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1、2015年柳州市初中毕业升学考试试卷英语第卷 (选择题,共90)一、听力测试(共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)第一节 听音辨图。听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。每个句子读两遍。第二节 情景反应。听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。5. A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon.C. Goodbye, Miss Smart.6. A. Fine, thanks.B. Its cold.C. Its Monday.7. A. Its cute.B. Its redC. Its long8. A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, he is.C. Y

2、es, she does.9. A. I am Lingling.B. Its on the desk.C. I am from China.10. A. Dont mention it.B. Forget it.C. Take it easy.第三节 对话理解(一)听五组短对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。11. How old is Tom?A. 14.B. 15. C. 16. 12. What is Linda doing?A. Singing.B. Dancing.C. Reading.13. Who is talking to Sarah?A. Her dad.B.

3、Her brother.C. Her sister.14. Where does the man want to go?A. To the hospital. B. To the zoo.C. To the airport.15. Whose book is this?A. Its Kates.B. Its JimsC. Its Lilys.(二)听第三段长对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。听第一段长对话, 回答第16至18小题。16. Whats Bettys favourite sport?A. Table tennis.B. Football.C. Basketball.

4、17. When are Betty and Sam going to play table tennis?A. Next Monday.B. This afternoon.C. Next Saturday.18. Where are Betty and Sam going to play table tennis?A. At home.B. In the hotel.C. In their school.听第二段长对话,回答第19至21小题。19. Which club would Jane like to join?A. The music Club.B. The Food and Dri

5、nk Club.C. The Guitar Club.20. What can Tony cook?A. Eggs.B. Fish.C. Noodles.21. How is Tonys Chinese?A. Excellent.B. Wonderful.C. Not good.听第三段长对话,回答第22至25小题。22. Where is the woman?A. In the cinema.B. In the shop.C. In the library.23. What things look fresh?A. The applesB. The bananas.C. The strawb

6、erries.24. Whats the price of the pears?A. 10 yuan a kilo.B. 12 yuan a kilo.C. 14 yuan a kilo.25. How many kinds of things does the woman buy?A. 3.B. 2.C. 1.第四节 语篇理解。听一篇短文内容选择正确的答案。短文读三遍。26. The boys and girls have a trip to the _.A. college.B. museum.C. factory.27. The visit starts on the _ floor.A

7、. firstB. second.C. third. 28. You can read _ and look at some modern inventions on the second floor.A. the inventions storiesB. the invention storiesC. the story of the museum29. You can have_ on the fourth floor.A. a taxi.B. a planeC. a drink30. The boys and girls should finish their reports about

8、 the visit next _.A. Friday.B. ThursdayC. Wenesday二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。31. Mike _ Betty are our friends.A. butB. orC. and32. There is a_ on the desk.A. cupsB. bookC. rulers33. Daming runs _ of the three.A. fastB. fasterC. the faster34. I usually get up early _ the morning.A. in

9、B. onC. at35. This is _ new watch. I like it very much.A. myB IC. me36. -_ are you in? -I am in Class One.A. Which schoolB. What classC. Which grade37. _ your article carefully, some mistakes can be avoided.A. CheckB. If you checkC. Checking 38. It is hot today, _? -Yes, it is.A. arent theyB. dont y

10、ouC. isnt it39.Shall we go _ tomorrow, dad? -Good idea.A. swamB. swimmingC. swim40. A _ tree is near the riverA. bigB. oldC. fat41. These are my parents. They _ workers.A. amB. areC. is42. I _ know you can play the piano so well. -Thank you.A. didnt B. dontC. cant43. Its time _ home now.A. goB. goes

11、C. to go44. Do you know _? -Yes. Its a ball.A. why she brought the boxB. what is in the boxC. how much the box is45. A friend is a person _ you know very well and like very much.A. whoB. whichC. whose三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,选择最佳的答案。My friend Jack always had accidents. He did not _46_ attentio

12、n to what he was doing or where he was going.A few months ago, _47_ car hit him while he was on his way home from school. The driver was tired, _48_ he did not see Jack. And Jack was talking on _49_ mobile phone and was riding in the middle of the road. The car hit him. He _50_ his leg and was in ho

13、spital for over a month.Last week, he was not looking _51_ he was going as usually. As a result, he fell into a hole _52_ the park. Some _53_ people in the park helped him climb out of the hole and then took him to hospital. _54_, he did not break an arm or a leg this time. At the hospital, the _55_

14、 gave him some medicine and then he went home.After the two accidents, Jack changed a lot. Now he is very careful.46. A. costB. takeC. pay47. A. aB. anC. the48. A. as B. soC. till49. A. heB. himC. his50. A. brokeB. jumpedC. carried51. A. whyB. whereC. when52. A. onB. inC. under53. A. badB. rudeC. kind54. A. LuckilyB. CertainlyC. Loudly55. A. doctorB. driversC. farmer.四、阅读理解(共20小题,56-


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