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1、课时分层作业(七).单词拼写1The gateway (门户)looks pretty old:I wonder if it is still in use.2What a glorious (壮观的)sunset!3The Statue (雕像)of Liberty guards the entrance to New York harbour.4We must preserve racial and religious (宗教的)harmony.5Traffic reaches its peak (高峰)between 8 and 9 in the morning.6To strength

2、en(加强) his position in Parliament,he held talks with leaders of the Peasant Party.7Expanding its coverage(范围) can save many more.8There is a middle school attached to the institute(学院)9My father was a historian (历史学家)of repute.His speciality was the history of Germany.10Chaplin was not just a genius

3、(天才);he was among the most influential figures in film history.阅读理解AFor Western designers, China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative.“Its no secret that China has always been a source(来源)of inspiration for designers,” says Amanda Hill, chief creative officer at AE

4、 Networks, a global media company and home to some of the biggest fashion(时尚)shows.Earlier this year, the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of Chinainspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art, with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese

5、 aesthetics(美学)on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries.The exhibition had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences.“China is impossible to overlook,” says Hill.“Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campai

6、gns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion they are central to its movement.”Of course,not only are todays top Western designers being influenced by Chinasome of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese.“Vera

7、 Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu are taking on Galliano, Albaz, Marc Jacobsand beating them hands down in design and sales,” adds Hill.For Hill, it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion.“The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are

8、 the consumers,” she says.“China is no longer just another market; in many senses it has become the market.If you talk about fashion today, you are talking about Chinaits influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes, and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many wa

9、ys.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章以国外视角报道中国文化及中国美学对国际时尚的影响,展现了中国对国际时尚和设计发展的引领作用。这篇文章通过在试题情境中融入中国优秀传统文化和美学知识,引导考生在关注和提高审美情趣的同时,坚定理想信念,增强文化自信,树立正确的价值观。1What can we learn about the exhibition in New York?AIt promoted the sales of artworks.BIt attracted a large number of visitors.CIt showed ancient Chinese clothes.

10、DIt aimed to introduce Chinese models.B推理判断题。由题干中的the exhibition in New York定位到原文第三段。本段中并没有提到这次展览促进了艺术品的销售,也没有提到展示了中国古代的服装,故排除A、C两项;由“The exhibition had record attendance,showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences.(此次展览吸引了破纪录的出席者,显示出人们对中国影响的浓厚兴趣)”可知,B项表述正确;由原文中的“.with the aim of explo

11、ring the influence of Chinese aesthetics (美学)on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries.(旨在探索中国美学对西方时尚的影响,以及几个世纪以来中国是如何激发时尚想象力的)”可知,这次展览的目的不是介绍中国模特儿,故D项表述错误。2What does Hill say about Chinese women?AThey are setting the fashion.BThey start many fashion campa

12、igns.CThey admire super models.DThey do business all over the world.A推理判断题。由原文第四段中Hill说的“.Chinese women are not just consumers of fashionthey are central to its movement.(中国女性不仅是时尚的消费者她们是这场运动的核心)”可以推断出,她们正在引领潮流,故选A项。B项“她们发起许多时尚运动”,C项“她们崇拜超模”,D项“她们在世界各地做生意”,均不符合此处的语境。3What do the underlined words “ta

13、king on” in Paragraph 4 mean?Alearning fromBlooking down onCworking withDcompeting againstD词义猜测题。由画线词后面的“beating them hands down in design and sales(在设计和销售方面轻而易举地击败他们)”可知,take on此处意为“与较量”,故选D项competing against。learn from向学习;look down on轻视,瞧不起;work with与共事。4What can be a suitable title for the text?A

14、Young Models Selling Dreams to the World BA Chinese Art Exhibition Held in New York CDifferences Between Eastern and Western AestheticsDChinese Culture Fueling International Fashion TrendsD标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章的第一段就点明了主题:对于西方设计师来说,长期以来中国及其丰富的文化一直是西方创作者的灵感来源。接下来Amanda Hill对中国文化和中国美学对国际时尚的影响进行了评价,由此可知,中国文化推

15、动了国际时尚潮流,故D项作为文章的标题最合适。Hill说中国模特儿是向全世界女性贩卖梦想的美丽和时尚活动的代言人,旨在强调中国女性在时尚方面的重要性;在纽约举办的中国艺术展只是文章提到的一个事例,不是文章论述的中心;文章中没有提到东西方在审美方面的不同,因此A、B、C三项均不能概括全文。BStudies have shown a direct link between goals and improved performance in both sports and business.Earl Nightingale put it this way,“People with goals suc

16、ceed because they know where they are going.Its as simple as that.”DrMaxwell Maltz,author of the classic PsychoCybernetics,said that human beings have a builtin goal seeking “success mechanism(机制)”that is part of the subconscious(潜意识的)mind.This success mechanism is constantly searching for ways to help us reach our


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