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1、2015小学英语六年级下册期末测试题(pep)2015小学英语六年级下册期末测试题(pep)一.选词填空:twin,take,tourists,well,use,meets,same1.The traffic lights are the in every country.2. the No.12 bus.3.He helps the bank use their money .4.He many other little water drops.5.She often helps find their way.6.My sister Ann likes drawing pictures.7.

2、Are you going to any books?二,组合句子:1.put,into,I,a,some,pot,seeds.2.motor,she,work,goes,by,cycle,to4.my,with,I’m,supermarket,mom,going,the,to5.for,mminutes,walk,three,east三,选择;( )1.First,put the in the soil. A.sprout B.seeds C.plant( )2.Her mother is .A.a cleaner B.a teacher.C.an actress( )3.My

3、pen pal likes .A.drawing pictures B.riding a bike C.collecting stamps( )4.I want to buy .A.a look B.a pair of shoes C.some apples( )5.The park is the cinema.A.in front of B.next to C.near( )6.I usually go to school .A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike四,把下列单词按要求进行变化:1,come (现在分词) 2.do(第三人称单数)3.policeman(复数)

4、 4.dive(现在分词)5.teach(第三人称单数) 6.sing (名词 )7.write (名词) 8.teach (名词) 9.watch (第三人称单数) 10.live(第三人称单数)11.ride(ing 形式 ) 12.dive(ing形式)13.play(ing形式) 14.make (ing形式)五,按要求变化下列句型:1.The cloud comes from the vapour(对画线部分提问)the cloud come from?2.She is my aunt. (对画线部分提问) she?3.He can go with us.(变为一般疑问句) go w

5、ith us?4.I’m going to buy an English book tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)are you going to ?5.It is far from our school.(变为否定句)It far from our school.六,选词填空:a, an, do, does, teaches, by, to, riding, be, reads1.Her mother is a teacher.She math.2.I’m going to a doctor.3.Is your aunt accountant?Yes,she

6、is.4.Does Amy go to school bike?Yes,she does.5.My brother likes a bike.6.Is he policeman?No,he isn’t.7. he like collecting stamp?Yes,he does.8.My father usually newspaper after lunch.9.They are going to their homework this afternoon.10.Sarah’s mother goes work by bus.七.找朋友:( )1.How can I

7、 get to the zoo?( )2.What do you do?( )3.Is she an artist?( )4.What are you going to do this afternoon?( )5.What does she do?( )6.Does he like diving?( )7.What’s your hobby?( )8.Where does your mother work?( )9.Where does the cloud come from?( )10Are they going to play chess next Sunday?A.It c

8、omes from the vapour. B.I’m a teacher.C.I’m going to buy an English book. D.I like collecting stamps.E.No,she isn’t.She’s a TV reporter. F.Yes,they are. G.Yes,he does. H.You can ride a bike there.I.My mother works in a factory. J.He is a driver.八,改错:( )1.How can the water bec

9、ome vapour? -A B C D( )2,What does she likes do? -A B C D( )3,he goes to Canada by plane. -A B C D( )4,I’m go to the cinema tomorrow. -A B C D( )5,She likes watches TV. -A B C D九.连词成句:1.rain,does,come,where,from,the,2.brother,bed,goes,10:00,to,at,my3.to,does,go,your,mother,how,work4.he,violin,the,likeS,playing5.we,do,should,then,what?十.填空:1.Mr White usually (go)to work by car.2.I (visit)my frandpa next week.3.The children like (swim)5.What Mike’s father (do)?



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