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1、毕 业 设 计 说 明 书毕业生姓名 :专业 :学号 :指导教师所属系(部) :i前言一、概述XX煤矿位于襄垣县城西南 5km,地域属长治市襄垣县古韩镇管辖,隶属襄五煤业有限责任公司。 (原崔家庄煤矿 XX矿井)襄垣县古韩镇华能焦化有限公司。XX煤矿井田系 XX村安全煤柱的一部分,位于潞安煤业(集团)公司五阳煤矿井田范围内,是沁水煤田长治勘探区的一部分,井田面积 0.775km2,开采 3号煤层,该煤层平均厚度 6.39m,倾角一般小于 15,煤层结构简单,顶底板岩性良好,地质构造简单,属不易自燃煤层。根据相邻五阳煤矿资料,与本井田相邻采区瓦斯涌出量为 6.5m3/t。井田内 3号煤层能利用储

2、量 6690kt,实际可采储量 4716kt。3号煤层为低灰中灰、特低硫低硫、中热值特高发热值瘦煤(SM) ,主要用作炼焦配煤,动力及民用煤,主供焦化厂。焦煤和配焦煤是煤炭市场紧缺煤种,目前市场缺口很大,供不应求,即使在前几年煤炭市场持续疲软的情况下,也一直是卖方市场。随着我国化工、冶金工业对此煤种需求量的日益增大,本矿 3号煤层市场优势和价格优势将会进一步体现出来,其市场潜力巨大。鉴于 XX井田得天独厚的资源条件和良好的外部建设环境,襄垣县政府决定并征得潞安煤业(集团)公司同意,将五阳煤矿井田内的 XX村搬迁建矿,最大限度地开发有限的优质煤炭资源。二、编制依据1山西省煤炭工业局晋煤行便字(2

3、004)第 14号文关于襄垣县人民政府移村办矿请示的意见书 。2襄垣县人民政府襄政函(2004)第 10号文关于移村办矿建小康的建议函。3潞安煤业(集团)公司潞矿办字(2004)第 108号文件关于襄垣县人民政府移村办矿的请示 。ii4潞安煤业(集团)公司五阳煤矿潞矿五办字(2004)第 27号文件关于襄垣县人民政府关于移村办矿建小康建议函的请示。5山西煤田地质勘探 114队编制的山西省襄五煤业有限责任公司 XX煤矿 3号煤层地质报告 。6.襄垣县古韩镇 XX村移村办矿创建小康村协议 ;7.关于襄五煤业公司占地意向的协议 。8.XX 煤矿可行性研究报告 。三、设计的指导思想以市场经济为导向,加

4、大矿井设计改革的力度,在保证矿井规模和安全生产的前提下,尽量简化环节,减少行政福利设施。系统设计简单实用,设备选型切合实际,经济合理,最大限度地降低矿井建设初期投资和缩短建井工期,力争通过精心设计和科学管理,把该矿井建设成安全可靠、工程量少、投资低、工期短、见效快、煤炭资源回收率高、效益好、符合市场经济的新型煤矿。四、设计的主要特点1XX 煤矿设计生产能力 300kt/a,属于新建矿井。矿井采用一次设计、一次建成投产的移交方式。2立井开拓布置主立井和副立井两个井筒,主立井装备一对 3.0t箕斗,担负矿井原煤提升任务,兼做回风井和安全出口;副立井担负矿井辅助运输任务,兼做进风井和安全出口。回风大

5、巷兼辅助运输。3贯彻了多做煤巷少做岩巷的原则,井下巷道除井底车场外均沿煤层布置,矿井移交生产时,煤巷占 67.9%。开采过程基本不作岩巷。4全井田只布置一个采区、一个普掘工作面,一个综掘工作面,初期移交的回采工作面布置在井田西部边界。生产系统简单。5选用综采放顶煤开采,生产集中、产量较大,利于稳产、超产,材料消耗少,适应性强,效率高。6井筒工业场地布置在井田边界附近,安全煤柱与五阳矿大巷部分煤柱重叠,iii占压本井田少,矿井资源回收率高。7、地面建筑最大限度地采用了同体联合建筑。五、主要技术经济指标1井田开拓方式:立井;2水平划分及水平标高:全井田一个水平开采,水平标高+389.5m;3矿井移

