河南自考英语 复习材料

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1、1、damage, harm, hurt, injure, spoil乍看这几个词,觉得意思都差不多。它们都有“损害,伤害,破坏”的意思。其实,它们之间还是有不同的。damage: “毁坏,损坏”,主要指造成价值,效用,完整性方面的损坏。例如:Mr. Smith, I wonder if we could arrange a talk about the damaged cargo sometime.史密斯先生,我们能不能安排个时间商谈破损货物的问题。The water they had thrown over everything to put out the fire damaged th

2、e books.为了灭火,他们把水往一切东西上泼,把书也损坏了。harm: “损害,伤害”,词义具体,强调带来损失,病痛或痛苦。Though he knows clearly that smoking harms his health, he simply cannot give it up.虽然他很清楚吸烟对身体有害,但他就是戒不了。hurt: “疼痛,伤害”,尤其指感情或身体遭受创伤。Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth, so he had to go to the dentist to have it pulled out.没有比牙齿坏了更疼痛的了,所

3、以他不得不找牙医拔掉那颗坏牙。My little boy fell off a ladder and hurt himself.我的儿子从楼梯上摔了下来,把自己摔伤了。injure: “伤害,损害”,一般常指不公正地对待或冤屈某人,即有意识地侵害别人的权利或毁坏别人的健康、成就等,也可以指外表、健康、安逸等遭受破坏。The gas polluted the surroundings and injured the health of workers and residents of the area.这种气体污染环境,损害工人和该地区居民的健康。spoil: 有强烈的“毁坏,毁灭”之意。指不仅

4、造成价值,精力,兴致的“损伤”,还意味着可能造成某种毁灭或彻底破坏,也有“宠坏”的意思。John joined the party and spoiled the pleasure of everyone by his impolite behavior.约翰参加了这个晚会,他的不礼貌行为破坏了大家的兴致。Quarreling completely spoiled the dinner, which broke up in discord.争吵完全破坏了了宴会的气氛,结果宴会不欢而散。I do hate to spoil your fun, but Ive got something urge

5、nt to tell you.我真不愿扫了你的兴,但我有紧急的事必须告诉你。2、dare not , dont daredare是“敢”的意思,它既可作情态动词,也可作实义动词。dare not中的dare是情态动词,后接动词原形。dare作为情态动词,其过去式为dared。 如:I dare not think of it.我不敢想这事。He dared not go near the woods in the daytime.白天,他不敢到灌木丛附近去。作为情态动词的dare除用于否定句外,还可用于疑问句和条件句,但不能用于肯定句。 如可以说 Dare you say so before

6、your parents?和Jump now if you dare,但不可以说I dare touch it.dont dare中的dare是实义动词,后面要接动词不定式。如:I did not dare to move.我不敢动。He had never dared to ask her to go anywhere with him.他从来不敢要求她跟他去任何地方。作为实义动词的dare与其它实义动词一样,可以用于肯定句,疑问句和条件句等。如:She dared to go there alone.她敢一个人去那里。Do you dare to come here?你敢一个人来这儿吗?d

7、are与普通实义动词的不同之处在于:在否定句和疑问句中,dare后的不定式往往可以省去 to。如:He didnt dare (to) say that to my face. 他不敢当面对我说这些。Do you dare (to) climb that high mountain? 你敢爬那座高山吗?3、dangerous, in dangerdangerous是形容词,意为“危险的”, 指一切能或者可能引起危险的人或事物等,有对某人或某事物构成威胁的意味。例如:He is a dangerous person.他是一个危险的人物。It is dangerous to smoke.吸烟是危险

8、的。in danger是一个介词短语,意为“处于危险中”,在句中作表语,其后还可以跟of短语。在使用中,danger可由形容词great, real等修饰。其反义语是out of danger。如:The sick mans life had been in danger, but now he was out of danger.病人的生命曾处于危险之中,现在已脱离危险。He is in great danger of losing all his money if he continues to buy useless objects.如果他继续买这些无用的东西,他就有失去所有钱财的危险。

