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1、速读教材P23课文,完成下列任务.阅读判断判断下列句子提供的信息是正确,还是错误,还是没有提及1Our dream will come true as long as we make plans ahead.ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned.2Ernest Hemingway became a trainee reporter before high school.ARight.BWrong. CNot mentioned.3Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature.ARight.BWrong. CNot

2、mentioned.4Arthur Conan Doyle was famous for his stories of fictional detective.ARight.BWrong. CNot mentioned.5Arthur Conan Doyle wrote his early Holmes stories when he was a doctor.ARight.BWrong. CNot mentioned.答案15BBAAA.补全信息选择正确选项填入空白处,补全所给句子提供的信息Awondering or even worrying about possibly the most

3、 important issue of our livesthe futureBleaving high schoolCHaving set himself this goalDcomparing the lives of two famous authors,born 40 years apartElying comfortably in bed,about to fall into deep sleep1One moment,we are 2Our eyes are open and we find ourselves 3In this respect,some people are mo

4、re fortunate than others,as can be illustrated by 4On ,he joined a local Kansas newspaper as a trainee reporter.5. ,he wrote novels and short stories based on his personal experiences.答案15EADBC.表格填空Shall we take action to shape our future or should we just accept 1.whatever comes our way?Ernest Hemi

5、ngway born in 1899,made up his mind 2.to write when he was a child.He used his extraordinary experiences to3.inform his writing.His short novel The Old Man and the Sea won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953.Arthur Conan Doyle 4.born in Scotland in 1859,worked as a doctor 5. originallyHe longed 6

6、.to become known for his historical novels.However,his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes made him a 7.household name.Commons:They are both famous authors.They shared the same 8.ambitious and energetic approach 9.to life.Making plans is not enough to guarantee success,and we should be prepared for

7、the 10.unexpected.细读教材P23课文,完成下列任务.主旨匹配1Para.1AErnest Hemingway became a famous author as planned.2Para.2 BIn life,we should be prepared for the unexpected.3Para.3 CArthur Conan Doyle became famous for his fictional novels.4Para.4 DFuture is possibly the most important concern in life.5Para.5 EHavin

8、g plans may not make sure that they will become reality.6Para.6 FDoyle was disappointed with the success of his Holmess stories.答案16DEACFB.单项选择1What experience is the novel The Old Man and the Sea based on?ADeepsea fishing.BThe First World War.CThe Spanish Civil War.DBullfighting.2Why did Doyle kill

9、 off his famous detective in his novel?ATo bring in a new character.BTo satisfy the readers.CTo focus on his historical novels.DTo make more money.3What is Doyles main writing ambition?ATo cure more patients.BTo become a writer of historical novels.CTo become a famous detective.DTo write more fictio

10、nal novels.4The passage mainly tells us Athere is no need to make plans for our futureBalthough making plans is vital,we also should be prepared for the unexpectedCtwo famous writers and their worksDif you dont give up,youll be a great writer答案14ACBB.读后续写微技能读后续写微技能描述决心A阅读课文中含有描述决心的语句1The American au

11、thor,Ernest Hemingway,born in 1899,was from early boyhood singleminded in his ambition to write.2Doyles main ambition was to become a writer of historical novels.3He still longed to become known for his historical novels amongst other academic works.B判断下列语句中哪个不是描述决心的1On leaving high school,he joined a local Kansas newspaper as a trainee reporter.2I decided that I would write one story about each thing that I knew about.3In desperation,he killed off the famous detective in a novel published in 1893 so that he could focus on his“serious” writing.答案1


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