现代大学英语精读3 课后句子翻译

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1、LESSON 11. 她打算申请那个学术工作。She intends to apply for that academic position. 2. 他对他的研究如此专心致志,他从来没有想过很快退休这种事。He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire. 3. 很多人都注意到了,没有有效的监督,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。Many people have observed that without effective checks, we all have a

2、 tendency to abuse our power. 4. 学生们必须仔细观察阿红的作家如何用词。Student must observe carefully how good writers use words.5. 有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉非常反感。Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference. 6. 要控制沙尘暴,涉及到很多工作和金钱。The control of sandstorms will involve a t

3、remendous amount of work and money. 7. 你应用这些技术的时候,必须到考虑当地的条件。You have to take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies. 8. 所有的申请者都必须填好这个表格,然后邮寄上 50 美元的报名费。All applicants will have to fill out this form and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars. 9. 他根据对孩子们行为的仔细观察得出

4、结论,学习是一种自然的乐趣。Based on his careful observation of childrens behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure. 10. 在一个多民族的国家里,民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling. 11. 政府决定盐城所有涉案的官员。The government is determined to punis

5、h all the corrupt officials involved. 12. 考试作弊不经常发生,但是一旦发生,学校会采取严厉的态度。Cheating at/on exams does not occur very often. But once it does, the school will take a very tough position. 1.在会谈中双方面没有达成什么共识。In the negotiations, the two sides found they had little in common.2.越来越多的老年人在学习怎样使用互联网。More and more

6、old people are how to use the Internet.3.别忘了在考卷上写上名字。Dont forget to write down your name on the exam paper.4.我们应该牢记学习无捷径可走。We must bear in mind that there is no shortcut in learning.5.他从来没有后悔过弃商从政。He never regretted having shifted from business to politics.6.我想本周和你谈谈你的学期论文。Id like to have a chat wit

7、h you about your term paper sometime this week(本周的某个时间).7.学外语和运动一样需要大量的练习。Like sports, learning a foreign language requires a lot of practice.8.他们都还记得是从什么地方听到那个令人震惊的消息的。They all remember where they were when they heard the shocking news.9.人从成功中所学甚少,从失败中学到的更多。People learn little from victory ,but muc

8、h more from defeat.10.当你面临选择时,你有三种选择,做自己想做的事,随大流,做应该做的事。Whenever you face a decision you have three choices :do what you please ,do what others do ,r do what is right.LESSON 31. 火箭发射前几分钟,这次飞行任务推迟了。The mission was put off minutes before the rocket was launched.2. 科学家们正在开发一种利用太阳能的更好的办法。Scientists are

9、trying to develop a more effective way of using solar energy.3. 体育之所以重要是因为他关系到一个国家人民的建康,而不是因为它是以汇总有利可图的行业。Sport is important because it concerns the health of the people of a nation ,and not because it is a profitable business.4. 这个项目是去年上的马,完成之后我们就可以将气从西部一直运到东部。The project was launched last year ,an

10、d when completed we can bring the gas from the west all the way to our east.5. 一个公司的生命要看它能多快的开发新产品来满足市场的需要。The survival of a company depend on how fast it can develop new products to meet the needs of the market.6. 他提出了一种理论,认为人类的进步很大程度上是由于合作,而不是竞争。He developed the theory that that human progress has

11、 been largely due to cooperation rather than competition. 7. 对中国很多过去一直担心不知下顿饭在哪里的人来说,现在最大的担心是超重。For many people in China that used to worry everyday where their next meal was come from, today their biggest concern is being overweighting.8. 据信他们迟早会发动进攻,这只是一个时间的问题。It is believed that they will launch

12、an attack sooner or later , it is only a matter of time.9. 好吧,你出个价,你准备付多少钱?OK, you make me an offer ,how much would you pay .10. 我们从 20 世纪得到的一个教训是:在一个国家的发展中,人力资源比自然资源更重要。One lesson we have drawn from the 20th century is that human resources are more important than natural resources in the developmen

13、t of a nation.11. 不少教师对一些年轻人缺乏集体观念感到关切。Many teacher are concerned about a lack of communal spirit among some young people.12. 他给我的条件十分慷慨,他说他将付我十万美金年薪,让我当人事部经理。It was a very generous offer .He said that he will pay me S100000 a year as personnel manager.13. 今天,腐败问题已经成为全球关切的问题。Today the corruption pro

14、blem has become a matter of international concern.14. 她突然不讲任何理由就扬长而去。She suddenly walked out of the room without saying anything .15. 这种激烈的竞争真能把年轻人逼疯。These tough competitions can really drive young people crazy.16. 对不起,我现在不能让你用我的车,我要用车把我爱人送到机场去。Im sorry I cant let you use my car now , I have to driv

15、e my wife to the airport. 17. 他那天说的,听起来很模糊,我不知道他究竟想说些什么。What he said the other day sounded very vague , I dont really know what he was driving at.1.看到这些孩子们的而进步真是令人鼓舞。Its encouraging to see these children making progress.2.干点家务是不会有害处的。It wouldnt hurt you any to do some housework.3对中国人来说 1997、7、1 是一个永

16、远要记住的日子。For the Chinese ,July 1,1997 is a day to remember forever.4.有必要让所有的雇员上班的时候都穿公司的制服吗?It is necessary for every stuff member to wear the company uniform at work?5.为了住的接近大自然,越来越多的城市居民在搬往郊区。In order to live close to nature ,more and more city dwellers are moving to the suburbs.6.正如一句中国俗话所说,他们只是搬起石头砸自己的脚。They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet ,as a Chinese saying goes.7.她的要求并不高,他只想要别人认真的对待她。She isnt asking much ,she simply wants to be taken seriously.8



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