enter key.



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