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1、高中英语名词性从句专练100 题一、从句类别判断:划出下面主从复合句里所包含的从句,并指出其所属从句的类别。1. Do you have any idea where they found the gold mine?2. Do you know where they found the gold mine?3. This is the island where they found the gold mine.4. This island is the one where they found the gold mine.5. This island is where they found

2、the gold mine.6. It was on this island that they found the gold mine.7. Finally on the first day of October they reached an island, where they found a gold mine.8. Finally on the first day of October they reached an island, one where they found a gold mine.9. Finally on the first day of October they

3、 arrived where they found the gold mine.10. Quite unexpectedly, what they found on the island was a gold mine.11. They could never have imagined that they could find such a big gold mine on that island.12. It surprised the whole country that they had found a gold mine on that island.13. That they ha

4、d found a big gold mine on an island surprised the whole country.14. Word had it that they had found a gold mine on that island.15. People flocked to the island after they heard that a gold mine was found there.16. People flocked to the island after hearing the news that a gold mine was found there.

5、17. Locals found it hard to believe that there was such a big gold mine on this island.18. Locals soon declared that they owned the gold mine.19. Locals soon made an announcement that they owned the gold mine.20. Under no circumstance should they accept the deal that locals owned half of the gold mi

6、ne.二、单句语法填空21. _ worries my classmate Mary a lot these days is that she puts on too much weight andshe is frequently ill.22. She has some doubts _ she is eating too much fast food high in fat or sugar.23. Maybe this is also a reason _ she is becoming fatter and fatter these days, she thinks.24. To f

7、ind out _ she can get slimmer and healthier has become her main task.25. But where she could get suggestions and _ will give her advice puzzles her.26. Jane Goodall s research makes_ clear that chimps actually eat meat.27. Jane Goodall argues _ wild animals should be left in the wild and not used fo

8、rentertainment.28. It nots really surprising _ Brie Larson won the Oscar award for Best Actress in aLeading Role as shes so talented and hard working29. Cloning has two major uses, one of _ is that it is valuable for research on new plantspecies and for medical research on animals.30. No one knows e

9、xactly _ the earth began, as it happened so long ago.31. The “ Big Bang ” happened several billion years ago, but _ the earth was to become after that was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billions years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.32. Some people have the idea _ you can cross Can

10、ada in less than five days, but theyforget the fact _ Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast.33. It was after two daystravel_ the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty.1 34. The girls began to realize _ Canada is quite empty after two days travel35. Lin Fei told them that _ most

11、of the Chinese people there came from South China,especially Hong Kong, they could get good Cantonese food in Toronto.36. People may wonder _ different words are used to describe these four countries:England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but you can clarify this question _ you study British

12、 history.37. _ is incredible that _ these cities in Northern England are relatively small,they have world-famous football teams and some of them even have two!38. I still cannot believe _ I am taking up this prize _ I won last year, and I have toremind myself constantly _ I am really in AD 3008.39.

13、When Zhou Yang asked _ he needed to remember when he went out to cover a story,Hu Xin told him that he needed to be curious.40. Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending on _ layers of the skinare burned.三、单句改错:下列句子里有且仅有一处错误,请找出并将其改正。41. Exactly when the first people arrived in

14、 where we now know as California, no one reallyknows.42. In Disneyland, children can do almost everything what they are interested in.43. This is the best way to stop crying that you cut up onions.44. Please keep it in mind about that a stitch in time saves nine.45. Try not to start smoking, because that is what 10 million people die every year in the world.46. She was extremely angry hearing that, and that s because she left the board meeting withoutsaying a word.47. She left the board m



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