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1、酒泉育才学校2016-2017学年第一学期期中试卷六年级 科目:英语 考试时间: 60分钟题号一二三四五六七八总分得分评卷人得分一、选出下列每组中不属于同一类的单词。(10%) ( ) 1.A.always B. usually C.sometimes D.time来源:学科网ZXXK( ) 2.A.worker B.teacher C.doctor D.family( ) 3.A.livingroom B.bathroom C.bedroom D.lunch ( ) 4.A.toilet B.wash C.make D.cook( ) 5.A.umbrella B.coat C.TV D.s

2、hoe( ) 6.A.stove B.breakfast C.lunch D.supper( ) 7.A.tomato B.potato C.carrot D.temperature( ) 8.A.two B.third C.four D.five( ) 9.A.rainy B.warm C.fridge D.hot( ) 10.A.falling B.making C.play D.cooking二、根据句意选择划线部分最佳答案。(10)( ) 1.Hows the weather today ? A. 白天 B.天气 C.天空 D. 日期 ( ) 2.You speak good Engl

3、ish. A. 说好的英语 B. 英语好 . C. 英语好说 D. 英语说得好( )3.Everyone in the living room is quiet. A. 孩子们 B. 大家 C.男孩们 D. 学生们 ( ) 4.Li Ming is writing a letter. A. 读字母 B. 读一封信 C.看信 D.写信 ( ) 5.She sings loudly. A.硬的 B. 柔软的 C. 柔和的 D.大声的评卷人得分三、按要求写出下列各词的形式.(10分)1.lesson(同义词) 2. that is(缩写)_ 3.do not(缩写) 4.let us(缩写)_ 5.

4、 these(单数)_ 6. stamp(复数)7.dress(复数)_ 8.man(复数)_ 9.children(单数)_ 10.tooth(复数)评卷人得分四、 根据汉意选择正确的字母与字母组合填空.(10分). ( ) 1.马桶 tlet A.ai B. oi C.ei( ) 2.司机 driv A.er B. or C.ar ( ) 3.厨房 kihen A.sh B. tc C.ch ( ) 4.卧室 bedrm A.ee B. uu C.oo( ) 5.窗户 wind A.ew B. ow C.on( ) 6.脏的 dty A.ir B. er C.or( ) 7.早餐 br_

5、_kfast A.ey B. ea C.la( ) 8.房屋 hou A.se B.er C.ar( ) 9.铅笔 penc A.al B. il C.al( ) 10.总是,一直 alws A.ey . B. oy C.ay评卷人得分 五、A)用下列画线部分的反义词和对应词完成下列句子。(5分)B.)选择合适的单词填空,使短文完整。来源:学&科&网temperature umbrella cold weather rightA:How is the _today? B:Its rainy and cool.A:Whats the _ outside? B:Its fifteen degree

6、s. A:Is that hot or _ ? B:Thats very hot! A:You are _ . On a rainy day,I have my _.评卷人得分来源:Zxxk.Com六、单项选择。(10分)( )1. are you from? Im from Jiuquan. A. When B. What C. Where( )2. I am going to play guitar tomorrow. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 3. We go to school on Sunday. A. never B. often C. are not ( ) 4

7、. Who wants a new song? A. learn B. to learn C. learns ( ) 5. Its time breakfast. A. for B. to C. of ( ) 6. This is refrigerator. A. Jennys B. Jennys C.Jennys ( ) 7. I am the desk now. A. to dry B. drying C. dry ( ) 8. The book is yours. That one is . A. I B. my C.mine ( ) 9. Kim likes TV. A. to loo

8、k B. to see C. to watch ( ) 10. is the weather today? A. When B. How C. Where评卷人得分来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K七、选择与汉意相对应的英文短语。(10)( )1.洗澡 A.take a shower B.take a bus C.take on( )2.学英语 A.learn Chinese B.learn a song C.learn English( )3.在飞机场 A.at the library B.at the train station C.at the airport( )4.旅途愉快 A.have

9、 a good trip B.have a good time C.go to trip( )5.做胡萝卜 A.wash cabbages B.making dinner C. wash carrots 八、选出正确的答语(10%) ( )1.What time is it? A.I can see there.( )2.How many monkeys can you see? B.He is washing the dishes. ( )3.What is Danny doing? C.Its 7:00. ( )4.What would you like for dinner? D.Im

10、from China. ( )5.Did you have a good trip? E.Id like some rice and fish. ( )6.Where are you from? F.Yes,I did. ( )7.How old are you? G.Im eleven years old. ( )8.How s the weather today? H.Its rainy. ( )9.Are the dishes wet or dry? I.Yes, I can. ( )10.Can you play the piano? J.They are dry.来源:学|科|网评卷人得分九、组句子,注意标点符号及大小写。 1time is what it ? ? 2. is supper time it for . . 3. children ,playing, these, are (.) . 4. is the what temperature now ? ? 5. would you what like supper for ? ?十、阅读理解判断正()误()。(10) Li Ming came to Canada on June first. He always goes to



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