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1、数量词和冠词1. There are _ flowers and trees shown in the park and_ people go to have a look.A. plenty of; much B. various; manyC varieties of; various of D. quite a few; quite a little【答案解析】 B【详解】考查数量词和形容词。句意:公园里有各种各样的花和树,有许多人去看。A. plenty of大量,许多; much大量的;B. various各种各样的; many许多的;C. varieties of各种各样的; va

2、rious of 不同的;D. quite a few不少,相当多;quite a little相当多,很多。根据flowers and trees可知此处要用形容词修饰名词,表示各种各样的花和树。people是名词的复数形式,因此要用many修饰people。故选B项。2. Only when you have been familiar with the plan _.A. then youll be able to carry it outB. were you able to carry it outC. and you will be able to carry out itD. w

3、ill you be able to carry it out【答案】D【详解】考查倒装句。句意:只有你熟悉了该计划,你才能将它执行。“only+ when引导的时间状语从句”位于句首,主句需要使用部分倒装语序(一般疑问句的语序),因此A项错误;空格处应填入主句,因此出现并列连词and是不合理的,即C项错误;B项使用了倒装语序,但是它使用的时态(一般过去时)是错误的,由语境可知,执行计划是“将来”要发生的事情,应使用一般将来时。故选D。【点睛】“only+状语(从句)”位于句,句子(主句)通常要用部分倒装语序。1. “only副词”位于句首。如:Only then did I realize

4、that I was wrong. 只是到了那时我才意识到是我错了。2. “only+介词短语”位于句首。如:Only by working hard can you succeed. 只有努力工作你才能成功。Only in the reading-room can you find him. 你只有在阅览室你才能找到他。3. “only+状语从句”位于句首。如:Only when one loses freedom does one know its value. 一个人只有在失去自由后才知道自由的可贵。3. We went right round to the west coast by

5、sea instead of driving across continent。A. the; the B. / ; the C. the;/ D. / ; /【答案解析】 B此题考查固定搭配中零冠词的用法以及定冠词表特指的用法。句意:我们乘船绕道去西海岸,而没有开车(直接)穿过大陆去。by sea坐船,等于by ship,不需加冠词,类似的还有by bus, by air. continent这里是特指,为说话双方所知道,故其前加定冠词the。4. He is so clever that he can solve _ problems by himself.A. a great many

6、of B. a large amount ofC. a series of D. much【答案解析】 C【详解】考查数词。句意:他很聪明,能自己解决一系列问题。A. a great many后直接加可数名词复数,不需要介词of;B. a large amount of +不可数名词;C. a series of+可数名词复数;D. much + 不可数名词。故选C。5. He is so clever that he can solve _ problems by himself.Aa great many of Ba large amount ofCa series of Dmuch【答案

7、解析】 C考查数词。句意:他很聪明,能自己解决一系列问题。A. a great many后直接加可数名词复数,不需要介词of;B. a large amount of +不可数名词;C. a series of+可数名词复数;D. much + 不可数名词。故选C。6. How about _ Christmas evening party?I should say it was _ success.A. a;a B. the;a C. a;不填 D. the;不填【答案解析】 B【详解】考查冠词。句意:圣诞晚会怎么样?我应该说它很成功。Christmas evening party特指对方所

8、参加的圣诞节晚会,所以要用定冠词the。success意为“成功的人或事”时,是可数名词,表示泛指要用不定冠词a。故选B。7. _ great number of doctors and nurses from all over China _ to Hubei in the early 2020 and _ number of them_ over10,000.A. The; sent; a; were B. A; were sent; the; wasC. The; were sent; a; was D. A; sent; the; were【答案解析】 B【详解】考查冠词、被动语态和主

9、谓一致。句意:2020年初,中国各地的大量的医护人员被派往湖北,数量超过1万人。第一个空是大量用a number of;第二个空派送是谓语动词,医护人员和派送是被动关系,用被动语态。第三个空the number of表示数量,做主语谓语用单数。故选B。8. Later _ word came that Dolly _ sheep had become seriously ill.A. a; a B. the; the C. /; the D. /; /【答案解析】 C【详解】考查冠词。句意:后来有消息说Dolly羊病得很重。word意为“消息”时,不可数名词,不可数名词表泛指时,不加冠词,sh

10、eep特指Dolly羊,应在sheep前面用the表特指。故选C项。9. The heavy rain lasted 3 hours on _ end and came to _ end when the class was over.A. an;an B. an;/ C. /;an D. /;/【答案解析】 C【详解】考查冠词。句意:这场大雨连续不断地下了三个小时,当放学时才停住。结合句意可知第一空考查短语on end持续地,第二空考查短语come to an end结束,故选C项。10. The rain poured down for hours on _ end, and finall

11、y came to _ end.A. /; an B. the, an C. /; / D. an; an【答案解析】 A【详解】考查冠词。句意:雨连续下了好几个小时,终于停了。固定短语on end连续地;come to an end结束,告终。故选A项。11. The parents were shocked by_news that their son needed_operation on his knee.A. A; / B. the; / C. the; an D. a; an【答案解析】 B【解析】句意:他们的儿子需要在膝盖处做一个手术,这个消息使得父母非常震惊。此句中的news是

12、特指后面同位语从句中提到的内容,故应该用定冠词the;儿子需要在膝盖上做一个手术,非特指,用不定冠词a。12. Penicillin, _ chemical in mould that was first discovered in 1928, wasnt purified to be used as a medicine until _World War.A. a; the B. /; /C. the; the D. a; /【答案解析】 D【详解】考查冠词。句意:青霉素是1928年首次发现的霉菌中的一种化学物质,直到第二次世界大战后才被提纯用作药物。chemical为名词,此处泛指“一种化

13、学物质”,故用不定冠词a;专有名词前通常使用零冠词,故第二空不填。故选D。13. I dont know exactly what they are working on,but Ive got rough idea of field of their research.A. the ,a B. 不填,theC. the, 不填 D. a,the【答案解析】 D【详解】考查冠词用法。句意:我不知道他们究竟在做什么,但我对他们的研究领域有了大致的了解。have got a rough idea “有大致的了解”,idea为泛指,故前加a,“他们的研究领域”中field为特指,故填the,选项D符

14、合语义。14. Dont take it seriously,AliceI wasnt making _ fun of you its nothing but _ joke A. /; the B. the; the C. the; a D. /; a 【答案解析】 D 试题分析:在本句中,make fun of sb是固定搭配,意思是“捉弄某人”,而在第二个空中,joke由于是在本句中首次出现,故用不定冠词a。根据句意,可知选D。 15. He is in _ possession of that beautiful garden and the shop is in _ possession of his brother.A. the; the B. the; /C. /; the D. / ; /【答案解析】 C【详解】考查固定搭配及冠词。句意:他拥有那座美丽的花园,这家商店归他哥哥所有。in p


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