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1、Phone Number: +1 617 842 3585 Fax: +1 866 641 1530 Email Address: Mailing Address: address: 718 Washington Street, BostonDANDY FUTURES TECH LLCTRADING AGREEMENT AND APPLICATIONDFTT 客户交易协议书TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SERVICES交易条款和条件DFTT tech llc (hereinafter called “DFTT”) will offer services strict

2、ly under the following terms and conditions, which are non-negotiable and will be amended only with proper notice to counterparty (hereinafter called Client) by DFTT alone and under the provisions of Term 10 below. DFTT 金融集团(以下简称“DFTT” )将严格按照以下条款和条件提供的服务。这些条款和条件是不可转让的。只有在妥善通知对方(以下简称“客户” )的情况下,由 DFTT

3、 按照以下第 10 条规定进行修改。Client has read, understood and accepted all information on the DFTTs website www. (hereinafter called the main website) clearly and publicly stated, available to all Clients including the Legal Information. DFTT reserves the right to register and operate other relevant websites f

4、or marketing and promotional purposes to specific countries which contain information and disclosures to clients and prospective clients in any language other the English language. Client accepts and understands that DFTTs official language is the English language and should always read and refer to

5、 the main website for all information and disclosures about DFTT and its activities. By signing the following terms and conditions, Client enters into a legal and binding agreement with DFTT.客户已阅读,理解并接受所有在 DFTT 的网站 (以下简称“ 主要网站” )的资料。这些资料都是明确和公开,提供给所有客户,并且包括法律信息。DFTT 保留根据在特定国家的营销和促销需求而注册不同于英语语言的网站的权利

6、。客户接受和理解,DFTT的官方语言是英语和应始终阅读和参考主要网站的所有披露有关 DFTT 及其活动的信息。签署了以下条款和条件,客户与 DFTT 订立有法律约束力的协议。1. Provision of Services 服务范围规定1.1 The Investment Services to be provided by DFTT to Client are the following:DFTT 提供客户投资的服务如下:A. Execution of Orders in relation to transactions having as an object one or more of

7、the following financial instruments:A.执行涉及以下金融商品交易的订单:Contracts for Differences (CFD) on Spot FOREX, equities, precious metals, future contracts and any other trading tools. 外汇,美国股票,黄金白银,期货等商品的差价合同。DFTT reserves the right to offer the Financial Instruments on any underlying security it considers app

8、ropriate. DFTTs main website will be the primary means of presenting the underlying security on which DFTT will offer the Financial Instrument of CFD and the Contract Specification for all and each of them. DFTT reserves the right to modify the main website at any time upon written notice given to t

9、he client on these modification s and Client agrees to continue to be bound by this agreement and the modified Contract Specifications. Phone Number: +1 617 842 3585 Fax: +1 866 641 1530 Email Address: Mailing Address: address: 718 Washington Street, BostonDFTT 有权利提供与证券或者投资商品有关的,有升值潜力的衍生性金融投资产品。DFTT

10、主要通过网站提供关于证券或者投资商品以及于它们有关的差价合同的所有信息,包括投资种类和特征。DFTT 有权在任何时候修改主要网站以及投资产品类型,对这些修改以书面形式通知客户,而且同意并接受修改后的投资产品交易受本协议约束。B. Foreign Exchange Service provided these are connected with the provision of Investment Services.B.外汇交易服务属于投资服务的范围。1.2 Client acknowledges that the Services do not include the provision

11、of investment advice. Any investment information as may be announced by DFTT to the Client does not constitute investment advice but aims merely to assist him in his investment decision making. No information provided by DFTT shall be deemed as an assurance or guarantee on the expected results of an

12、y transaction. Client agrees and acknowledges that he is solely responsible for any investment strategy, transaction or investment, composition of any account and taxation consequences and he shall not rely, for this purpose on DFTT. It is also understood and accepted that DFTT shall bear absolutely

13、 no responsibility, regardless of the circumstances, for any such investment strategy, transaction, investment or information.客户理解投资建议不属于 DFTT 的服务范围。DFTT 提供给客户的投资信息并不是帮客户作出投资决定的建议。DFTT 提供的任何信息不保证任何投资结果。客户同意并理解他本人对所有投资策略,投资交易或者相关的税务事宜全部负责,DFTT 不承担任何责任。客户理解并接受,无论任何情况,DFTT 对客户的投资策略,投资交易和信息不负任何责任。2. Ass

14、urances, Guarantees and Coverage 安全协议Client states, affirms and guarantees that:客户声明,确认和保证:A) Whatever money handed over to DFTT belongs exclusively to the Client, free of any lien, charge, pledge and any other encumbrance, being no direct or proceeds of any illegal act or omission or product of any

15、 criminal activity.A)客户转入 DFTT 交易平台的交易所资金属于客户本人,不需要任何留置权、抵押、质押和其他形式作为担保。但这些资金不能属于任何非法行为交易的直接或者间接性收益。B) He acts for himself and not as a representative or a trustee of any third person, unless he has produced, to the satisfaction of DFTT, a document and/or powers of attorney enabling him to act as re

16、presentative and/or trustee of any third person;除非有 DFTT 认可的书面证明或者授权书,客户不能充当第三方代表或者委托人。客户只能代表自己本人。 Client agrees and understands that DFTT reserves the right to refund/send back to the remitter(or beneficial owner) any amounts received under sections A) and B) of this paragraph, having sufficient proof that these amounts



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