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1、日常购物英语对话大全 标准的英语会对英语学习者产生积极的影响。许多英语学习者都想要说一口地道的英语。当人们用英语进行交流的时候,标准的英语发音可以使交谈参与者更好地理解彼此。精心收集了日常购物英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! A: Im going to have to do some shopping today. B: Oh yeah? What do you need to go shopping for? A: I want to find a new bedroom set. B: Do you know where youre going to find your bedroom set

2、? A: I have no clue. B: Theres no particular place that you want to look at? A: I dont know where to go to find a nice bedroom set. B: I can _ you where I got mine, if youd like. A: Please do. B: I bought mine from IKEA. A: Are the bedroom sets at IKEA affordable? B: Not really, but youre paying for

3、 quality. A: Im going to the market in a little bit. B: What are you going to get? A: Do you know what we need to get? B: Would you like me to check? A: Alright, and Ill write everything down. B: You need to buy bread, eggs, and milk. A: Should I get some meat? B: Yes. Get some chicken, ground beef,

4、 and steak. A: What else? B: We can also use some snacks. A: You cant think of anything else? B: You can get whatever else you want. A: I want to purchase this television. B: Im glad to hear that. A: How much the it cost? B: Im selling it for $2500. A: That cant be right. B: Thats the going price fo

5、r that particular t.v. A: I cant afford that. B: This is a very high quality television. A: I would buy it if the price was lowered. B: How much lower? A: How about you sell it to me for $2000? B: $2500 is a low as Ill go. A: I have an issue. B: What is it? A: I had scheduled a delivery for today. B

6、: So, what is the problem? A: The delivery was four hours late. B: Im so sorry for them being late. A: I was late for work, because I had to wait up for them. B: I do apologize. A: I would like to be refunded my money for the delivery. B: You will be refunded for the delivery. Itll be no problem. A:

7、 I shouldnt have to pay for such horrible service. B: Ill refund you your money right away. A: What can I do for you? B: I need to return something. A: What do you need to return? B: I need to return this cellphone that I just bought. A: What is wrong with it? B: It isnt working properly. A: What is

8、 the problem with it? B: For some reason the phone cuts off by itself. A: I see, and do you have your receipt? B: Here you go. A: Ill take care of this right now. B: I appreciate your help. A: Did you need help with something? B: Im having a problem with my washing machine. A: What is wrong with it?

9、 B: The water isnt draining from it. A: Is that the only problem? B: Everything else is working fine. A: Im available if youd like me to e fix it. B: When exactly are you free? A: I can e at about 2:30, this afternoon. B: Sounds good to me. A: Ill see this afternoon. B: Yes. Thank you. A: I have to

10、find a living room set. B: Where are you planning on looking for one? A: I dont know. B: I can _ you where I got mine. A: Where did you go to find yours? B: IKEA has beautiful furniture. A: Does the furniture from IKEA cost a lot? B: The furniture cost a couple thousand dollars. A: How good of quality is the furniture? B: Its very sturdy. You get what you pay for. A: I dont mind paying for quality workmanship. B: I assure you that youre paying for quality. 看了“日常购物英语对话”的人还看了: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 模板,内容仅供参考



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