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1、状语从句状语从句(Adverbial Clauses)状语从句即指在主从复合句用作状语的从句。按照其意义,状语从句可分为时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句等。状语从句的位置比较灵活,可以置于句首,也可以置于句末。1. 时间状语从句(1) when引导的时间状语从句when引导的时间状语从句,其动词既可以是延续性动作的动词,也可以是瞬间性动作的动词,而且可以表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时发生,或者从句的动作发生在主句的动作之前。如:when you apply for a job, you must present your cred

2、entials.当你申请工作时,你必须递交你的有关证件。(同时)when the students heard the teachers footsteps, they all talking.当学生们听到老师的脚步声时,他们都停止了讲话。(从句动作发生在前) when还可表示just then(正在那时,突然)的意思,此时其所引导的从句只放在主句之后。如:we were about to start when it began to rain.我们正要动身,突然天下起雨来。(2) as引导的时间状语从句as引导的时间状语从句其动词的动作是延续性的,而且侧重表示主句和从句的动作并相发生:We

3、were having breakfast as she was combing her hair.她梳头时我们在吃早饭。(3) while引导的时间状语从句while表示“在某一段时间里”或“在期间”,其所引导的从句的动作是延续性的,并侧重表示和主句的动作同时发生。如:I can learn while I work.我可以边工作边学习。(4) before引导的时间状语从句 before“在之前”Ill be back before you have left.你离开之前我就会回来。 before“之后才”It may be many years before we meet again.

4、可能要过许多年我们才能再见了。It was three days before I came back.他三天后才回来。(5) as soon as/once/directly/the instant等引导的时间状语从句as soon as 是最常见的表示“一就”的从属连词,其他连词还有once,directly,immediately,instantly,the instant (that),the minute(that) ,the moment(that)等,它们通常都可与as soon as换用。如:As soon as we got home, the telephone rang.

5、我们一到家,电话就响了。I recognized her immediately I saw her.我一看见她就认出她来了。(6) hardly.when/no sooner.than引导的时间状语从句关联从属连词hardly/barely/scarcely.when和no sooner.than的意思是“刚就”,它们所引导的从句中的谓语动词通常为过去完成时。如:He had no soonerarrived home than he was asked to start on another journey.他刚一到家,就又要他出另一次差。No sooner had the words b

6、een spoken than he realized that he should have remained silent.这些话刚一出口,他就意识到自己应该保持沉默。(7) since引导的时间状语从句在含有since引导的时间状语从句的复合句中,从句的谓语动词通常为一般过去时,主句的谓语动词通常为现在完成时、过去完成时和一般现在时,如:Weve never met since we graduated from the college.大学毕业后我们就再没见过面。Great changes have taken place since you left.你走了以后,这里发生了巨大变化。

7、(8) till/until引导的时间状语从句 till和until同义,作“直到时(为止)”解,till多用于非正式文体,until多用于句首。如:Donald will remain in college until(till) he finishes his Ph.D course.唐纳德将留在学校直到完成他的博士学位课程。I wont go with you until(till) I finished my homework.等我做完作业我才和你一起去。(9) whenever/each time/every time引导的时间状语从句whenever在引导时间状语从句时作“每当;每

8、次”解,each time和every time与whenever同义,通常可以与它换用。如:The roof leaks whenever it rains.每逢下雨屋顶就漏雨。Whenever/ Every time/ Each time I met her, she was studying.我每次看见她时,她总是在学习。2. 地点状语从句(1) 引导的地点状语从句从属连词where“在(或到)的地方”Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。Put it where you found it.把它放在原来的地方。 where 在地点状语从

9、句中,除指地点外,还可指处境等。如:He said he was happy where he was.他说他对自己的处境很满意。Its your fault that she is where she is.她今天落到这个地步都怪你。 有时地点状语从句中的某些词可以省略。如:Fill in the blanks with the given phrases. Change the form where necessary.用所给的短语填空,必要的地方可以改变其形式。Avoid structure of this kind where possible.只要可能,就要避免这种结构。(2) wh

10、erever引导的地点状语从句从属连词wherever“在(或到)的各个地方”:You can go wherever(anywhere) you like these days.这些天你可以去你想去的地方。(Everywhere) they went, the experts were warmly welcomed.专家每到一处, 都受到热烈的欢迎。Sit down wherever you like.你喜欢坐哪儿就坐哪儿。3. 原因状语从句(1) because引导的原因状语从句because表示人们不知道的直接的原因或理由,着重点在从句,其所引导的从句,为全句句意的中心所在。通常用于回

11、答why引出的疑问句,语气最强,除特别强调外,该从句一般位于主句后面。I didnt go with her because I couldnt afford it.我没有和她一起出国是因为费用太高。Dont scamp your work because you are pressed for time.不要因为时间仓促而马马虎虎。(2) as引导的原因状语从句as引导的原因状语从句所传递的通常是已知信息,从句多位于主句之前,通常可以和since换用。如:As I didnt know the way,I asked a policeman.我不认识路,因而问警察。As it is snow

12、ing, we shall not climb the mountain.由于在下雪,我们不去爬山了。(3) since引导的原因状语从句since引导的原因状语从句所传递的通常是已知信息,从句多位于主句之前,通常可以和as换用。如:Since traveling by air is much faster,they decided to take a plane.既然乘飞机旅行快得多,他们就决定坐飞机。Since you wont help me ,Ill ask someone else.你既然不帮我,那我就请别人帮忙。4. 目的状语从句(1) in order that引导的目的状语从句

13、in order that“为了;以便”。多用于正式文体,通常可以与so that换用。如:You stopped at Hangzhou in order that they could go around West Lake.他们在杭州停了下来,以便游览西湖。The expert spoke slowly in order that everyone should understand.专家讲得很慢,以便人人听得懂。(2) so (that)引导的目的状语从句so that“为了;以便”。so that通常可以与in order that换用,它所引导的目的状语从句总是放在主句之后,在非正

14、式文体中,常省略that。如:Speak clearly so that they may understand you.你要讲得清楚,他们才听得懂。She wanted tea ready at seven so she could be out by eight.她要七点钟备好茶点,这样她八点以前就可以出门了。. 结果状语从句(1) so that引导的结果状语从句 so that引导的结果状语从句只能位于主句之后,中间可以有逗号。如:Suddenly it began to rain heavily,so that it was almost impossible to carry on

15、 driving.突然下起了大雨,几乎无法继续开车。Linda phoned me in on arrival so that I know she was safe and sound.琳达到达后给我打了电话,因而我知道她平安无事。“so that”既可引导结果状语从句也可引导目的状语从句。究竟是引导的结果状语从句还是目的状语从句,除了根据句意来判断外,还可根据结构形式来加以判断。若从句前有逗号,一般为结果状语从句,如果从句中有情态动词,通常则为目的状语从句。如:They started out early, so that they didnt miss the train.他们早早就出发了,所以没误火车。(结果状语从句)They started out early so that they would not miss the train.他们早早出发是为了不误火车。(目的状语从句)(2) so.that引导的结果状语从句so.that“如此以致”,that在非正式文体中可以省略,



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