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1、第八讲:产品的译介(二),主讲人:陈志杰,一、Review,Keep this user manual for future reference; 本品避免潮湿之处。 keep this equipment away from humidity;,安装前,将本品置于安全平稳处。 Lay this equipment on a reliable flat surface before setting it up. Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly and retain for future referenc

2、e.,Unnecessary high speed running or slow running with the gearshift lever in high speed will cause over-consumption of fuels; 适当保养以及正确驾驶可延长车辆的使用寿命。 Proper maintenance and driving can prolong the vehicle service life.,(1)打开电池箱的底盖; Open the battery compartment cover; (2)把2颗(AA)电池按照电池箱内所示的极性方向放入; Inst

3、all two “AA” batteries observing the correct polarity as shown in compartment; (3)关上电池箱的底盖 Replace the cover.,请在发动机运转的情况下,检查发电机(alternator)指示灯和油压指示灯是否熄灭。 With the engine running, check if the alternator indicator light and the oil pressure indicator light are off. 禁止以其他汽车牵引(traction)的方式启动发动机。发动机启动时会

4、产生向前冲力,可能导致与牵引车辆发生碰撞。 It is forbidden to start the engine by way of traction from another truck, for the engine starting may have forward impact, which will cause possible collision with the truck that serves traction.,The seat belt across the waist should be pushed down as close as possible to the

5、pelvis(骨盆). 安全带使用者应尽量将腰部的安全带往骨盆方向下压。 往外拉内把手(inner door-handle),门就会打开。 When the inner door-handle is pulled out, the door will be opened.,8.条件状语从句 -操作过程中应该注意的事项和在特殊情况下应采取的必要措施,The Use of Charger: if there is smoke, smelliness, noise and so on, please stop at once, or it may cause a fire or electric s

6、hock. 译文:充电器的使用:万一有冒烟、怪味、噪音等情形,即停止使用,以免导致火灾、触电等危险。,If the vehicle is to be parked on a slope, some wheel wedges must be put under the wheels. 译文:如果车辆要停在斜坡上,请在车轮的后面放置一些契子。,如因某种原因,车辆必须在公路上暂停时,请在车辆的前后两百米的地方各放置一个警告牌。 If the vehicle must be parked on the road for some reason, please put a warning sign 20

7、0M in front of and behind the vehicle respectively. 如果点烟器在18秒内不能自动归位,说明点烟器可能出现问题,您需要手动将其归位。 If the cigarette lighter fails to come back to its normal position automatically in 18 seconds, it means it may have something wrong, and must be put back to its normal position manually.,9. 词的选择,专业词汇:propell

8、er shaft 中propeller是指(轮船或飞机的)推进器、螺旋桨,而shaft是指箭和矛。汽车行业中propeller shaft是指汽车上的“传动轴”。电器行业中:视频讯号线(Video Cord),音频讯号线(AudioCord)数码声显(DigitalIndicator)。,“晚期癌症”译成late stage of cancer (应为Advanced stage of cancer), “血脂”译为blood fat (应为lipid或blood lipid), “心血管病”译为heart vascular disease (应为cardiovascular disease)

9、, “神经衰弱”译为nerve weak (应为neurasthenia), “在哺乳期”译为during milking period (应为during/in lactation) “胸闷”译为chest stuffy (应为strangulation),缩略语:DV:Digiatal Video(数字视频);LCD: Liquid Cristal Display(液晶显示器); ABS(Anti-block Brake System),防抱死制动系统.,垫片,常用的译名有washer,gasket,shim。因材料不同,作用不同,要选择较合适的词,利用英英词典分辨差异是个好办法。朗文词典

10、对washer是这样定义的:a ring of metal, leather, rubber, etc.to give a softer or larger pressing surface。由此可见,washer应是环状的,制作的材料比较广泛,金属、皮革等都可以,形成一个较软或较大的受压面。而gasket是a flat piece of soft material which is placed between two surfaces so that stream, oil, gas, etc., cannot escape。很清楚,这类垫片选用软质材料制作,主要用来防止流体、油、水的泄漏

11、。至于shim,韦博大词典中是这样定义的:a thing often tapered piece of material (as wood, metal or stone) used to fill in space between things (as for support, leveling or adjustment of fit)。从以上三个词的定义看,washer通用性大,但用于密封宜用gasket,而shim则适用于调节,如bearing shim(轴承垫片)。,扳手:可译成wrench,也可译成spanner。前者是美国用语,后者是英国用语,然而一般说来,spanner的头部是

12、固定的,而wrench的头部是可调节的。故宜将头部调节的扳手译成wrench,如adjustable wrench(活动扳手);头部不可调节的扳手译成spanner,如double spanner双头扳手。 This drug is usually well tolerated. 此药通常有很好的耐受性。,10、翻译技巧,Function: All-day deodorant and wetness protection. Keep under-arms dry and odor-free. Glides on smoothly. Dries quickly. Non-stinging. No

13、n-sticky. Wont stain clothing. (雅芳止汗香体露) 配方特别温和,适合各类肤质,独特清香,令身体24小时保持干爽清新。,羽西天然乳丝柔保湿精华乳 消费群体 -主要针对中年女性,Its flesh, melting texture penetrates instantly, pumping moisture and essential nutrient back into the sin, thanks to the combination of Watermelon extract, Soybean extract and the exclusive Bio-Mi

14、lk Complex. 羽西天然乳丝柔保湿精华乳富含天然西瓜萃取精华、大豆天然提取物和生物乳蛋白复合元素。其天然植物可溶性成分能有效渗透肌肤,锁住水分,为肌肤补充营养成分,能延缓肌肤衰老,回复肌肤弹性。,New NIVEA (妮维雅)body Firming Lotion with double Coenzyme powers twofold action for firmer skin. The advanced formula replenishes the natural level of coenzyme Q10 and supplies the skin with Coenzyme

15、R. Significantly improves the skins elasticity. Noticeablly strengthens the skins structure. Additionally intensive moisturizers leaves your skin feeling smooth and supple.,辅酶和辅酶是肌肤自身含有的天然成分, 随着年龄的增长, 辅酶和辅酶的含量会下降, 造成肌肤失去弹性, 变得松弛。 全新配方的妮维雅紧肤精华露, 能有效补充辅酶和辅酶。辅酶作用于肌肤深层, 为细胞提供原动力, 补充肌肤细胞活动所需动力, 能明显由内而外强化

16、细胞功能, 增强肌肤弹性, 防止肌肤衰老。 辅酶作用于肌肤表层, 有效促进肌肤的自我更新, 由外而内巩固肌肤的天然构造, 平滑肌肤细纹, 使肌肤更紧致光滑。保湿修护微粒使肌肤持久保湿, 提供长时间滋润效果。 妮维雅紧肤精华露( 升级版) 完美的双重功效, 让肌肤更紧致, 更年轻!,Cultural explanation “产自云南高山云雾之中,清明前精心采制” 译文:“Premium tea prepared with leaves picked from Yunnan mountain at the right time around April.” 即购即食,食用方便。 (Always)ready to serve.,Receptor 品名:name of the product 主要成份: composition; principle ingredient; main ingredient 特性 :properties; description 药理作用 :pharmacology或pharmacologicalaction 主治: uses;



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