9、4、date, day这两个词都表示“日,天”的意思,但它们之间是有区别的。date通常指具体的日期,一般以单数形式出现。它包括某年、某月、某日。因此,在回答 Whats the date? 或Whats the date today?的问句时,应该把年、月、日全部说出。Whats the date today? 今天几号?Its June 4,1992. 今天是1992年6月4日。day主要用来泛指日子,a day是“一天”的意思。days是“一些日子”的意思。在问“星期几”时,应该用它。如:What day is today? 今天星期几?Its Friday. 今天星期五。5、deadl

10、y, deathlydeadly和deathly都可作形容词,表示“死一般地”,指死的表象。如:The deadly/deathly silence filled the meeting-room.会议室里一片沉默,没有一点声音。两者都可以充当形容词及副词,表示“非常,极度”,强调极端性。如:I have deadly/deathly fear of snakes.我非常害怕蛇。The man is deadly/deathly ill. 这人病得很重。deadly另可表示:“致命的,势不两立的”,指导致死亡与毁灭的事物,表示死亡的可能性。 如deadly poison(致命的毒药),dead

11、ly illness(致命的疾病),deadly weapon(致命的武器)。 又如:Fog is one of the sailors deadliest enemies.雾是海员一个最大的敌人。The sad news was a deadly blow to the poor old lady.这条消息对这个可怜的老太太是致命一击。6、deal in, deal withdeal in主要“做买卖,经营(to buy and sell, trade in)的意思,后接事物名词,表示经营,买卖的内容。如:This shop deals in textile good.这家商店经营纺织品。T

12、his import and export corporation deals in general merchandise, paper, building material, electrical appliances, light, etc.这家进出口公司经营日用百货,纸张,建筑材料,电器用品和灯具等。deal with的主要意思有:1)“与做生意(do business, esp. trade with.), 后接集体名词或人物名词,表示做生意的对方;2)“对付,处理”;3)关于,论及(be about, be concerned with)等。如:Ive dealt with thi

13、s store for 20 years.我与这家商店做了20年的生意。Children are tiring to deal with.带小孩最令人讨厌。Deal with a man as he deals with you.以其人之道还治其人之身。This article deals with an important subject.这篇文章谈论到一个重要的问题。7、demand, request, requiredemand为“要求,查问”,语气较重,是强硬、断然的口气。它可接名词,不定式及用虚拟语气表示的宾语从句,当以被要求的人作宾语时,要加介词of。如:She demanded

14、that we give him an immediate answer.她要求我立即给他回复。All of us demand of him whether he had heard from her recently.我们大家都问他最近是否收到她的来信。require为“请求,恳求”,语气较和缓,指非常礼貌地正式请求。它可接名词及不定式的复合结构,也可以后接用宾语从句,但宾语从句中要用虚拟语气。当以被要求的人作宾语时,要加介词of。如:Well do all that is required of us.我们会把要求做的全部都做完。与demand和request的用法不同,require另

15、可接动名词作宾语,其主动形式表示被动意义。它也可接不定式作宾语,但仍要用被动形式来表示被动意义。如:The car requires repairing/to be repaired.这辆车需要修理。8、display, exhibit, expose这些词都指以展示的方式吸引注意,亦有“表现”之意。display:“展示,陈列”,指将物品最充分、有效地展示在人的视线或便于看清楚的位置。此外,此词还有体现、表现之意。If a child displays negative behavior by hitting someone, adults must try to persuade him

16、to use reasoning to solve future conflicts.假如孩子有打人的不良习惯,成年人必须规劝他用讲道理的方式来解决今后发生的争执。She is so fascinated by the beautiful dress displayed in the shop window that she cannot help looking at it admirably whenever she passes there.她对橱窗里展示的那套漂亮衣服非常痴迷,每次经过,她都忍不住羡慕地看看它。exhibit:“展出,表现出”,往往指出于某个特殊目的而公开地推出某些事物。Although the supervisor said he neednt be responsible for the result, John st



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