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1、表达有关于薪水的英语口语 英语是一门很重要的外语的,大家一定要好好学习一下,下面就由今天给大家带来的是英语情景口语,欢迎大家阅读 A: How time flies! Its pay day again! A: 时间过得真快!又到了发薪日了! B: Yes, it is! Youre an engineer, arent you? B: 是呀,真快!你是工程师,是吗? A: Yes, I am. A: 是的。 B: So you must be earning de _ntly, dont you? B: 那你钱一定挣得不少喽? A: Well, just average. A: 哦,只不过一

2、般而已。 B: Whats your salary then, _y I ask? B: 那能不能问一下你的薪水是多少? A: Sure. My monthly pay is $2,500. What about yours? A: 当然,我每月的工资是2500美元,你的呢? B: Im paid weekly, and its around $700 per week. B: 我拿的是周薪,每星期大约700美元左右。 A: That means you can get $2,800 a month. Right? Thats quite a sum of money. A: 那就是说你每月可

3、得2800美元,对吗?这是相当可观的一笔钱呢! B: Yes, but my pay is on an hourly basis and its not up to much. B: 是的,不过我的工资是以小时计算的,而这笔收入并不足道。 A: Then you must be working overtime. A: 那么你一定在加班工作了。 B: Thats right. I work 24 hours overtime a week. And the overtime pay is usually more than the regular pay. B: 对,我一星期加班24小时。而加

4、班工资通常要高于固定工资。 A: So overtime has a bearing on how much you _y _ke in a job. Dont you think so? A: 所以加班影响工资收入的多少,你不这样认为吗? B: Definitely. And the degree of responsibility in a job also has a great deal to do with the salary. B: 是这样,而且工作中所负责任的轻重程度同薪水也有密切 _。 A: Yes. And so are other factors such as expe

5、rien _ and fringe benefits. A: 是的,其他如经验、福利待遇等因素也是这样。 B: No doubt about that. But anyway I have to work hard to earn my money. B: 这是毫无疑问的,不过无论如何我得努力工作才挣得到钱。 下面再来学几句关于加薪的句子,希望大家薪水都涨起来哈哈! What _kes you think we should give you a raise? 你 _认为我们应该给你加薪呢? I hope you will seriously consider a pay increase. 请你认真考虑给我加薪。 Your monthly gross salary will increase by 300 yuan. 你每月的总收入会涨300元。 Good sales _n will naturally earn more. 好的销售人员自然应该得到更多报酬。 I will give you a one-time bonus for your re _nt hard work. 我给你一次性的奖金,鼓励你最近的辛勤工作。 表达有关于薪水的英语口语相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 模板,内容仅供参考



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