6、交生产时井巷总工程量为 4217.2m,其中煤巷 2862m,岩巷1355.2m;煤巷占 67.9%,岩巷 32.1%。总掘进体积为 70109.58m3,其中硐室体积4827m3。万吨掘进率为 140.57m万吨。4矿井工业场地工业建(构)筑物总面积:2976.4m 2,总体积:17410.4m 3。胶带输送机走廊长度 150.0m;5矿井工业场地行政福利建筑(含单身宿舍)总面积 1900.8m2,总体积6833.3m3;6矿井总占地面积 5.63ha(不含预留场地) ,其中工业场地占地面积4.43ha,排矸场地征用地 1.20ha;7矿井原煤全员效率 5.48t/工;8矿井职工在籍总人数

7、421人;9矿井建设总工期 19.3个月,其中施工准备期 2个月,建井工期 17.3个月;10矿井共迁居民 136户。11矿井建设总投资 9303.00万元,吨煤投资为 310.10元;六、存在问题与建议1建设单位应在主立井、副立井位置施工井筒检查孔,以便为井筒设计和施工提供可靠的依据。2请建设单位尽快与有关单位签定供电电源、共用煤柱等协议。3本井田面积甚小,为延长开采年限,建议矿方尽早考虑扩区开发方案,及iv早办理有关手续。vPrefaceOverviewEast Village Coal Mine is located in the southwestern county Xiangyua

8、n 5km, Changzhi City area is an old Korean town of Xiangyuan County jurisdiction, under the Coal Industry Xiang five limited liability company. (Formerly East coal mine Cui) Xiangyuan County town of the ancient Han Coking Co., Ltd Huaneng. East Village Coal Mine Safety Department of the East Village

9、 part of the coal pillar, located in Luan Coal Industry (Group) Co. coal mine in Wuyang range Qinshui coalfield is part of the exploration area in Changzhi, mine area 3.1km2, mining coal on the 3rd The average seam thickness of 6.39m, the general inclination of less than 15 , coal simple structure,

10、good roof and floor lithology, geological structure is simple, spontaneous combustion of coal is not easy. Wuyang adjacent coal mines in accordance with the information relating to mining area adjacent to the mine gas emission for 3.2m3 / t. Coal mine on the 3rd with the use of reserves to 26760kt,

11、the actual recoverable reserves 17696kt. 3 for the low-ash coal - in gray, special low - low, medium calorific value - the value of high fever Coal (SM), mainly for coking coal, power and civil coal, coking plant. Allocation of coking coal and coke is a coal shortage of the coal market, a large gap

12、in the market, in short supply, even a few years ago to remain slack in the coal market, it is also has been a sellers market. As Chinas chemical industry, metallurgical industry this growing demand for coal, the coal mine on the 3rd market advantage and price advantage will be further reflected in

13、its market has great potential.Prepared in accordance with 1. Xiang five Coal Limited (the former East Mine Mine Cui) The company commissioned the preparation of the preliminary design of coal-ris power viof attorney. 2. Shanxi Coal Industry Bureau coal would be the word line (2004) No. 14 text Xian

14、gyuan County Peoples Government on the transfer of written instructionsvillage. 3. Xiangyuan County Peoples Government Xiang letter G (2004) No. 10 the text on the move to build a well-off villageletter of recommendation. 4. Luan Coal Industry (Group) Co. mines Lu words (2004) No. 108 document Xiang

15、yuan County Peoples Government on the transfer requestvillage. 5. Luan Coal Industry (Group) Co. Wuyang five coal mines to do the word Lu (2004) paper No. 27 on the of the request. 6. Shanxi Coal Geological Exploration Team 114 in the Xiang Shanxi Coal Industry Co., Ltd. 5 East Coal Mine Geological

16、Report on the 3rd. 7. Xiangyuan County, the ancient Han Zhendong Village Villagetransfer agreement to create a well-off village; 8. Coal companies on the five-hsiang of the agreement covers an area of interest. 9. East Coal Mine feasibility study report.The design of the guiding ideology of Market economy-oriented reforms to increase the strength of mine design, mine size and in ensuring sa


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