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1、Unit 1 Star signs(第3课时)Reading II学案1、进一步了解有关星座的知识。2、认识和了解与性格有关的词汇。3、掌握描述人物性格和品质的知识。【课前自主预习】一、翻译下面的词组。1、有很多精力_ 2、喜爱保守秘密_3、原谅别人的过错_ 4、一个礼貌公正的人_5、有足够的耐心_ 6、讨厌和别人一样_7、一个随和的领导_ 8、喜欢梦想一切 _9、擅长制作东西_ 10、试着用不同的方式做每件事_二、按括号中的要求改写下列句子。1. He is so young that he can go out alone. (改为简单句)He is .2. He had to look

2、after his mother at home.(改为同义句) He had to .3. The panda is so fat that it cant go through the hole.(改为同义句) The hole such a fat panda to go through.4. I dont think that Wuxi is so beautiful as Suzhou.(改为同义句) I think Suzhou is than Wuxi.5. We found that she was an imaginative girl.(改为含有“宾语+宾语补足语”结构的简

3、单句) We found .三、.用下列方框中的动词的适当形式填空。feel certain of, do, ask, eat, make1. Do you mind dumplings for lunch today?2. David is curious about everything and always questions.3. Peter is a confident student and his own ability.4. We dont have enough time all the extra work.5. Its clever of such a young gir

4、l the birthday cards.【知识链接】1. You are elegant and love beautiful things. 你文雅,追求完美。 elegant作形容词用,意为“文雅的”“优美的”“漂亮的”,也有“简洁的”“简练的”的意思, 一般指在风格上极其时髦或正式的事物,或指昂贵、错综复杂或过于丰富的事物。如: She is tall and elegant. 她身材修长,优雅大方。 Yesterday his mother wore an elegant dress and went the party. 昨天他母亲穿着一件高雅的连衣裙去参加舞会了。 I saw t

5、he couple go into an elegant restaurant. 我看见那对夫妇进了一家雅致的饭店。 They thought of an elegant solution to the question.2. You love peace and do not like to argue with others. 你热爱和平,不喜欢与人争吵。 a. argue用作动词,意为“辩论、争论”。如: They argued the matter for hours. 这件事他们辩论了好几个小时。 He argued that she should not go. 他们争辩说她不应该

6、去。 b. argue with sb. (about/over sth. )意为“(就某事)与争论、争吵、争辩”。如: My brother are always arguing with me about the house.我兄弟总为房子的事和我争论不休。 They argued with each other over the money. 他们为钱的事相互争吵过。 拓展 argument是argue的名词形式,它的常见用法如下: Two men were deep in argument. 两个人在激烈地争论。 There was a hot argument. 有一场激烈的辩论。行

7、了充分争论.3. You are a powerful person and have lots of energy. 你个性强烈,精力充沛。a. powerful作形容词,意为“健壮的”“强壮的”。如: He is a powerful person. 他是个体格健壮的人。 Look, Simon has got a powerful body. 瞧!Simon有健壮的体魄。b. powerful作形容词,有“权势的”“有影响力的”的意思。如: China is one of the most powerful countries in the world. 中国现在是世界上最具有影响力的国

8、家之一。 Zhang Yimou is a powerful director in China. 张艺谋是位中国具有影响力的导演。c. powerful作形容词,还可以作“强有力”“力量大的”解。如: Have you got powerful tools to do the work? 你们有有效工具去干那活吗? That is a powerful truck. 那是辆大功率卡车。 4. You like to keep secrets. 你能保守秘密。 a.keep secrets或keep a secret。意为“保守秘密”。如: They asked us to keep secr

9、ets for them. 他们要我们为他们保守秘密。 b. keep + 形容词表示“继续保持某种状态”,其中keep为连系动词。如: I hope to keep healthy. 我希望保持健康。 Keep quiet and listen to me. 安静,听我说。 c. “keep + O + 形容词/分词/介词短语”是个常用词组,其中“形容词/分词/介词短语”是宾语补足语,表示“使保持某种状态”。如: I was too tired to keep my eyes open. 我累得连眼睛都睁不开了。 Its a good way to keep our classroom cl

10、ean. 最好的办法是保持我们的教室干净。 After class we should also keep our desk tidy. 课后,我们也应该保持桌面整洁、有序。You should keep your hands behind your backs. 你们要把手放在背后。 A cold kept him in bed for a week. 感冒使他卧床一周。 You have to keep the fire burning. 你得让火一直烧着。 Im sorry. I kept you waiting outside so long. 对不起,让你在外面久等了。 Dont k

11、eep the window closed all day long. 不要整天把窗户关着。 She kept the food locked in the fridge. 她一直把食品锁在冰箱里。d. 词组keepaway (from), “不让靠近”。接介from短语时,表示“妨碍”或“免遭”。 You should keep your long hair away from the running machine. 你应该让你的长发远离转动的机器。 Keep him away. 别让他靠近。 I mustnt keep you from your work. 我不能妨碍你去干你的工作。

12、We must keep this from getting dirty. 我们一定要尽力别把这弄脏了。 They make fire to keep the animals from coming near. 他们生火是使动物不靠近。 e. keep后面可以直接用动词+ing的形式,表示“持续做某事”“不间断地做某事”。如: My father kept coughing all right. 我父亲整夜咳嗽。 Dont keep talking in class. 课上不要一直讲话。归纳 a. “keep + 名词” 意为履行(诺言等);遵守(惯例等)b. keep + 形容词. keep

13、也可作连系动词,意为保持某一状态c. “keep + 宾语 + 形容词/分词/介词短语” 表示“使保持某种状态”。d. keep up 意为维持、继续; keep up with 意为跟上。 e. keep on doing sth.意为继续做某事f. keep sb. doing sth. 意为让某人一直做某事g. keep sb. from doing sth. 意为阻止某人做某事。 We must keep them from getting to know our plans. 我们必须防止他们知道我们的计划。 h. 常与keep搭配的名词 keep ones balance 保持平衡; keep



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