江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Period 6 Grammar A & B教案

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江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Period 6 Grammar A & B教案_第1页
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江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Period 6 Grammar A & B教案_第2页
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1、Unit5Teaching aims: 1. Five kinds of sentence structures. 2. Using the simple present tense to talk about the future.Teaching importance: 1. To learn about how to know Five kinds of sentence structures. 2. To learn about using the simple present tense to talk about the future.Teaching difficulties:1

2、. To learn the following by heart: return , dove , get on the school bus , frighten the birds , arrive at Beijing Wildlife Park, Our plane leaves at ten oclock tonight. 2. To learn about how to know Five kinds of sentence structures.3. To learn about using the simple present tense to talk about the

3、future.Teaching preparation Recorder, pictures Teaching procedures: Grammar A Five kinds of sentence structures. Step 1 Free talk and check the preparation 1. T: Do you think birdwatching is interesting? What does a swallows tail look like? Are more and more birds in danger? S: . 2. Lets check out t

4、he prepared work. Solve the problems together. Step 2 Warm-up activities T:Each word or phrase plays a part in the sentence. Different combinations of the elements form different sentence structures. Today we will learn the five basic sentence structures. First, lets learn the parts of a sentence. 主

5、语(subject), 谓语动词(verb), 宾语(object), 表语(predicative), 状语 (adverbial), 宾语补足语(objectcomplement) Step 3 S+V(Subject主语+Verb谓语动词) In this kind of the sentence , we use intransitive verbs : run ,jump, dance, sing , fly, speak, go, come, arrive, e.g. 1.)Hell arrive. 2.) Shes going to speak. 3.) They danced

6、and sang. Then ask the students to practice. 1正在下着雨。 2. 我每天早晨六点钟起床。 3. 他就要到了。 4. 他们又是唱歌又是跳舞的。 Step 4 S+V+C(Subject主语 +Verb动词 + Predicative 表语) In this kind of the sentence , we use linking verbs: be, look , sound ,taste. ,smell , fee l, seem, keep, become, get(变得), turn(变得),grow(变得), go(变得) e.g. You

7、 look handsome ! You look beautiful ! Make similar sentences with linking verbs: 1我的名字是汤姆。 2扎龙是一个自然保护区。 3它提供食物和栖息地。 4这些玫瑰花看起来很美, 闻起来也很香。 Step 5 S+V+O(Subject主语+Verb动词+Object宾语) In this kind of sentence, we use transitive verbs: sing, draw, make, watch, read, see, say, call ,give, show, count, find .

8、 e.g. I love you. Make up sentences: 1. sing,he, a , cant, song 2. can , I , the , taste, dish 3. want, they , a , trip,wonderful 4.want , we, to, birds ,feed, the Step 6 S+V+IO+DO(Subject主语+Verb动词+Indirect Object间接宾语+Direct Object 直接宾语) 在英语中常跟双宾语的动词有: 1.give / show/ send / pass/teach/bring sb sth =

9、 give / show / send/pass/teach/bring sth to sb 2.buy/make/sing/draw/get sb sth = buy/make/sing/draw/get sth for sb e.g. Ill give you a birthday present. Practice: 1. 她的爸爸昨天给了她一本很好的书。 2. 请给我看看你的新电脑。 3. 她的妈妈上星期买了一只新的手表给他。 4. 米莉在几天前寄了一封信给我。 Step 7 S+V+DO+OC(Subject主语+Verb动词+ Direct Object 宾语+Object Com

10、plement宾语补足语) 注意:1.宾语和宾补是主谓关系。2.常带宾补的动词有make / keep / find / call / believe /think等. e.g. You make me happy. Practice: 1他教你们唱英语歌。 2他使他奶奶很快乐。 3我发现这篇文章很有趣。 4我们称这只大熊猫为希望。 Step 8 Exercises: Let the Ss do the exercises on Page 81 and then check the answers. Grammar B: using the simple present tense to ta

11、lk about the future Step 9 Presentation T: I found the article on wildlife interesting. Do you think wildlife is interesting? Have you ever been to a wildlife park? Mr Wu is planning a school trip to Beijing Wildlife Park. Lets look at the timetable on P82, using be going to do to make a conversation. S:. T: We can also use the simple present tense to talk about the future. We use it when we talk about programmes, timetables, calendars and definite future plans. Read out the following sentences e.g. The study begins next month.



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