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1、全国公共英语等级(PETS)考试五级模拟试题this section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken english. you will hear a selection of recorded materialsand you must answer the questions that accompany them. there are three parts in this section, part a , part b and part c.remember, while you are doing the

2、test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the answersheet. at the end of the listening comprehension section, youwill have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto answer sheet 1.if you have any questions, you may raise your hand now as you will n

3、ot be allowed to speakonce the test has started.part a you will hear a conversation between a student, mr. wang, and his tutor, dr. wilson. as you listen, answer questions 1 to 10 by circling true or false. you will hear the conversation only once. you now have 60 seconds to read questions 1-10.1. d

4、r. wilson and mr. wang have met before. true / false2. wangpreferstolivewithanenglishfamily.true/false3.wang intendstostudyhowcomputerisusedforlanguage1translation.true/false4.backinhisowncountrymr.wang studiedc-languageandchemistry.true/false5.wanghas someexperienceincad.true/false6.dr.wilsonissati

5、sfied withwangspastexperience.true / false7. wang has little knowledge of the phonetic processing system. true / false8. wang decides to take courses and pass exams. true / false9. dr.wilson suggests that wang should extend his stay at the university. true / false10. dr. wilson asks wang to do a lit

6、tle more research before deciding on his project. true / falsetapescript:wmwhearing a knock on the door come in please.goodmorningdr.wilson.goodmorningwang.sonicetoseeyou again. take a seat.why dont you, please. when did you get tothe university?mwmi arrived yesterday.well. are you living in the col

7、lege?no, i am with an english family.actually.because i want to improve my speaking.wmwoh, fine. right, did you takealanguageproficiencytestbeforeyoucame?yes.uhh.my overall band is 6, but.unfortunately my speaking is only 5.ok,youknow,hereinthisuniversity,youhavetotakeourown english test before you

8、attend any lectures. so, first of all, whatweve got to do is, we have to make an arrangement for thetest date. umm.will tomorrow be all right for you?mw2yeah,ihavetimetomorrowmorning.good,then. tomorrow at ten. i dont think the test will be any problem foryou. now, lets make sure you make full use o

9、f your time here. lets put it like this. what exactly do you want to accomplish inthenext12months?miminterestedincomputerlanguage translation,imean,fromenglishtochineseandchineseto english. ill try, if possible, to produce a software or a devicewhichcanserveasaninterpreter.wmyes,couldyoubeabit mores

10、pecificabout.er.thedevice?forinstance,when,you talktothedeviceinenglishitwilltranslateyourwordsinto chinese and vice versa.wmwmwuhuh.do you mean itll be as competent as.er. a human interpreter?yes. well, ill let it dealwith general situations, at least.fascinating. and how big willthe device itself

11、be, do you think?the size of a cigarette pack, ithink.sopeoplecanputitintheirpocket.really.well,that could be a ph. d project. tell me what you have done so far.inmyfouryearsofundergraduatestudy,istudiedelectronics, advancedmmathematics, hardware designing, some computer languagesandprogramwriting.y

12、es,buthaveyoudone anypractical jobs? i mean, have you written anywprograms forpracticaluse?iwasinvolvedinaprojectforcadina shipyard.mwthe computer aided design. that was probably a3good experience, but, unfortunately, it may not help your present project much. are you familiar with c-language?no.mwu

13、huh. the phonetic processing system, doyou know how such a system works?what do you mean by phonetic processing system?mwwell, you know, english is spoken by different people with different accents. your englishaccent is different from mine, and of course mine is not the same as my colleagues. so as

14、 i see it, your device would haveto be able to recognise and understand different accents.oh, i see. i think i can learn c-language and a phonetic processing systemmhere.well, thats probably true, but youve got only 12monthsandyouwantawdegree,dontyou?yes.mwok,so thereretwowaysofstudyingforadegreehere.youeither take six courses, pass their exams and have your dissertationaccepted or the other way is you do some research work andsubmityourprojectreport.mwmwithinkilltakethesecond way.fine,butareyousureyoucanfinishyourprojectin12 months?i dont know, but i can wor


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