【餐厅装饰装修】四季酒店Dai Forni餐厅科威特 _ Kokaistudios

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《【餐厅装饰装修】四季酒店Dai Forni餐厅科威特 _ Kokaistudios》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【餐厅装饰装修】四季酒店Dai Forni餐厅科威特 _ Kokaistudios(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Kokaistudios非常荣幸地宣布与四季酒店集团合作的最新项目:Dai Forni高级意大利美食餐厅隆重开幕!餐 厅坐落在全新修建的科威特四季酒店顶层,堪称布尔吉阿尔萨亚大楼的一颗璀璨之星。 Kokaistudios与四季 酒店集团在此前已经有过合作,负责打造了京都四季酒店全日餐厅。这一次,四季酒店团队邀请 Kokaistudios 构思出一个高雅的餐饮空间,将意式的清新气息和美妙味觉带到科威特。 Kokaistudios is delighted to announce the opening of our newest project with Four Seasons Hotels

2、the Dai Forni Italian fine dining restaurant located on the top floor of the newly built Four Seasons Kuwait in the BurjAlshaya building. Having previously worked together on the Brasserie at the Four Seasons Kyoto the Four Seasons team invited Kokaistudios to conceive an elegant F long the meeting

3、point between the cultures of the Middle East and Europe. Dai Forni is part of the emerging global cultural culinary trend of regional rather than national cuisines; and the restaurant design and cuisine are a testament to this trend. 入口公共区域,public area,餐厅的入口处迎面一道宽大的绿色植物墙,采用多种当地的沙漠植物拼插种植,别具一格,精心营造出一

4、处 令人备感惬意绿洲空间;一道砂岩地板铺就的走廊延伸至主餐区,以火为主题的廊柱比邻而立,与以水为主 题的Sintoho餐厅形成对比;主餐区的中央设有意大利手工锻制的玫瑰铜色餐台,华而不妖。 We envisioned the space as an oasis for all of the senses with the entrance characterized by an immense green wall; itself an innovative structure filled with local desert plant varietals; and large fire p

5、illars that frame the entrance experience and bring the guests along a sandstone floored corridor into main dining areas centered by an expansive antipasti counter covered in a pink hued hand treated cooper from Italy. 绿色植物墙与焰火柱比邻而立,the green wall facing the large fire pillars that frame the entranc

6、e experience,手工锻制的玫瑰铜色餐台,the antipasti counter covered in a pink hued hand treated cooper,从用餐区望向入口走廊的焰火柱,view towards the fire pillars from the dining area,入口长廊的左侧是前用餐区,挑高12米的天花令空间更显开阔大气,整座城市和远方波斯湾的壮美风光尽收 眼底。我们在窗前安装了独家定制的金属网帘,在漫射灯光系统的照耀下,闪耀着柔和的光彩。由于白天日 照强烈、气温极高,我们创造了一种复杂的激光窗帘系统,将热量隔绝在外,保持室内凉爽。,To th

7、e left of the entrance corridor sits the front dining area featuring a stunning 12 meter high space with expansive views onto the city and the Persian Gulf beyond. We have enrobed the space in a custom designed metal mesh curtain illuminated by a diffused lighting system that creates a soft shimmeri

8、ng glow.The intense sunlight and temperaturesduring the day-time drove the creation of an elaborate system of laser cut curtains that help to maintain a cool and welcoming temperature. 用餐区12米的挑高带来城市和波斯湾的壮观美景, the front dining area featuring a stunning 12 meter high space with expansive views onto th

9、e city and the Persian Gulf beyond,入口走廊的右边的显眼位置是三个巨大的在澳大利亚定制的铜制火炉。 作为燃料的木材选自匈牙利, 炉内现 烤的披萨和面包带有一股独特的清香。我们还专门设计了三个半圆席座,席座背面采用西西里岛熔岩墙装 饰,以供宾客近距离参观厨师的工作场景。 Three large hand-hammered custom made copper wood burning ovens produced in Australia occupy center stage to the right of the entrance corridor. The

10、se beautiful ovens are operated daily with a specially chosen Hungarianfragrant wood that creates a unique smell and flavor to produce the freshest pizzas and breads and we have designed 3 semi-circular banquette seating backed by Sicilian lava-stone walls that offer a prime view of the chefs at wor

11、k. 铜制烧木火炉,custom made wood burning copper ovens,半圆席座和定制设计的枝形吊灯的灵感均来源于传统的西西里岛编织篮,我们还将这一想法扩展至两个内部 相连的私人用餐室,私人用餐室的墙面由粗绳编织而成,与雕刻复杂图案的可丽耐大理石门和日光屏形成鲜 明的对比。雕刻图案的灵感来自当地的窗花图案,事实上这也是西西里岛传统的花边纹样。 The semi-circular seating and the custom designed chandeliers all take their inspiration from the traditional Sicil

12、ian woven baskets and this idea extends to the two inter-linkable private dining rooms where the walls are finished in rough woven rope which contrasts with the doors and sun-screens which feature an intricate pattern created in carved Corian that take their inspiration from the local mashrabiya pat

13、terns but are in fact traditional lace patterns from Sicily. 主用餐空间,dining area,半圆席座的灵感源于传统的西西里岛编织篮,the semi-circular seating is inspired from the traditional Sicilian woven baskets,私人用餐室,private dining room,粗绳墙面与雕刻精致的可丽耐大理石门形成鲜明对比,the walls are finished in rough woven rope which contrasts with the C

14、orian doors which feature an intricate pattern,餐厅的设计聚焦于火,而卫生间则可以提神放松,墙面采用手绘蓝白意大利瓷砖,还安装了瀑布视频装置, 该装置由上海Flatmind视频设计公司设计。,While the restaurant is centered on the concept of fire the bathrooms act as refreshing counter-point featuring a hand painted blue and white Italian tiles and video installation of

15、 a water-fall designed by Shanghai based video designers Flatmind. 洗手间,bathroom,餐厅与毗邻的亚洲Sintoho餐厅共用户外用餐区;该用餐区同样由Kokaistudios操刀设计;为了延续绿洲这一 理念,我们定制设计了一个巨大的水晶雕塑充当中央水景,为这一餐区画龙点睛。 The large outdoor terrace; shared with the neighboring Asian restaurant Sintoho also designed by Kokaistudios; completes the

16、oasis concept with its large custom designed glass sculpture that acts as the central water feature. 带有中央水景雕塑的户外用餐区,the outdoor terrace featuring a large custom designed glass sculpture,通过与意大利及澳大利亚等全球著名的工匠合作、结合精妙的设计方法、以及专注于多重感官的吸引力,我 们创造的项目既植根于中东文化,同时又真实展现了地中海和西西里岛的饮食文化。在此项目中, Kokaistudios 进一步将强烈的建筑手法带入到室内设计中,并创新地运用材料和灯光营造人与空间之间柔和 中有惊喜的微妙感觉。各类手工打造的细节以最精细的状态呈现出来,与空间的昼夜光景水乳交融,让空间 整体呈现出强大的表现力。 By working with world renowned craftsmen from Italy to Australia and points in between; employ



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