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1、 商务英语接待礼仪口语表达一1. 久仰,久仰!I have long been looking forward to meeting you.I have long desired to meet you.2.久违了。I havent seen you for ages/for a long time.Its been such a long time since we met last time.3.久闻大名。Ive heard a lot about you.4.这次由我负责全程陪同你们。I will be with you for the entire visit/trip5.欢迎你到中

2、国来。一路上辛苦了! / 一路上还好吧?Welcome to ChinaI hope youve had a good flight或 I hope you enjoyed your flight. / How was your journey?商务英语接待礼仪口语表达二1.谢谢你专程来接我。Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me.2.您贵姓?您怎么称呼? May I know your name,please?3.很高兴见到你。GladPleased to meet you .4.中国有句古话说:“有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?”T

3、heres an old saying in Chinese which goes: “Isnt it a great pleasure/joy to have friends coming from afar?As a Chinese saying goes, “Nothing is more delightful than meeting friends from far away.”5.这是给您准备的日程安排我们简单过一遍吧。如果你有什么特殊要求也可以告诉我。This is the tentative itinerary/schedule I have prepared for youL

4、ets go through it togetherIf there is any special request,just let me know6.如果有什么需要帮忙的尽管说。If you need anything,dont hesitate to askJust let me know if you need anything.7.我们安排你住在城里的酒店离我们公司开车要走 40分钟。Weve arranged for you to stay inHotel,which is in the downtown area,about 40- minute drive from our co

5、mpany8.我们也有宾馆,不过条件不如酒店。离单位倒是很近走路就可以到。We have our own guest house,but there is no comparison between the two, only the guest house is within walking distance of the workplace9.除了正式会谈以外我们也为大家安排了一些游览活动。In addition to official meetings,we have also arranged some sightseeing10.我期待着您的再次来访。 Im looking forward to your visit again11.代我向问好。 Remember me to / Say hello tofor me12.不用谢,这是我们应该做的。Dont mention it. Its my pleasure. 13. 欢迎再来!Do come again


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