冀教版四年级英语下册Lesson 7导学案

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1、Lesson 7 Months of the Year 导学案 教学目标:能听、说、读、写四会单词:Month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. 能灵活运用下列句型:Whats your favourite month ?/ Whose birthday is in July? My birthday is in July.重点难点:1、Whats your favourite +名词?用于询问对方最喜欢的 .是什么。2、of 的用

2、法, of 表示一种所属关系,译为“.的” ,用于没生命的物。所属物品在 of 前面。教学过程:1、由学过的星期引入,一星期有几天,一个月有几个星期,一年有几个月。2、学生预习课文,认识十二个月用英语如何说和写,试着翻译句子。不会的同桌讨论,3、教师检查预习效果。纠正读音,翻译。4、书写十二个月单词。及一、三部分对话。练习一、选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. August B. November C. lesson( )2. A. say B. Feb. C. Dec.( )3. A.sing B.write C.favourite( )4. A.month B.October C.year

3、( )5. A.birthday B.what C.whose二、背写十二个月份单词。三、连词成句。1. year twelve of these the are the months _2.favourite your what month is _ 3.birthday July whose in is _四、读一读、选一选。 her your his she I1.How are you ?_am fine.2.Whats _name ? My name is Li Hong.3.Kim is doing _homework.4.This is Miss Liu ._is my English teacher.5.He is a student . _name is Guo Yang .


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