【部编】人教新课标版英语高一必修3 Unit 5 Canada—The TrueNorth 同步练习

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1、 人教新课标版英语高一必修3 Unit 5 CanadaThe TrueNorth 同步练习一、选择题 (共15题,共0分)1.The student had no choice but his teacher the mistakes he had made.A. to apologize to; forB. to apologize; forC. apologizing for; toD. to apologize for; for2.One of the viewers says he was deeply _ by the white cloud and black earth ser

2、ies performed by Zhao Benshan and Song Dandan.A. motivatedB. impressedC. expressedD. inspired3.makes the school famous is more than 90 percent of the students have been admitted to universities.A. What; becauseB. That; becauseC. That; whatD. What; that4.In your opinion,who is the best basketball pla

3、yer in the world? Yao Ming. I think he has a(n)_ for basketball.A. presentB. limitC. interestD. gift5.Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people harm them.A. more thanB. rather thanC. other thanD. better than6.The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen

4、from a _ of 60 miles.A. lengthB. distanceC. wayD. space7.I think there are different ways the problem.A. settleB. to settleC. settlingD. settled8.The notice came around two in the afternoon the meeting would be postponed.A. whenB. thatC. whetherD. how9.I prefer _ the movies rather than _ home.A. go

5、to; stayB. to go to; stayC. going to; stayingD. to go to; staying10.At that moment the water in the river to a dangerous point.A. raisedB. increasedC. addedD. rose11.Im glad that yesterday you to finish the work on time so that we can carry out our plan now.A. managedB. triedC. hopedD. wanted12.He s

6、old the vegetables at half price _ let them go bad.A. as well asB. rather thanC. instead ofD. as good as13.Only when he apologizes for his rudeness to him again.A. I will speakB. will I speakC. do I speakD. I speak14.The world was deeply with the Green Olympics held in China in 2008.A. encouragedB.

7、offeredC. impressedD. covered15.Your house is always so neat. How do you _ it with three children?A. manageB. serveC. adaptD. construct二、 文章里有十处错误,找出并改正。 (共1题,共0分)16.Last night I was getting ready for the coming examination while the noise from my neighbor interrupted me. The noise went on and on. I

8、t was too loud that I could hardly pay attention with my study any longer. So I went to my neighbor house and said him, “Excuse me, would you please turn down the TV? Im preparing for tomorrows examination.” Hear these words, his face turned to red. And he said, “OK, I will. Im very sorry have made

9、so much noise. Just now, the football game was very wonderful. I was too exciting to control myself. I wont do that again. Good luck in your coming examination.” After that, I got down to his study.12345678910三、完形填空 (共0题,共0分)四、阅读理解(共2题,共0分)17.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C或D)中,选出最佳选项Canadian English is the

10、 variety of Englishspoken in Canada. English, instead of French, is the first language, or “mothertongue”, of approximately 24 millionCanadians (77%), and more than 28 million (86%) are fluent in the language.Canadian English contains elements ofBritish English and American English in its vocabulary

11、, as well as Canadiannative language. In many areas, speech is influenced by French, and there arenotable local variations. Canada has very little dialect diversity compared tothe United States. Canadian English and American English are sometimesclassified together as North American English. Canadia

12、n English spelling islargely a combination of British and American conventions(惯例)The term “Canadian English” is firstproved in a speech by the Reverend A. Constable Geikie in a speech to theCanadian Institute in 1857. Geikie, a Scottish-born Canadian, reflected the Anglocentricattitude that would b

13、e common in Canada for the next hundred years when hereferred to the language as “a ruined dialect,” incomparison to what he considered the proper English spoken by immigrants fromBritain.Canadian English is the product of fourwaves of immigration and settlement over a period of almost two centuries

14、. Thefirst large wave of long English-speaking settlement in Canada, andlinguistically the most important, was the arrival of Loyalists escaping fromthe American Revolution, chiefly from the Mid-Atlantic statesas such, CanadianEnglish is believed by some scholars to have come from northern AmericanE

15、nglish. Recent studies suggest that Canadian English has been developingfeatures of its own since the early 19th century. The second wave from Britainand Ireland was encouraged to settle in Canada after the War of 1812 by thegovernors of Canada. Waves of immigration from around the globe peaking in 1910and 1960 had a lesser influence.



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