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1、乐道仙山-崆峒亲爱的游客朋友们:Dear visitors and friends:大家好!现在啊,请揉揉你们惺忪的睡眼,把你们的耳朵叫醒。不远处的那座山就是我们今天的目的地-素有“天下道教第一山”美誉崆峒山了。Hello, everyone. Now, please rub your sleepy eyes, wake up your ear, we have arrived our todays destination - known as the first famous mountain of Taoism in the world.问道仙山,乃崆峒也。关于崆峒山名称的由来,历来有很多

2、说法。第一种呢,与道教“空空洞的,清静自然”的观念有关。“空洞”与“崆峒”,古音相同,因而得名;第二种说法,据史书记载,早在商周时期,这里便是空同氏部族的居住地,所以崆峒就变成这座山的名称了;第三种说法被大家广为认可,“崆峒崆峒,遍山空洞,洞洞相连,山山相通”。可见山上真的有数不清的洞穴呢,一会大家到了山上留意一下就会发现。从文学的角度来说,物体内部虚空就是“空”字和“同”字。而山有洞穴,自然就是“崆峒”咯!Before my introduction to Kongtong,I would like to ask you, who know the origin of the name of

3、 this mountain? About the origins of the name Kongtong mountain, it has many versions through the ages. The first, with Taoism concept of empty and nature. Hole and Kongtong, sound the same in ancient time, so as its name, the second kind is according to historical records, as early as in Shang and

4、Zhou dynasties, here is tribal settlements named Kongtongshi, so it becomes the mountain s name. The third one is recognized by the most people, we listened to such a few words, Kongtong mountain built hole by hole . Really there are countless caves. In terms of the literal perspective, internal voi

5、d object is empty and with word. While the mountain caves, naturally been called Kongtong!既是崆峒,少不了神秘的万千洞窟。比如玄鹤洞,相传黄帝问道之时,洞中有双鹤飞出,黑羽丹頂。有人说,这对玄鹤本来是广成子座前的童男童女,耳濡目染也最终得道,化作仙鹤了;也有人说,这对童男童女啊,整天待在一起侍奉广成子,日久生情,故而触犯道规,被罚到凡间做仙鹤。世世代代,崆峒山屡有飞鹤出现,若能亲眼所见,一定是饕餮盛宴。When it comes to the mysterious hole, it has its own

6、 story , such as Xuanhe hole. It is said that when the Yellow Emperor practiced taoism, there are a pair of cranes flying out with black feather and red head. Someone says, the cranes are the young boys and girls in front of Guang Chengzis seat, and eventually attained into a crane; others says, the

7、 young boy and girl looked after Guang Chengzi together. Day by day, they achieved their love but against the rule of Taoism to be blamed as cranes. Its so lucky for us to get a chance to see the real crane flying in mountain.崆峒山位于平凉市城西 12 公里处,属六盘山支脉,主峰海拔 2123.5 米,是国家四 A 级景区及年代古老的丹霞地貌。崆峒山拥有大小山峰数十座,最

8、高峰为翠屏峰,因其地势险陡,树木葱茏,形成了一道天然的绿色屏障而得名。山顶平而开阔的地方叫做台,崆峒有东西南北中五台,形似莲花,与“绝顶” 主峰马鬃山相傍。崆峒山上自然景观奇险灵秀,人文景观古朴精湛,可以说是集自然美,历史美,人文美,传说美于一身。崆峒山集峰、石、洞、峡、水和林木为一体,构成了独具特色的自然景观。不管是山势、草木还是浓浓的宗教氛围,都能给我们一种别有洞天的感觉。它的瑰丽、苍翠、清秀。俊逸,让我们叹为观止,明才子赵时春也感慨它“有北国山势之雄,又并南国山色之秀”了。Kongtong Mountain lies to 12 kilometers of Pingliang City.

9、 It belongs to the branches of Six-pass Mountain, and has a peak elevation of 213.5m. Kong tong mountain is the national AAAA scenic spot, and is the ancient Danxia landform. It has dozens of lesser peaks. The highest peak is Cui Ping shan. We called the smooth and wide top area as platform and Kong

10、tong mountain has 5 platforms -the east, west, south, north and middle platform. This shapes just like lotus flower, and support the main peak called Ma zong hill all around . it can be said that the Kong tong Mountain , which incorporates the natural ,historical ,humane and legendary beauty , gives

11、 people the strong sensuous pleasure ,and has a higher visual , cultural as well as scientific research values . it has always had the good reputation since ancient times , such as “wonder in the west ”, “mountain of heavenly endowed beauty ”and so on .崆峒山得天地之精华,纳人文之底蕴。相传,上古仙人广成子和赤松子云游四方,最后选定了崆峒山为栖息


13、为一体,讲究实打、实拿、强身健体和增加功力为目的。其特点是所用兵器不属于十八般兵器,但形式各种各样,小巧玲珑,携带方便,不易被对方发现,交手中往往能出奇制胜。Kongtong mountain has a very long humane history and spreads many fairy tales .according to the legend , it was Kongtong mountain that the ancient celestial beings named Guangchengzi and Chisongzi practiced austerities an

14、d attained the way . It was said that they wandered all around the country. Finally they selected Kongtong mountain as their rest and practicing place. The earliest humane ancestor-the emperor HuangDi had come KongTong mountain twice to visit Guangchengzi to learn the essence of Taoist doctrine. The

15、re is a hill named Wangjia hill which lies in the east of Kongtong mountain. According to the legend, it was named so just because of the Huangdis coming here. The Wendao temple under the mountain and the Wendao palace on the middle of mountain are more famous. So Kongtong mountain has had a widespr

16、ead good name and become one of the birthplaces of Taoism in China. It attracted many scholars and visitors throughout the ages. They were all filled with admiration for Kongtong mountains beautiful scenery and long history. Civil and military way, in your relaxation. In addition to the colorful cultural connotations, the martial arts is also a major feature of Kongtong. I believe it is not hard to see in Jin Yongs martial arts. Kongtong martial arts wit


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