八年级英语下册Unit 6 导学案

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1、Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?(第一、二课时)主备人: 付文娟 授课时间: 2013.4.10-11 班级: 八年级 学习目标 知识目标 1.识记并会运用单词 collect, shell, pair, skate, since 2.理解并运用短语 for five years, a pair of. 3. 掌握并运用句型(1) - How long have you been skating ?- I have been skating for five hours.(2) - How long have you been s

2、kating ?- I have been skating since I was seven years old.能力目标:能用新句型进行对话,了解完成时态的用法。情感目标:培养学生们的交际能力,以及相互帮助和合作的能力。重点:现在完成时态的构成及用法,标志词.难点:have /has been and have/has gone 的区别.学 习 导 航预习检测:(自读课本 44-46 页,完成下面三关。 )第一关:看我七十二变 你还能认出我吗?1.collect(n.) _(表人 n.) _ 2. skate(表人 n.) _ 第二关:新课初探 快来迎接这 9 个重点短语吧!1.收集贝壳

3、_ 2.为慈善事业募捐 _ 3.一双,一副 _4.滑冰马拉松 _5.三年半 _ _ 6. 第一个做某事的人_7. 整整五个小时_ 8. 几个溜冰者_ 9. 一小时前_大显身手,那就快试试吧!1. Students are skating to r_ money for Hope Project.2. Mike has studied for s_ months before the exam, so he can pass it.3. Shes going to buy a p_ of shoes.4. There are many beautiful s_ on the beach.5. _

4、 (collect) shells is his hobby.6. The old man is a famous _ (collect) .( ) 5. My glasses are broken. I need to buy another _. A. one B. pair C. it第三关:读 3a,完成下列两个任务。【Task One】:找出下列句子(3a)。1.孩子们正在为慈善团体筹募钱而溜冰。 Students are _.2.马拉松溜冰比赛已经进行了五个小时。The _marathon_.3.艾利森是第一个开始的已经滑了整整五个小时。Alison was _ and has_.

5、4.他只是一个小时前开始的。He _.【Task Two】 :Read 3a and tell T or F1. The skating marathon is in the Hilltop School. ( )2. Students are skating to raise money for charity. ( )3. The skating marathon has been going for six hours now. ( )4. Sam was the first to start . ( )5. Sam and Lu Ning have been skating for f

6、our hours.( )学 习 导 航【课堂练习】一、时态填空1. They _ (go ) to London next year.2. The boys _ ( play) football for two hours.3. What _ you _ (do) when your mother came in?4. - What _ your father _ ( do ) ?- He is a computer engineer. 5. - How long _ you _ _ ( watch ) TV ?- For only half an hour.6. What _ you _(

7、 do ) if it _ ( rain ) tomorrow ?7. She _ _ _ ( skate ) since she _(be) five years old.8. -When _ you _ (get) up this morning ?- At about six oclock.9.Ive been practicing the piano _ 8:30. ( since 或 for)10. Maria has been running _ 25 minutes. ( since 或 for)二、句型转换1.He has been working for five hours

8、(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ he _ _?2.He has been collecting stamps since five years ago.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ _ stamps since five years ago?3.Lily has been swimming for twenty minutes.(改为否定句)Lily _ _ _ for twenty minutes.4.Ive been skating since I was seven years old. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ you _ _?【课堂检测】单项选择()1._ of them has

9、 a study.(书房) A.Both B.All C.Each D.Every()2. They _ have their own e-mail address. A.both B.all C.each D.every ()3. - _ have you been standing here ? - For half an hour. A. When B. Where C. How long()4. - _ you _ to the party yesterday? - Yes, I did. A. Did ; go B. Have; been C. Do; go()5How long d

10、id your brother skate?He _ for five hours.A.did skated B.skated C.is skating D.was skating()6.They _money to build a new school for the faraway village. A.collected B.took C.spent D raised()7.He said he _ doing some shopping. A.would like B.liked C.wanted D felt()8._the girls ate up the _ cake in ab

11、out five minutes. A. All , whole B. All, all C. Whole,all()9.My elder sister is_in the writer job.A.interested B.interesting C.interests D to interest()10.The Smiths have been living here_ about 15 years. A.for B.since C.in D.to ( ) 11. _ shall we start for Shanghai ? At eight oclock tomorrow mornin

12、g .AHow long B. When C. How soonUnit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?(第三、四课时)主备人: 付文娟 授课时间: 2013.4.12/ 4.15 班级: 八年级 学习目标预习目标】:1、知识目标:New words:stamp,kite 2、能力目标:Drills:1,would like to do 2 have been doing3、情感目标:培养情趣,爱好【预习重、难点】:1、How long has he been collecting kites ?2、He has been collecting kites since he was ten years old.学 习 导 航预习检测:(自读课本 47-48 页,完成下面两关。 )第一关:看我七十二变 你还能认出我吗?1.run(过去分词 ) _ 2.box(pl.)_ 3.hobby(pl.)_ 4.seven(序数词)_第二关:新课初探 快来迎接 9 这个重点短语吧!1.收集贝壳_2.集邮_3.事实上 _ 4.用完,用尽_ 5.在我的第七个生日_ 6.顺便说一下_ 7.想要_8.因而感谢 _



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