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1、TED 英语演讲:英语演讲:12 个有趣的人生经验个有趣的人生经验 这是一位成功作家在 61 岁时对自己一生的回顾,幽默使人快乐、智慧 使人升华。这些人生经验包括了生活的各个方面,有的逗人哈哈大笑,有的 教人深思远虑。下面是小编为大家收集关于 TED 英语演讲:12 个有趣的 人生经验,欢迎借鉴参考。12 个有趣的人生经验第一:第一个 也是最真实的事情就是,所有真相都是有对立面的。生命是精美绝伦的无 价之宝,同时从另一方面看,它又是完全相反的。Numer one:the first and truest thing is that all truth is a paradox.Life is

2、both a precious,unfathomably beautiful gift,and its impossible here,on the incarnational side of tings.第二:如果你把插头拔 掉几分钟,几乎所有事情都能恢复运转-包括你们。Number two: almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes-including you.第三,几乎不存在什么外在的力量可以长 久的帮助你自己,除非你在等器官移植。Three:there is almost nothing o

3、utside of you that will help in any kind of lasting way ,unless youre waiting for an organ.第四:每个人都是糟糕的 ,破碎的,依赖的,胆小的,甚至有的人同时拥有这些负面情绪,要相信 他们其实和你差不多,所以不要拿自己的内在与别人的外表比较,这只会 让你感到雪上加霜。Number four:everyone is screwed up, broken,clingy and sacred,even the people who seem to have it most together. They are m

4、uch more like you than you would believe,so try not to compare your insides to other peoples outsides.It will only make you worse than you already are.第 五:可可含量 75%的巧克力不可以称作是食物。Number five: chocolate with 75 percent cacao is not actually a food.第六 :写作。Number six:writing.第七:你必须要从出版发行和短 暂创造出的成就中回复过来。Nu

5、mber seven:publication and temporary creative successes are something you have to recover from.第八:家庭。无论家人有多么珍贵和精彩,家庭生活都是难, 难,难。Number eight:families.Families are hard,hard,hard ,no matter how cherished and astonishing they may also be. 第九:食物。试着做得更好一些。Number nine:food.Try to do a little better.第十:恩泽。恩这是精神上的 WD-40,或者是游泳圈 。Number ten:grace.Grace is spiritual WD-40,or water wings. (WD-40 一种除锈润剂)十一:上帝就是善良。Eleven:God just means goodness.十二:死亡。Twelve:Death.


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