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1、有关于描写金融英语的句子 下面就给大家了金融英语句子,需要的可以收藏起来哦,大家要好好学习一下哦,英语对我们的成绩还是很有用的哦 1.Many people -private individuals, manufacturers, traders, panies and official bodies -choose to keep part of heir resources in the form of money. They need to do this mainly because they are continually having to make payments for th

2、e goods and services which they are buying and because they want to have resources immediately available. 1.许多人个人、生产厂家、商人、公司和政府机构选择持有一部分现金资产。这样做的主要原因是他们必须为其所购买的商品和劳务支付款项,想在手头留有现金。 2.banks provide their customers with many other useful services. They will, for example, look after valuables, deal with

3、 investments, make payments to businesses and people abroad and provide financial information. 2.银行向其客户提供许多其它有用的服务。例如,保管贵重物品,办理投资业务,对国外企业和个人进行支付,以及提供金融信息。 3.The law stipulates modes for pany merger, bankruptcy, dissolution and liquidation. 3.该法规定了公司合并、破产、解散和清算的方式。 4.The brokerage firm filed for bank

4、ruptcy just two months after going public. 4.这家证券公司在上市仅仅两个月后就申请破产。 5.Upon pletion of this acquisition, the pany will bee the controlling shareholder. 5.此次收购完成后,公司将成为其控股股东。 1.Banks were developed to keep peoples money safe and to make it available when they needed it. Since money was invented, people

5、 have been borrowing and lending it. 1.开办银行是为了稳妥地保管人们的钱财,使他们在需要时能随时提取。自从货币出现以来,人们一直在进行货币的借贷活动。 2.Cash is a bankers stock in trade but it earns nothing and costs him a great deal to store, safeguard and transport, so he will keep as little of it as he can. 2.现金是银行的备用金,没有任何收益,还要花费很大的代价去贮存,保管和运送,因此,银行尽

6、可能保留极少的现金。 3.At the end of the month, the bank sends you a statement of your aount. The statement provides a summary of the checks that have been paid and the deposits that have been made. The amount that is left in your aount after the cheeks have been deducted and the deposits have been credited i

7、s the balance. 3.到月底,银行会把账户的对账单送给你,对账单提供了支票付款及存款的情况摘要。在扣除了支票款及贷记的存款额之后,账户上剩下的金额就是余额。 4.If there is any doubt about the signature, the bank will refuse to cash the check and will return the check to the endorser. A check must be endorsed before it can be cashed - that is, the person or pany to whom the check is made out must sign it on the back. 4.如果银行对签字的真实性有怀疑,它将会拒绝兑现支票,将支票退给背书人。支票在兑现之前必须先背书,也就是说,支票向其开出的个人或公司必须在支票的背面签字。 5.A group of ten international banks is to underwrite and sell the bonds. 5.一个由10家国际银行组成的银团将包销及出售这些债券。 有关于描写金融英语的句子相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 模板,内容仅供参考



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