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1、with 复合结构的用法一 with复合结构的作用/句法功能:with复合结构,1在句中表示状态,或说明情况,常作表示方式、原因、伴随、条件等状语。2. 作定语。最主要的还是作状语。例如: a. Anyone with its eyes on his head can see its exactly like a rope. (定语) b. The soldier had him stand with his back to his father.(状语) c. With all homework finished, the boy began to surf Internet. (状语)二.

2、With复合结构的常见形式 1. + 名词/代词 + 介词短语 例如: a. The teacher came into the classroom with a book under his arm. b. The baby likes sleeping with his head on his arm. 2. with +名词/代词 + 形容词 例如: a. Toms father is used to sleep with the window open. b. The girl ran into the room with her nose red because it was too

3、 cold outside. 3. with + 名词/代词 + 副词 例如: a. The square looks more beautiful than even with all the light on. b. Mr. Black left his office with the air-conditioner off. 4. with + 名词/代词 + doing ,此结构强调名词是-ing分词的动作的发出者或某动作、状态正在进行。 例如: a. He felt more uneasy with the whole class staring at him. b. With sp

4、ring coming on, trees turn green. 5. with + 名词/代词 + done , 在此结合中,过去分词和宾语是被动关系,表示动作已经完成。 例如:a. With this problem solved, the medicine is now in regular production. b. Everyone should go to sleep with the light turned off. 6. with + 名词、代词 + to do ,此结构中,不定式和宾语是被动关系,表示动作还未发生。 例如:a. So in the afternoon,

5、with nothing to do, I went on a round of the bookshops. b. With a lot of homework to do tonight, I had to refuse his invitation.【高考链接】 with的复合结构,常出现在语法填空题中,尤其是with+ 名词/代词 + doing/done的形式,常考此结构中非谓语动词的使用. 例如:1.(NMET.2000) _ production up by 60 % , the company has had another excellent year. A. As B. F

6、or C. With D. Through 解析 答案 C。本题考查介词with的复合结构“with + n / pron.+ prep. phrase”的用法。“as”作为连词,意为“因为、由于”,其后必须跟从句;作为介词,意为“作为”,从语法和句意方面都不能用。而for和through在这里从语法和句意方面也不能用。在这里应用with,意思是“因为、由于”。 句意是:由于生产(产品)上升了60% ,这家公司又有了一个辉煌年。 2.(Beijing. 2004) _two exams to worry about , I have to work really hard this weeke

7、nd. A. Besides B. With C. As for D. Because of 解析 答案 B.这道题也是考查介词with复合结构用法的。从句子的结构看这里必须要填一个介词,而不能填连词,“as for” 意思是“至于、关于”;because of意思是“由于、因为”,其后不能跟复合结构,所以不能选择C和D。在所给的选项中只有with才符合构成“ with + n / pron.+ to do ”结构。句意是:由于担心这两门考试,本周末我得真的用功了。 3. When mother went into the house, she found her baby was sleep

8、ing in bed, _ his lips moving. A. as B. with C. for D. through 解析 答案 B。 该题是考查介词短语用作状语用法的。“as”作为连词,意为“因为、由于”,其后必须跟从句;作为介词,意为“作为”,从语法和句意方面都不符合;而for和through在这里从语法和句意方面也不能用。在所给的选项当中,只有with才可以构成这一复合结构,用作表示伴随情况的状语,故选B。句意是:当妈妈走进房子的时候,她发现自己的孩子正睡在床上,嘴唇一直在动。 4. -You should have prepared your speech for the me

9、eting , Mrs Smith . -Yes, I know .But how could I _the meeting date fixed so soon . A. while B. as C. after D. with 解析 答案:D。在所给的选项当中,只有as与with有“由于、因为” 之意,而as是连词,其后必须跟从句,所以不能用在这里。只有with符合这一用法,构成复合结构,用作表示原因的状语,代词I之后省略了动词prepare。句意是:因为会议日期确定的太快了,我还没有准备好。【实战演练】I. 用所给动词的形式或恰当的副词填空。1. Her parents went out

10、 for work with the children _(stay)alone at home.2. With the computer _(开着), my brother went to answered the telephone.3. With the door _(lock), I went downstairs and rode my bike to school.4. The workers held a celebration in the workshop with all the tasks _(complete).5. With the lights_(burning),

11、 they left the office together. 6. Mum went on to cook the meal for us with the clothes _(wash).7. Without me _(help) , he could not finish the work.8. The teacher explained it once more with some students _(misunderstand)it.9. With the sun _(rise), the Aryes Rock becomes bright red and looks splend

12、id.10. The weather gets colder and colder with winter _(approach).11. With some old people _(cheat), the police began to investigate the case. 12. The floods broke out in Maoming with the heavy rain _(continue).13. More and more people know about the truth with the news _(report) again and again. 14

13、. With the family income _(increase), a good many families can afford a car.15. The students kept silent with the professor _(come) into the lecture hall.16. With the city area _(enlarge), the farming land is becoming less and less. 17. With so much housework _(do), I wont go to see the film with th

14、em.18. With the meal _(完),we all went home. 19. With the boy _(lead) the way, we found the house easily. 20. With the boy_(lead) the way,we will find the house easily tomorrow.21. He lay on the bed with the bedroom door _(shut) 22. A little boy with two of his front teeth _(miss) ran into the house.23. From space the earth



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