2016年秋七年级英语人教新目标上册练习:Unit 7《How much are these socks》基础练习 (含答案)

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2016年秋七年级英语人教新目标上册练习:Unit 7《How much are these socks》基础练习 (含答案)_第1页
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2016年秋七年级英语人教新目标上册练习:Unit 7《How much are these socks》基础练习 (含答案)_第2页
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2016年秋七年级英语人教新目标上册练习:Unit 7《How much are these socks》基础练习 (含答案)_第3页
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2016年秋七年级英语人教新目标上册练习:Unit 7《How much are these socks》基础练习 (含答案)_第4页
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2016年秋七年级英语人教新目标上册练习:Unit 7《How much are these socks》基础练习 (含答案)_第5页
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《2016年秋七年级英语人教新目标上册练习:Unit 7《How much are these socks》基础练习 (含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016年秋七年级英语人教新目标上册练习:Unit 7《How much are these socks》基础练习 (含答案)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。Unit7 How much are these socks一、单项选择 1.How much your shoes?A. isB. areC. beD. am 2.How much the green sweater and the blue hat?A. isB. areC. doD. does 3. the museum from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.?A. Be; openedB. Be; openC. Is; openD. Is; opened 4.They always sell thei

2、r clothes a very high price.A. inB. forC. onD. at 5.The green shorts are for $25.A. on saleB. on sellC. for saleD. for sell 6.- How much the hats?- Five dollars.A. isB. areC. amD. / 7.Some young people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order a meal which nice.A. looksB. smellsC. tastesD. feels 8.H

3、ow much these carrots?A. areB. isC. doD. does 9.- Can I help you?- Yes, please. I want socks.A. a pairB. two pairsC. two pair ofD. two pairs of10.- ?- Yes. Id like the new dress. Please show me the green one.A. Whats the matterB. How are youC. Whats the dateD. Can I help you11.How much the CD and th

4、e book?A. isB. areC. doD. does12.- How much the socks?- twenty dollars.A. is; ItsB. are; TheyreC. are; ItsD. is; Theyre13.No news good news.A. isB. areC. wasD. were14.They can buy the pens a very good .A. at; priceB. in; priceC. at; costD. at; selling15.There are many things .A. saleB. sellC. on sal

5、eD. for sell16.- How much is the red shirt?- 50 yuan.A. ItB. ThatC. ItsD. Thats17.- What about this black coat, sir?- It nice. Ill take it.A. looksB. soundsC. smellsD. tastes18.- How much the Tshirt and bag?- 46 dollars.A. is; ItsB. is; They isC. are; They areD. are; They do19.My brother has two in

6、his room.A. pair of sunglassB. pairs of sunglassC. pair of sunglassesD. pairs of sunglasses20.- Can I help you?- .A. Thank youB. Yes, pleaseC. Youre welcomeD. I dont want your help二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)21. Jane can play the piano, but she cant play it well. She n to practice more.22. The boys favourite c a

7、re shirts.23. Look at that girl. Her s is very nice.24. Fifteen and fifteen is t .25. - Whats two and ten?- Its t .26. The p of the computer is 5000 yuan. I cant afford it.27. This beautiful MP5 is on s in that shop, and it is very cheap, you can go and buy it.28. This pair of t is too short for me.

8、29. - How much is the book?- Twenty d .30. A quarter (一刻钟) has f minutes(分钟).三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)31. In the box, there are (十三) big apples.32. - How much is the sweater?- Its (十一) dollars.33. I dont like the colour of the (裤子).34. How many (双) of shoes are there under the bed?35. - Whats the (价格) of t

9、his bird?- Its 100 yuan.36. How much are the (衣服)?37. The clothes are all on (出售).38. A quarter of an hour is (十五) minutes.39. I agree with you that she (需要) a good rest.40. - Whose (毛衣) are these? - Theyre Kates.答案一、单项选择 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. D10. D11. B12. B13. A14. A15. C16. C17. A18. C19. D20. B二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)21. needs22. clothes23. sweater24. thirty25. twelve26. price27. sale28. trousers29. dollars30. fifteen三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)31. thirteen32. eleven33. trousers34. pairs35. price36. clothes37. sale38. fifteen39. needs40. sweaters


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