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1、introduction,BUSINESS LETTERS 商务函电,大连理工大学电子音像出版社,大连理工大学出版社,introduction,There are seven parts in an ordinary business letter: 1 letterhead 2 reference number and date 3 inside name and address 4 salutation 5 message 6 complimentary close 7 signature,1. Contents and ways of writing (主要内容和写法),Some let

2、ters may contain one or more of the following, which depend on the different situation of each writing requirement: 8 reference notation 9 attention line 10 subject line 11 enclosure 12 carbon copy 13 postscript,1) Letterhead (信头) The letterhead usually includes the essential information about the w

3、riter name, address, cable address, telex number, etc. The writing of the address should be stressed as it is totally different from Chinese order. The number and the street should be put at the beginning while the city and country be put at the end. For example, 中国广东省广州市天河街14号” should be translated

4、 into “No.14 Tianhe Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China”.,2) Date(日期) As for the date, it is usually put one or two lines under the letterhead on the right for the purpose of filing or checking. Simple ways of writing: March 4,2006 March 4th, 2006 4 March, 2006 Avoid using “3/4/06” or “2006

5、.3.4”.,3) Inside Name and Address (封内名称和地址) It will be the same as in the envelope, which shall be the name and address of the receiver. But when some companies use the name of the owner as part of the company name, “Messrs” will be added before the name, for example, “Messrs Bob body is to specify

6、his requirements and wishes while closing is to express thanks or hope. The contents of body will vary with the specific step of business. There are two main kinds of layout here: indented one with the first line of each paragraph indented and blocked one with all lines on the left.,6) Complimentary

7、 Close (结束语) There are many ways of complementary close to show respect. It carries no specific meanings. Usually we keep them in pace with the salutation. When the salutation is “Dear sir (s)”, complimentary close will be “yours faithfully, yours sincerely”; when salutation uses “Gentleman (men)”,

8、complimentary close will be “yours truly, truly yours”, etc.,7) Signature (签名) It is usually printed and written on a letter, the place of which will depend on the layout of the letter. We put signature under the complimentary close with title under it. If the writer represents certain institute, th

9、e name of the institute will be printed above the signature, for example: Yours truly, Yours faithfully, (signature) MITSUBISHI CORPORATION (Miss) Lucy Steinbeck (signature) Thomas C. Sutton General Manager, Sales Department,8) Reference Notation (参考案号) In business letters, reference is often made t

10、o previous letter. It may include the date of the letter, a file number, the contr-act number, L/C number or the initials of the signer of the le-tter and take the form as “Our ref.” and “your ref.”,9) Attention (送交) When the writer wants to address the letter to a special person or corporation, he

11、will add it under the inside name and address. It usually takes the form like “Attention: The Advertising Manager” (由广告经理亲阅),10) Subject Line (标题) It is usually the order or contract number or the name of the goods to enable the receiver to be clear of the contents in the letter and for the purpose

12、of filing. It is put under the salutation and before the message.,11) Enclosure (附录) Sometimes catalogue, pricelist, order, copies of fax or other relative documents will be enclosed in the letter, then under the signature a line on the left will be added to remind the receiver, for example: enclosu

13、re: 3 copies encl. as stated,12) Carbon Copy (副本抄送) It is to show the letter has been sent to someone in charge of this, for example “c.c. Manager”. It is placed under the enclosure on the left.,13) Postscript (附言) It takes the short form of “ P.S.” with something forgotten in the letter. Sometimes

14、one more part will appear in the letter, it takes the form of “C/O: in care of” (由转交), for example, Prof. Henry K. Wenger C/o Mr. Michael L. Mogan,introduction,2. Layout (格式),There are three main layouts of the business letter: indented form, blocked form and combined form. The first two are illustr

15、ated as below with different parts of the letter in place.,Indented form (缩进式)Blocked form (齐头式),There are two main differences between the indented form and blocked form: the place of date and complimentary close and signature the writing of body So the combined form mixes the two differences, it can use the place of indented form and the writing of body of blocked form, or the place of blocked form but the writing of body of indented form.,Indented form (缩进式) Letterhead信头 Date日期 Inside name and address封内名称地址 - - Salutation称呼 Subject 标题 Message正文 - - -



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