采购框架合同Purchase ContractWord版

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《采购框架合同Purchase ContractWord版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《采购框架合同Purchase ContractWord版(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、合同编号: 采 购 框 架 合 同Purchase Frame Contract需方:地址:供方:地址:开户行:账户:采购框架合同 供、需双方以平等互利为原则,经协商一致,特对本采购框架合同(以下称“合同”)如下约定:This Purchase Frame Contract (hereinafter “Contract”) of the following items was made, on the principle of mutual benefit, after friendly consultation, by and between Purchaser and Supplier h

2、ereof: 1标的 Object 本合同的标的为供方依据相应规定提供给需方的产品和/或服务。在本合同期内供方应按本合同的要求提供订单中的产品和/或服务。The Object in this contract means Supplier delivers products and/or services to Purchaser pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. During the period of this contract, Purchaser shall, on the basis of this contract, deli

3、ver ordered products and/or services. 2价格条款 Price2.1 供、需双方书面约定的产品和服务的价格条款,以本合同附件采购订单为准。Both Purchaser and Supplier hereby agree to the price terms of the products and services through written agreement; nevertheless, the aforementioned shall be final confirmed by Purchase Order annexed hereof. 2.2 合

4、同或订单中的总价应包含所订购产品的运费、包装费、装卸费等费用,以及所有与产品/服务相关的税,包括关税、增值税、消费税等。同时相关税种、税率和税金应在总价中单独列出。Total price of this contract or purchase order shall contain all reference fees with respect to products/services, including transportation fees, package fees, upload and download fees, etc. and all reference tax, incl

5、uding tariff, value added tax, consumption tax and etc. Meanwhile, the reference tax type, rate and amount shall be shown separately in total payment. 3订单 Purchase Order3.1 订单:本合同的订单是指,需方根据本合同约定向供方发出的供货凭证。订单应包含如下信息:标的物、单价、总价、交货时间、数量等。Order: Order in this contract shall be the delivery certification

6、that Purchaser sends to Supplier pursuant to this contract. Each Purchase Order shall contain the following information: Subject Matter, Unit Price, Total Price, Delivery Time, and Quantity.3.2 订单为本合同不可分割的一部分与本合同享有同等效力。本合同与订单约定不一致的,以订单为准。Purchase Order shall be an integral part of this contract, and

7、 enjoy same legal effect of this contract. In case of any discrepancy between this contract and purchaser order, purchaser order shall be prevail.3.3 订单确认:供方应按照需方要求对需方订单书面确认(传真件有效,且应由供方授权代表签字并加盖与协议主体一致的公章或合同专用章)。经正式确认的订单的,对双方有约束力。Order Confirmation: Supplier shall, on the basis of Purchasers require

8、ment, send written confirmation to Purchaser (Facsimile shall be valid, and shall be signed and chopped, with the same company chop of this contract, by the authorized representatives of the Supplier). The final written confirmed Order shall be bind by the parties. 3.4 如供方未在需方所要求的时间内对订单进行书面确认,视为供方拒绝

9、本合同及其订单,需方有权另行安排采购。If within the required time, Supplier doesnt send written confirmation to the Order, such Order shall be regard as rejected by Supplier and Purchase is entitled to make any arrangement of purchasing. 3.5 订单交货期:订单交货期以订单约定为准;除非需方书面要求或同意,供方的交货时间不得推迟。供方迟延交货,需方有权向供方索赔:(1)每延迟交付1日向供方索赔全部

10、价款的1%作为违约金,但是最高不得超过全部价款的30%,否则需方有权解除合同;(2)索赔包括但不限于律师费用、调查费、专业鉴定费、差旅费、食宿费等追索费;(3)除上述损失外,如有其他损失的,需方有权继续索赔。Ordered Delivery Period shall be subject to the Order; except as otherwise required or agreed by Purchaser, delivery time shall never be postponed. In the event of late delivery, Purchaser shall b

11、e entitled to claim against Supplier: (1) 1% of total payment for each 1 delivery day as liquidate damages, however, the maximum penalty shall not exceed 30% of total payment, otherwise, Purchaser will reserve the right of termination; (2) Clime against Supplier the attorneys fees, investigation fee

12、s, professional fees, trip expenses and food and accommodation fees; (3) except the aforementioned loss, if any other losses, Purchaser may has right to further claim. 3.6 订单终止:由于市场变化或其他不可预测因素导致需方对产品需求发生变化,需方有权根据实际情况减少订量或要求推迟发货;但是供方如随意终止订单,必须征得需方的书面同意并赔偿因此给需方造成的损失,具体相关事宜由双方协商确定。Order Termination, du

13、e to the market floating or any other unforecastable matter, Purchaser may vary its requirement from time to time, reduce the ordered quantity or delay the delivery; however, except as otherwise written consent by Purchaser, Supplier shall not randomly terminate any order; or any loss due to the ter

14、mination shall be compensated by Supplier. 4.交货 Delivery4.1交货:本合同的交货是指将产品交到生效订单中规定的交货地点,与需方或需方书面指定的收货人办理交货手续。除非订单另有约定,本合同默认交货地为本合同需方地址;需方拒绝一切形式的所有权保留内容。Delivery: Delivery in this contract means deliver Products to the place of delivery designated by the effective Order, and transit such Product to P

15、urchaser or the Consignee designated by Purchaser. Except as otherwise agreed in Purchase Order, the default delivery place herein is Purchasers contract address; Purchaser will reject any type of title retention. 4.2供方应按照需方要求于交货前48小时通知需方有关交货的详细信息。供方应制作送货单,送货单应注明货物名称、规格、单价、数量、和总价;同时供方还应提供一切与产品或服务相关的

16、技术资料、图纸及其他相关信息。Supplier shall, within 48 hours in advance, inform Purchaser of specific delivery information. Supplier shall make Delivery Slip, which shall contain Product Name, Specification, Unit Price, Quantity and Total Price; except the aforementioned, Supplier shall also provide all technical documentation, diagram, drawing and another information referred to the products or services.



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