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1、History of Britain,Warm-up,Think about the following questions. Where did the British people come from? Do you know any famous historical places or people in Britain? Who are the most famous kings or queens in Britains history?,A General Review,the stone ages(Stonehenge史前巨石阵) the Celts Conquests the

2、 Middle Ages the Tudors Civil Wars Restoration and Revolutions the British Empire the World Wars,The Most Important Facts,Henry II and reform of courts 1163 John and the Great Charter 1215 Simon de Monfort and the beginning of Parliament 1265 The Hundred Years War 1337-1453 The Black Death 1348-1349

3、 Wars of the Roses 1455-1485 Henry VIII and reform of the Church 1529-1534 Renaissance 16th-17th c Civil Wars 1641-1651 Restoration 1660 and the Glorious Revolution 1688 the Industrial Revolution 1750-1850 The Charist Movement 1836-1848 The British Empire to the British Commonwealth 15th-19th c Worl

4、d War I 1914-1918 World War II 1939-1945,The Beginning of Britain,The Early settlers (-55B.C) Roman Britain (55B.C-410 A.D) Anglo-Saxon Britain (410-871) Viking Britain (871-1042) Norman Conquest (1066),The Early Settlers (55B.C),The Celtic Civilization,Roman Britain (55B.C.-410),Roman Influence,The

5、 Latin language Roman laws, taxes, engineering skills, architecture Roman social system System of writing and numbering The first written description of the land,Heptarchy “King of the English” : Egbert, the king of Wessex,Anglo-Saxon Influence,Transition from tribal society into feudal society Infl

6、uence of Northern mythology on the English language Introduction of Christianity Monasteries(隐修院) and written books,The Norman Conquest,William of Normandy (or William the Conqueror) King Harold and the Battle of Hastings,Three Social Classes,Clergy: in charge of spiritual matters and supposed to sa

7、ve your soul,Nobility: the land-owners who played a significant role in government. They were there to protect their subjects.,Third Estate: Included everybody that was left. This class included - Middle Class, Peasants/Serfs, Slaves,The Feudal System,Lords received land from their lord, and had to

8、fight in his army. They ruled over their serfs. Manorialism: serfs received land from a noble, and had to do work for him. Serfs were basically slaves who had to pay tithes to their lords and were bound to the land. Deteriorated later because of loss of labor force due to Crusades and Black Death.,T

9、he House of Norman,Henry II (1154-1189),The House of Anjou (Plantagenet),Henry s Reform,Dividing the whole country into 6 circuits and appointing justices to each. Cases heard before the intermittent justices who applied the law impartially. Introduction of a new jury system to replace the old ordea

10、l-based trial system. The trial of clergymen charged with criminal offenses at the Kings court instead of the Bishops court. During his reign, a common law was gradually established in place of the previous laws of the local barons.,Document that regulated the relationship between the king and his v

11、assals. Signed in 1215 in England by King John under the press of the barons.,The Great Charter,The Great Charter,Limitation: a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and a limitation of the powers of the king Significance: foundation of English liberties Later granted to all English people instead

12、of just magistrates.,Origins of the Parliament,Started as the Kings Great Council (tenants-in-chief), which was found by William the Conqueror Henry III and his son (later Edward I) were made to accept the Provisions of Oxford. In 1265, Simon de Montfort summoned the Great Council, together with two

13、 knights from each county and two citizens from each town. Main role: to offer advice. No elections or parties. Instituted in 1295 by Edward I and developing into the House of Lords and the House of Commons,The Hundred Years War,1337-1453. Wars between France and England. Territorial and partly econ

14、omic causes Massive destruction to the countryside. Ended in very little or no gain for either side. There was no formal treaty that ended it. Joan of Arc Significance,The Black Death,A great plague that devastated Europe in the 14th century. Killing 25 to 50% of the total population of Europe (25mi

15、llion) and half the population of England. Terrible shortage of labour Statute of Labourers (1351 ),The Peasant Uprising(1381),Wat Tyler Flat rat poll tax Richard II (14 yrs old) promised to accept their terms if they would just go home. After they left, the king broke his word, and rounded up the r

16、emaining rebels. Significance: A whole new class of yeomen farmers emerged, paving the way for the development of capitalism.,The Wars of Roses,Plantagenets probably saved England from religious wars She funded voyages of discovery to the Americas; expeditions prepared England for an age of colonization and expansion。(The English Navy defeated the Spanish Armada) Under her reign, the arts flourished; miniature painting was at a high point and th


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