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1、小学 三 年级 英语 科教案设计集 体 备 课个人备课序号1授课时间 年 月 日Module 1 unit1 its the ABC song 学习任务The alphabetABC song Whats your favourite song?Its the ABC song功能学习英文字母The teaching process1. listen,point and sayon the board write letters of the alphabet randomly across the board. you can write both upper and lower case

2、letters and you may want to write each letter more than once.Explain to the students that you are going to call out two letters. Then you will invite a students to go to the board and draw a line to connect the two letters.Teaching tip : methodologyMake sure that the students are exposed to new lang

3、uage before they are expected to produce it PronunciationPlease note that following table is for reference only; the information it contains is for you .the teacher, and not for the students .as the students continue their studies ,they will come across phonetic symbols that will show them to pronou

4、nce wordsThe table shows to pronounce some of the names of the letters on the alphabet; it does not show the sound that each letter makes.At the top of each column is a phonetic symbol .this shows the vowel sound contained in the name of the letters in that column . for example in the /e/ column ,th

5、e first letter is f (pronounced/ef/) and first letter in the /I:/ column is b (pronounced/bi:/).Explain to the students that when you show a flashcard with an upper case letter , they should call out , big they should say , small is you show them a lower case letter. Alternatively. The students can

6、stand up when they see an upper case letter and sit down when they see a lower case letter .HomeworkDo ex 3.4教 学 反 思小学 三 年级 英语 科教案设计集 体 备 课个人备课序号2授课时间 年 月 日Unit21. Listen and point If possible ,have the students bring in two items from home (or they can draw pictures of two objects). They should bri

7、ng one item that is their favourite and another object that is not their favourite . encourage them to bring small objects that will fit in their school bag and ensure they get their parents permission .Get some students to come to the front of the class and have them bring their objects. The first

8、student points to one object and frowns or smiles. The class makes a statement about that object.Teaching tip :classroom languageTeach the students useful classroom language . here are some suggestionsWhats it /this?Can you repeat that,please?Im sorry. I dont understandWork in pairs/with a partner.S

9、top ,please.Point to Change partners, pleaseHow do you sayin English /Chinese?How do you spell?Be quiet, please!Keep your list of classroom language on the wall . Use this language in the classroom and encourage the students to use it ,too.Act it outAsk a competent student , whats your favorite colo

10、ur ? point to different colors in the room, on the textbook or write the color words on the board if the students needs prompting , he/she should respond , its colourExplain to the students that the color words, e.g. red ,blue, green are adjectives. Therefore, we dont use the indefinite articles(a,a

11、n) in front of them.Move round the class and ask individual students, whats your favourite colour? prompt them to answer , if necessary Now have a competent student come to the front and play the game again Homework Do ex 1.2教 学 反 思小学三年级数英语科教案集 体 备 课个人备课序号3授课时间 年 月 日Module 2教学内容:Unit 1 They,re monke

12、ys学习任务:Whats this ? Its a tige/big. What are they ? They are monkeys/small.教学过程:1、热身复习老师热情地和学生打招呼问好,带领学生唱字母歌“A”、课文导入()老师在黑板上画一条细长的猴子尾巴,问学生:“Its a park of an animal. Whats it ?”()老师把猴子的简笔画补充完整,教授新单词“monkey”。()请一组学生到教室前面借助肢体动作和声音扮演一群老虎。老师问全班学生:“What are they ?”学生回答:“They are tigers.”3、课文教学教师引导全班学生不停的说

13、:“Big”。教授新单词“big”和“small”出示胖熊猫和瘦猴子的图片,教授新单词“fat”和“thin”把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,引导学生使用完整的句子来回答。播放录音,提出问题,让学生带着问题听录音,听完后回答问题。、任务完成完成任务一教师引导学生说出他们知道的动物名称。完成任务二让学生看AB Unit 1练习中的图,找出图中隐藏的动物并给它们涂上颜色。课后作业:听录音,复习本单元内容,预习下一单元内容。画一幅动物园的图,用英文描述每一中动物的特征。教 学 反 思小学三年级数英语科教案集 体 备 课个人备课序号4授课时间 年 月 日Unit 2 Students BookWarmer:1

14、 Revise some big and small objects on the board.2 Do more examples. You can make statements about classroom objects as well as the pictures.Look and say1 Tell the class that you are going to call out two students names The two students stand up and Student A say an adjective. Studet B has to say its

15、 opposite. The students know three pairs of adjectives: tall-short ; fat-thin ; big-small .2 Now get two more students to stand up and do the activity. On completion, have the students continue the activity in pairs.Point, ask and answer. Extension Activity 21 Write your own riddles and have the students guess the identity of the animals. Its big and fat. Its black and orange.



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