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1、 皮尔克距智利首都圣地亚哥南部约2O千米, 是片农业 其得夭独厚的地理优势吸引7众 多的葡萄酒厂商,也因此而闻名。阜在19世纪末 期智利些知名的葡萄酒厂(如甘露酒厂)就落 户于此。后来因为这里靠近圣地亚哥且农业发 展潜力巨大,部分土地被承包了下来,很多人也选 择移居到这里。景观设计I)BTeresa Moller是智利 一家知名公司的创始人和负责人其负责在这里设 计个住宅项目。 整片场地占地面积约为2万平方米,北侧以一 座低矮的山坡 口一条狭窄的河道为边界 建筑利用 厮地内的高地势并以山上的自然风光为背景 设 计师以山坡作为天然的地基 设计7一道手工制作 的术质篱笆,随着山坡起伏的地势篱笆成为

2、了 一垣不可或缺的风景线。设计师对从周边地匡回收 来的废弃的胡桃树枝进行修剪制成了花园里四处 可见的手工篱笆。这些篱笆装饰着山坡、点缀薯边 界,勾勒出天然的绿色梯田,成为渡项目的标志性 景观。 这是一座充满田园风格的住宅花园,紧B历史 悠久的Las Maiadas de Pirque庄园由于既要 展示出其地标性的地理位置叉要体现出智利浓厚 的葡萄酒历史文化+设计师重新设计了一条乡间公 路。公路两 种植的美国梧桐形成一个巷子般的 口提醒人们已经来到一个风格独特的花园 场地的中心地带是一块开放的草坪 四周环绕 蔷一条供孩子们骑脚踏车的小路。房子依山而建 面对着大草坪 后面是茂密的木兰树林。景现设计

3、 师曾提议让这些树木自由生长以形成巨大的树冠, 当树枝垂到地上时会非常壮观但是业主更希望让 逮墼的树木带高一些人工色彩,而花园其他地方的 树木则保持自然的生长状态。 在维修通道的一捌、门房的前方是一片果园 四周环绕着手工制作的篱笆 这里还有一条平行于 自行车小路的辅路通往花园的西部,那里有片由 南向北延伸的吏大的果林也是花园的主人口。辅 路环绕蔷中心草坪延伸 两侧是栓应栎树,快到果 园时则换成了核桃树。这条路一直通到停车场,也 是到达山坡的必经之踣从这里望去,山上的房子 若隐若现 陡峭的山坡上种满了绿色的长春花只 冒出一条狭长的石阶。房子穿;侧的露台与草坪中叉 长叉宽的台阶相连同时叉与游泳_也

4、相接,拇成了 一座木赝绿 场的绿廊的 长满长春花 绿丛中星星 分漂亮 园主鼠的 的柠檬娄植 有其他品种 累侧这些 主的杂草或 风摇曳与 片果树、梭 L _ ,ll respectTeresa Moiler decided to use the physical limit of the hill as the ground for a wooden fence especially designed and hand built fo r the projt, p roduoing a I rnearipresent eement onsite This craed piece cf work

5、 was made from the dis carded walRut boughs that Moile r reclaimed fmm the neighboring0ts ane r p runing p rocures and becomes visible at different spots of the garden Either CToWNiBgthe hill andmarkingthe edge ofthe lot o r at its lowest parts following the natural green g rading that models the si

6、te this piece tu rns into thelandmarkofthe project The idea WaS to create a place portrayed by the ag ricultural image of theyet a domeatic ga rden Situated very close to the historic hacienda and castle of Las Maiadas de Pi rque an iconic place of thfsand rep resentative of the Chilean histoof wine

7、ries a man rura r road was also redesfgned as part of the p roject;planted with rows of sycamores atboth sidesthis roadwasransformednto alley like er tr8nce that announces the existence and the a rrival at a special gardeninthe The geog raphical cente r of the lot is outlinedn open meadow entirely e

8、dged by 8 pathway that s as a bike ci rcuit for kids Theouse leaning 0n theatu raI slopes Of the hlfaces this cental lawn a rea and onthe opposite sidea g roup ofmag nol Ja trees c reate a natural embracing semi-crcular shape Although landscape designer Teresa Moler had proposed to Jeave these trees

9、 unpruned to pro duce large tree Cowns that touched the g round,the owneprefer to keep them with a more manicured image Yetthe rB ofthe garden seeksto presage a n u raimage At 0ne of the sides of the service access right Jn ffont of the caretake r。s house a small orchard marked with thehand-built fe

10、gce Ihat defines the borders of the lot appears as a first sign of a cultivated land aing at thise spot a second a ry path that runs pa rallel to the bike crcuit1eads to the west area of the lot WheTe a much larger tree orcha rd defines the main eRtFBRCto the site and exteNs in a southnoah direction

11、 The fi rst seg ofthis pathis pantedwith cork 0a f。uercus SUrF sp and whe getting closer to the fruit o rchard is f ramed with wahutsalways embracing the cent ral farea Finally this path bomes a road that a rives to the natu ral slop85 of the exlstag hil1from which the house seems to emerge and su r

12、 rounds the elevated area untilit endsin aparking esp Panade This steep sope appea rs as an exube rant gree edge completely covered with vinous and only inter rupted by na rrow stone stai rs;as an expansion of the eastem paved terraces of the house a tidy l sBrles ef longer and wider steps also nego

13、tiates the grading changes This formal ascending tece cOn- necI to the swimming pool conceived as日linear element alignedwiththe noahth axjs andfamed with sh0n bushesne ofthe sides Once at the house level a woodeR pergola marks the maint rance to the residence The side that extends to the pa rking area is punctuated wlth pots positioned nextto each 0ne efthewooden columns and the opposite side which defines the highest point of the slope covered with viscus,is profusely 薰 薰 一一一一 I ,一 。 , , 、 + 飞ll_ 、 五一 , 二蠢_


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