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1、 山西省太原市2021-2021学年高二上学期英语期末考试试卷一、阅读理解1. (2020高二上太原期末)阅读理解 Accordingto the notice from the government, our school will close and your child canstay at home if it snows in order to avoid the traffic inconvenience andpossible danger. But Snow Day is not a homework-free holiday. We will call itSnow Lear

2、ning Day. SnowLearning Day is a time for students to continue learning at home when they missa day of regular school study. Students will have the opportunity for skillimprovement through computer or paper worksheets. Wewill send home a packet with each student that contains work for Snow Learning.P

3、lease sign your name in the following activity boxes when you make sure yourchild completes for each Snow Learning Day we have. Your child needs to returnthis sheet and all completed work to Mr. Turner within 5 days after they returnto school. ACTIVITYBOX ON SNOW LEARNING DAY Create a 15-song play l

4、ist from the 1970s, 1980s or 1990s that you think your parents would have listened to growing up. Include the song title and the artist.Write a biography of your favorite writer. Explore important details about their life, their works and writing style.Think of a fictional book you have read recentl

5、y. Write a new ending to that book. Minimum one page.Write a step-by-step guide that explains in detail how to prepare and cook a meal that you made on your snow day.(1)What is Snow Learning Day according to paragraph I?A . It is a school festival.B . It is a computer program.C . It is a school-free

6、 day with homework.D . It is a wintertime safety training activity.(2)Which of the following is the students homework on Snow Learning Day?A . Learning 15 old songs.B . Writing a cooking guide.C . Exploring a fictional book.D . Interviewing a writer.(3)Who is this letter written for?A . Government.B

7、 . Teachers.C . Parents.D . Students.2. (2020高二上太原期末)阅读理解 Google Street View is certainly a handyfeature. You can get a look at a hotel youre planning to book to see what kindof area its in. You can also tell if it looks like its worth the money by theclear pictures. You can scan around a place youv

8、e never been to before to seewhere to park and plan accordingly. So how does Google Street View havepictures, for that matter? The primary way they get their photos is withtheir Google Street View cars, which have special cameras that take photographsas they drive down public streets. Once the photo

9、graphs have been taken, theyimmediately use computer processing to make them ready for use on Google Maps.The image-processing technology stick the photos to create the seamless (无缝的) 360-degree images thatyoull see on Street View. Contributions from people can help keep StreetView images updated. I

10、f theres a tiny county that doesnt have Google StreetView cars, or a very geographically remote location where cars wouldnt beavailable, Google can use images from its volunteers. Volunteers like HerveAndrieu, an enthusiastic Google local guide and editor of googlemaps. guru have67,000 photos on Goo

11、gle Maps. In addition, Google also has a couple of othertypes of vehicles better equipped to handle rough land than cars. There aretrolleys, snowmobiles, and three-wheelers, as well as a Street View Trekker.This portable equipment allows people to bring the camera with them to getimages that cars ne

12、ver could.(1)What is the text mainly about?A . The advantages of Google Street View.B . The ways for Google Street View to get pictures.C . The portable equipment for Google Street View.D . The technology of making 360-degree Google images.(2)What contributes most photos to Google Street View?A . Vo

13、lunteers.B . Map editors.C . Portable equipment.D . Google Street View cars.(3)Where is the text probably taken from?A . A tech website.B . A travel guide.C . A fashion magazine.D . An app advertisement.3. (2020高二上太原期末)阅读理解 The day I heard that Rainbow Bookstore wasclosing after 50 years of business

14、, I was heartbroken. The bookstore, which wasa landmark in the neighbourhood, was a place where anyone could drop in andread books. When I hurried to the store, I saw that thebooks were already packed into boxes. I had a long chat with Casey, the storeselderly owner. Sighing deeply, he told me how i

15、t was becoming difficult to runhis bookstore. Most young people preferred reading e-books on tablets and morecustomers were attracted by low price of online stores. I tried to think ofsome words to comfort him, but I knew Rainbow Bookstore couldnt stay inbusiness much longer. A few months later, I w

16、as back in theneighbourhood during my spring break and was surprised to see that thebookstore was still there and opened for business. Its old brick walls hadntbeen decorated, but inside it was like a different world. I was told that the community had decided towork together on a program to save Rainbow Bookstore. The prog


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