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1、拼板工艺Jointed plate craft 一、适用范围 Range of application 1、适用于内底板、各层甲板、平台板、纵横舱壁、围壁、及平直的外板的拼板。It is suitable to inner bottom plate 、 all decks 、 platform plate 、 longitudinal and transverse bulkhead 、 trunk bulkhead and jointed plate of straight shell plate. 二、工艺内容 Content of craft: 1、拼板工艺过程 procedure of

2、jointed plate craft procedure 船体内底板、各层甲板、平台板、纵横舱壁、围壁、及平直的外板等大面积平板均需预先拼板,其工艺过程如下:Slabs such as hull inner bottom plate 、 all decks、 platform plate 、 longitudinal and transverse bulkhead 、 trunk bulkhead and jointed plate of straight shell plate should be made jointed in advance.Process is as follows:

3、 1)按照施工图纸(或样台草图)的要求,核对钢板后,同时检查钢板正反面,严重锈蚀夹层或被割穿等,直线边缘平直度边缘坡口等情况,然后,在拼板前应将刨过边的钢板边缘用砂轮或角磨机等工具除锈,一切符合拼板要求后,将钢板铺放在平台上。According to the requirement of working drawings,both sides of steel plate should be checked if there is severe corrosion or being sliced through and the straightness of straight edge and

4、 edge groove.Then,edge of edge-planing steel plate should be rust cleaned by grinding wheel or angle grinder.When everything meet the requirement of jointed board,put the steel plate on platform 2)将钢板基准端的边缘校对平齐,用花篮螺丝紧固,对于薄板可用撬杆撬紧,如果不用花篮螺丝紧固, 在定焊时要先在中间和两端固定, 然后在加紧密定位焊。 Align base side edge of steel p

5、late and fix with turnbuckle.To thin plate,ripping bar can be used.Without turnbuckle, fix the middle part and both ends, then take the close position welding. 3) 拼板时,若有边缝、端缝时,一般先拼装边缝。若先装端缝,由于边缝尺寸较长,定位焊的收缩变形较大,可能产生如下图所示的间隙,则边缝的修正量就较大。但在焊接时为了减少焊接应力,应按先焊端缝,后焊边缝的工艺程序。If there is side seam or end seam,g

6、enerally, joint side seam first.If end seam is jointed first, gaps as following chart could be made,because size of side seam is big,contraction deformation is big,then side seam revise is much.To reduce welding stress,end seam is jointed before side seam. 4)对于大面积钢板拼接可分成几片分别拼接,随后再进行片与片之间的横向拼接,为了减少横缝

7、的切割工作量, 在拼接时应尽将端缝对齐。 For joint of large sized steel plate,we can joint some small pieces first,then horizontally joint the pieces.To reduce the cutting work, align the side seams as possible during the joint. 5)采有自动焊时,应在板缝的两端设置引弧板和熄弧板其规格一般为 100 100 左右,厚度与所拼钢板厚度相当。 When automatic welding is adopted,r

8、un-on tab and run-off tab should be set on both ends.Generally,size of the tab is about 100 100. 板缝间隙要求板厚 thickness( mm)手 工 焊 manual welding 自 动 焊 automatic welding 6 0.5-10 (局部允许 0.5 时, 应先作手工封底焊。开坡口: 1 1.5 7-10 1-1.5 ( 2.5)12-14 1.5-2 ( 3)14-16 2-2.5 板缝应平齐错边量: 1mm 2、型材的装配焊接 Assembly welding of T ba

9、r 2.1 型材的装配焊接 Assembly welding of T bar 型材是由腹板和面板组合而成,其中较宽的腹板上安装一定数量的型钢扶强材。 T bar consists of web and face plate.Some profile steel stiffeners are mounted on wider webs. 型材采用在船体结构中有如下构件:强肋骨;强横梁、舷侧纵桁、甲板纵桁、单底船的肋板、中龙骨、旁内龙骨、舱壁的水平桁材和垂直桁材等等。 T bar is used in hull as follows:web frame web beam side girder

10、deck girder floor of single bottom ship horizontal girder and vertical ladder etc. 型材分平直与曲线两类,凡是平直型材采用翻身装法,曲线型材在简易胎架上进行侧装法装焊。 T bar has straight type and curve type.Turning over assembly is used to straight T bar,side welding on simple mould bed is used for curve T bar. 型材装配既要保证腹板与面板的安装位置正确,还要保证腹板与面

11、板安装角度正确,采用临时支撑材和合理施焊方法,对于曲线型材,装配时在腹板上标出铺助检验线,以便检验和变形矫正, For T bar assembly,ensure the mounting position and mounting angle of web and face plate.Adopt temporary bar support and proper welding method.For curve T bar,mark the auxiliary testing line on webs in order to test and correct in case of defor

12、mation. 2.2 装焊型材的技术要求 Technical requirement of T bar welding and assembly. ( 1)腹板与面板的接合间隙应 0 2mm,局部允许超差,且其超差长度不大于该材的20,间隙 3mm允许堆焊,若间隙 3mm或超差长度超过该材长度的 20。应割换面板,但割换面板的长度 200 /m。Joint gap of web and face plate a should be less than 0 2mm,overproof is admitted partly,but overproof length can be over 20%

13、 of overthe bar.Surfacing is allowed if the gap is less than 3mm.If a 3mm or overproof length is over 20% of the bar, face plate should be changed,but length of the changed face plate should be 200 /m. ( 2)腹板与面板安装位置与理论线偏差应 1mm。 Offset of Mounting position of web and face plate and theoretical line s

14、hould be less than 1mm. ( 3)面板与腹板装焊后的角变形 angle is deformed after assembly welding of face plate and web. 、与样板检查 不大于 2mm,局部不大于 3mm。 Check of sample plate should be within 2mm.Not more than 3mm partly. 、焊后面板角变形 ,按面板宽度 b 计算,不超过 2 b /100, 局部不超过 3 b /100 。Angle deformation after welding should not more than 2 b /100 and not more than 3 b /100 partly. b is width of face plate.



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