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1、 1 Unit 5 Student relations 同学之谊同学之谊 :look: Are you ready for some new friends? Sandra is, and she makes a few more during lunch one day. They all spoke Modern English, of course! 你准备好你准备好交新朋友了吗?交新朋友了吗?Sandra 可是准备好了,连吃午饭的时候也没放过。当然在交朋可是准备好了,连吃午饭的时候也没放过。当然在交朋 友的过程中,他们友的过程中,他们用的全都是现代美语哟!用的全都是现代美语哟! Are

2、 you a friendly person? Learn some friendly conversation! 你是一个友好的人吗?你是一个友好的人吗? 听一些友好的谈话吧! :Sentences+Pronunciation(句子与发音) 1. What year are you? 你是哪一级的? 2. Do you want to get together and study 你想和我一起学习吗? 3. Can you give me a hand with my homework? 你能帮忙教我做家庭作业吗? 4. Im a foreign student, and Id like t

3、o make some new friends. 我是个外国学生, 我想交几个新朋友。 5. Im new here, can you help me find my way around? 我是新来的,你能带我转转吗? 6. Im a senior here, so let me know if I can help you with anything. 我是大四的老生,有什么能帮忙的尽管说一声。 7. Id like to introduce you to some of my friends. 我想介绍你认识一些我的朋友。 8. Can you tell me something abo

4、ut the student body? 谁是学生会主席? 9. Id like you to meet the head of the student relations committee. 我想见见学生关系委员会主席。 10. Do you have any plans after class today? 今天下课后你有什么安排吗? :Conversation (对话) What: How to deal with other students Who: Are you, will you be, a student? Where: Usually at school When: Yo

5、ure talking to other students Why: So you dont just sit there like a dummy 2 Sandra has made friends with some of her classmates, but is always ready to make some new ones. This day, she is at the school cafeteria for lunch and must hunt around for an empty chair. She finally finds a spot and sits d

6、own. A few of her classmates are there, along with some other students she hasnt met before. How does the conversation go? Sandra: (joining a group of students who are already eating) Hows the food, today? Jake: Dont ask. (smiling) Then you wont be disappointed. Sandra: Oh. Same old famous cafeteria

7、 quality, huh? Jake: You got it! Im Jake, by the way. Sandra: Glad to meet you. Im Sandra. What year are you? Jake: Im a sophomore. And you? Sandra: Im a freshman. Im a foreign student, and I like to make new friends. (She notices a classmate) Oh, hi Betty! How did you like the lecture this morning?

8、 Betty: It was a refreshing change of pace. Have you met Tom, yet? Sandra: No Hi, Tom. Tom: Hi, Sandra. Id like to introduce you to some of my friends. This is Andy and Carla. And Id like you to meet the head of the student relations committee, Cindy. (They all shake hands) Cindy: Im a senior here,

9、so let me know if I can help you with anything. Sandra: Thanks, I will. Tom: By the way, Sandra, Betty has mentioned you before. She says youre a whiz at math. Do you have any plans after class today? Do you want to get together and study with me? . What: 怎样和其他同学交往怎样和其他同学交往 Who: 你有可能成为学生吗?你有可能成为学生吗?

10、 Where: 通常在学校通常在学校 When: 你在和其他同学谈话你在和其他同学谈话 Why: 这样你就不用坐在那儿像个傻瓜这样你就不用坐在那儿像个傻瓜 Sandra 在她的同学中已经交了不少朋友,但她总是很乐意结交新的朋友。今天在 学校餐厅吃午饭的时候,她得找个空位子,最后终于找到了。在那儿有她认识的同学也有 她从没见过的。谈话是怎么开始的呢? Sandra: (和一些正在用餐的学生坐到一块儿) 今天的饭菜怎么样? Jake: 别问了。(微笑) 那么你就不会失望了。 Sandra: 哇,著名的旧式餐馆风格嘛! Jake: 你终于发现了!顺便介绍一下,我是 Jake 。 Sandra: 见到

11、你很高兴,我是 Sandra 。 What year are you? Jake: 我是大二的学生, 你呢? Sandra: 我是新生。 Im a foreign student, and I like to make new friends. (她看见 了 一个同学) 你好 Betty!你觉得今天早上的讲座怎么样? Betty: 比以前的好多了。你见过 Tom 吗? 3 Sandra: 还没有。你好,Tom。 Tom: 你好, Sandra。 Id like to introduce you to some of my friends. This is Andy a nd Carla. An

12、d Id like you to meet the head of the student relations committee, Cindy. (他们相互握手) Cindy: Im a senior here, so let me know if I can help you with anything. Sandra: 谢谢, 我会的。 Tom: 对了,Sandra, Betty 以前说到过你。她说你是个数学天才。 Do you have any plans after class today? Do you want to get together and study with me?

13、 . :Explaination (句子解释) 1. 这句话也可以说成 “Which year are you?” 它的意思可不是 “Which year were you born in?” 他是指你是那一级的学生。另外, 在这句话中用了 what 来代替 which, 这样使这个句子更加口语化一些。 如刚才一句也可以说成 “What year were you born in?” 2. 在你刚到一所学校上学时, 你肯定会认识一些新同学, 新朋友。 如果你觉得他/她 很谈 的来的话。 你可以用这句话来邀请她/他有更多的交流和接触。 3. 一般来说, 在大学里, 特别是在西方的大学里, 教授在

14、讲完课以后不会在学校里待 很长时间。他们一般会留下自己的联系方式以便学生们有问题和他们讨论。当然, 在 课下, 完成自己功课最好的方法之一就是和同学们一起商量讨论。在这句话中, “Give me a hand” 就是帮帮忙的意思。 如我们还可以说 “Could you give me a hand, I cant move this chair by myself.” (我自己搬不动这把椅子, 你能帮我一下 吗?) 4. 交朋友在英语中应该用的动词是 make。 make 这词另外也有很多意思,是在英 语 中最常用到的动词之一。 5. 初到一个校园, 你可以用这句话来要求别人帮你了解校园的情况

15、。如果你在校园里迷 了路, 你可以说: “I am lost, can you help me find my way back? 6. 在英语中, 大一的学生叫 freshman, 大二的学生叫 sophomore, 大三的学生叫 junior, 而大四的学生被称作 senior. 当然你也可以用 first-year student, second-year student, third-year student, forth-year student 来表达。 7. 在大学里除了努力学习, 多交一些朋友也是很重要的。所以这应该是个好消息。如 你想让你的朋友给你介绍几个新朋友的话, 可以说

16、 “Can you introduce some of your friends to me?” (你能给我介绍你的朋友吗?) 8. Student body 是指在整体上一个学校里学生的情况。 它并不是指某个学生的组 织。 9. 顾名思义, student relations committee 是一个协调学生之间关系的组织。它也不 4 是某组织活动的组织。一般来说, 在西方大学里, 学生们很少通过学校来组织什么 活动。它们一般通过自发组织起来的一些团体来组织活动。 10. 在大学生活里, 课外活动也是丰富多彩的。 如果你想了解你的同学课下都做些什么 的话,不妨用这句话来问问他们。 :Brankground (背景提示背景提示) College is a great place to make new friends and form new relationships,


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